Knife Madness in Germany

In Sweden, the preferred weapon among culture-enrichers is now the hand grenade, but in Germany knives seem to be all the rage.

Mannheim isn’t the only German knife-spa. According to the following report, angry culture-enrichers had at each other with bladed weapons last weekend in Bremen and Berlin.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius:

Knife madness in Germany: Bloody attacks in Berlin and Bremen

There were serious stabbings in Berlin and Bremen over the weekend. In the Bremen district of Gröpelingen, Libyan, Turkish and Algerian nationals attacked each other.

On Friday evening, a mass brawl involving around 20 people broke out in the Bremen district of Gröpelingen. Those involved also used knives, which left four people seriously injured. The police press release states: “On site, the police found the men lying on the ground, some of them seriously injured, and immediately administered first aid. Rescue workers took four men aged between 17 and 34 to hospital, some with multiple stab wounds, none of which were life-threatening. A 58-year-old man was treated on-site. The emergency services cordoned off the area.”

The criminal investigation department is investigating and is now looking for witnesses. NIUS asked the police about the nationality of the perpetrators. The people involved are Libyan, Turkish and Algerian nationals. All of them have previously come to the attention of the police. A video circulating on TikTok and X is said to show the moments after the crime: [See original article for the video clip.]

Three stabbings in two days

In Berlin, too, several people ended up in hospital with serious stab wounds over the weekend. In the Mitte district, two people were stabbed in the space of a few hours at Leopoldplatz in Wedding and on Pohlstrasse.

A man with blood-stained hands was arrested on Leopoldplatz at around 8:30pm on Saturday. He is suspected of attacking a person with a knife. The police also searched two other people who were present at the argument with several participants. They are said to be Chechens. There had previously been another argument on Pohlstrasse at around 7pm. Here, too, a person stabbed his opponent with a knife.

In Charlottenburg, a 42-year-old man was also stabbed in the head on Saturday. According to the Berliner Morgenpost, the attacker asked the man for a cigarette. He refused. The unknown man then pulled out two knives, stabbed him, and fled.

On Friday evening, in the middle-class Berlin district of Nikolassee, an unknown assailant stabbed a 38-year-old in a wooded area on Badeweg. When a witness walked past, the assailant ran away. The 38-year-old was taken to hospital with severe bleeding injuries to his upper body.

Afterword from the translator:

To some this might sound harsh, but I for one do not shed any crocodiles tears for any of them. If they want to take themselves out, be my guest; at least that way the danger of their “Haute Culture” spreading to the natives is reduced by a margin, although a tiny one I must admit. But as my “sainted” Grandmother always said; “Waste not, want not.” The perfect scenario would be if they could practice their differences in “Haute Culture” in their homelands instead.

P.S.: I noticed that when I use “cultural enrichment” in the comment section of a YouTube video on certain channels, my comment gets censored, so I started to coin and use mockingly “Haute Culture” instead. I don’t know if it’s just been me that’s been censored in that way, or whether more people have started to experience this. For several years now I haven’t even been able to place a link in the comment section on YouTube for another YouTube video without being censored.

3 thoughts on “Knife Madness in Germany

  1. “For several years now I haven’t even been able to place a link in the comment section on YouTube for another YouTube video without being censored.”

    They may be detecting your ISP address. I don’t know much about these topics but I do know that my internet service assigns my ISP address “dynamically” so it’s not a static address that’s the same all the time.

    There are probably services or software that could do the same for you so that you’re not identifiable every time.

    And then I see a lot of talk about “Secure VPN” and my virus protection has that function that I turn on.

    Like I said, I don’t know much about these topics but there may be a way to mask yourself so you’re not identifiable. That’s pretty funny that they also censor you with the phrase “cultural enrichment”, I’ve taken to inserting a couple oddball characters to hinder exact-word matching, like cu1tur2l 3nrichmint

    • Several years back I used Latin Grammar combined with Zulu language and Norse Runes.
      Didn’t take long before my comment was gone.
      Admitting, I didn’t mince any words in that comment about the EUSSR and permanently drunk EUSSR president Jean-Claude Juncker .

  2. you are behind on the count as there is another Afghan culture enricher in Stralsund cutting down election posters (guess which) and turning the kitchen knife in the direction of the police when confronted.

    There is a giggle girl Green in the Bundestag who in her maiden speech last year described how she was the representative of the future because she is young, all praise to me me me. Today the SPD speaker spoke of the the death of Mannheim so giggle girl giggled about Mannheim being dead. The SPD speaker informed giggle girl that the police were in the visitor gallery. Just another day.

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