Honor Killing in Worms

A 15-year-old Afghan girl in the city of Worms in Rhineland-Palatinate disobeyed her parents and started acting like a Western teenager. Her infidel behavior cost her her life.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:


“Honour killing”: Afghans in custody after death of 15-year-old

The police arrest the parents of a teenager after they find her body on the Rhine in Worms. The Afghans apparently did not like their daughter’s lifestyle — an “honour killing”?


Suspicion of “honour killing” in Rhineland-Palatinate: The Mainz District Court has ordered pre-trial detention on suspicion of manslaughter against a 39-year-old man and his 34-year-old wife.

The Afghans are said to have killed their 15-year-old daughter because they did not like her lifestyle. The mother reported to the police in Pirmasens on Monday afternoon. She stated that her daughter had already been killed on Saturday evening in Worms. She named her husband as the suspected perpetrator.

The police had already previously investigated him for assault and offences under the Violence Protection Act, among other things. This also includes domestic violence. The Rheinpfalz reported this.

Was it an “honour killing”? [It’s what those without honour do.]

Police officers then found the body on Monday evening at the NATO ramp in Worms-Rheindürkheim on the banks of the Rhine near Worms. “There is a suspicion that the accused decided to kill their daughter because they did not agree with her lifestyle,” Mainz police headquarters announced on Tuesday. Such acts in Muslim families have become known as “honour killings”.

During her interrogation, the mother contradicted herself, which gave rise to suspicions that a joint crime had been committed. The Afghan suspects were placed in different prisons following the arrest warrant.

On Tuesday, the police secured evidence at the location where the body was found, in the apartments of those involved and in the father’s car. The police announced that the car had been confiscated in Pirmasens. The man had presumably used it to bring his daughter from the family’s apartment in Pirmasens, around 120 kilometers away, to Worms.

Afterword from the translator:

Then why did these people come to Germany to expose their daughter to a different life if they hate the culture and lifestyle? Most likely so that they can have their own parasitic lifestyle on the backs of hard-working German taxpayers and to conquer territory to plunder for Islam. And if the German government hadn’t let them into the country, and so exposed the girl to German culture and lifestyle, she’d still be alive. Married most likely to a guy — smelling like a goat — the age of her grandfather, but still alive.

2 thoughts on “Honor Killing in Worms

  1. They are vicious, hate filled people who believe it’s the family’s honor being protected by killing any female who steps out of line. A horrific culture being protected when the West claims it cares for human rights. Why are we protecting the most intolerant culture on earth? The same can be said of the lauded “Palestinians”.

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