The Day of the Long Knives

Knives and more knives — blades wielded by culture-enrichers continue to flash and slash all across Germany.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit:

Knife crime

Carrying a long knife: Afghan man attacks police officers in Rügen

In broad daylight, an Afghan man runs through the streets of Rügen with a long kitchen knife. He wants to destroy election posters for a conservative party. When the police arrive, the situation escalates.

Bergen Auf Rügen

A 22-year-old Afghan cut down several election posters with a knife in Bergen auf Rügen in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and then attacked police officers. On Wednesday evening, a bus driver informed the police that the suspect had kicked his bus and was cutting down election posters with a kitchen knife, reported the Stralsund police station. At least one of the election posters was for the local voters’ association “Citizens for Conservative Values”.

When the police officers rushed to the scene and asked him to put the knife down, the Afghan did so — and then attacked the officers. The police officers were not injured. However, the attacker was taken to a hospital in Stralsund with the help of an emergency doctor. The officers handcuffed him beforehand.

Police officers file criminal charges

The kitchen knife was confiscated. It is said to have a fixed blade of 11.5cm [5 inches]. Criminal charges are being prepared against the 22-year-old for completed and attempted damage to property as well as for resisting and attacking law enforcement officers.

Most recently, a similar incident occurred on Wednesday in Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg. There, 62-year-old AfD local politician Heinrich Koch observed a man damaging AfD posters. When he confronted him, the stranger attacked him with a knife and inflicted several cuts on the politician. Koch had to be taken to hospital.

Leif-Erik Holm, the AfD member of parliament responsible for Rügen, is sharply critical: “It is always migrants that supposedly come as refugees who terrorize the local citizens and endanger our security,” he told Junge Freiheit. Anyone who acts in this way has “forfeited their right to stay in Germany once and for all.” If today’s announcement by Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) — to deport people to Afghanistan again — is not just empty words, “then the criminal Afghan must be quickly put on a deportation flight to his homeland,” demanded the politician.

Afterword from the translator:

Yep, deportation… I’m pretty sure that Olaf Scholz will not remember anything about that by tomorrow morning, and if this government — whose answer after the attack in Mannheim last week by an Afghan mujahid that ended the life of a young policeman and wounding several others has been to import more young men of the Islamic Faith —actually puts their actions where their lying mouth normally is for a change, hundreds of thousands of Germans of various “genders” will take to the streets to prevent those deportations. The government will then cave to this pressure of “public opinion” and no deportations will happen, and the borders will be opened even wider.

2 thoughts on “The Day of the Long Knives

    • “That is why God invented guns, start bloody using them.”

      I think the Chinese invented guns; and, whilst I’m with you in spirit, exactly who do you want to start using them against?

      Never back down in the face of tyranny. But DON’T [jump-the-gun and] become a Yeager!
      “Pack your bags” —James Yeager (2013)

      Just sayin’..

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