German Muslims Should Vote for the AfD!

In the video below a “ginger Muslim” argues that Muslims should vote for the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany) in order to stop the mass importation of criminal welfare-dependent third-world migrants.

Hellequin GB, who translated the video for subtitles, includes the following contextual information:

I think this guy was definitely born in Germany, and from his looks, I’d even go so far as to say that he’s a convert to Islam. I mean, his statement about Islam is so false that it is either applied taqiyya or just plain dumb.

I wonder if he even has read the Quran or any other Islamic scriptures? I rather doubt it. But maybe he has read it all and this was his way of staying ahead of a lynch mob of his co-religionists who love to kill anyone that speaks out against Islam.

Nevertheless, the rest of what he has to say is spot on.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

02:12   As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. And those who still haven’t woken up
02:19   after Mannheim can’t be helped. As a Muslim, I tell you straight,
02:25   that has nothing to do with Islam. Yes, you hear that again and again.
02:29   But these people who commit such acts of violence are always connected with state security,
02:34   a very strange thing, just like with the right-wing terror group NSU [National Socialist Underground]
02:39   When terrorism takes place, these people are always connected
02:45   with state security, and that this regime is waging a war against its own people
02:50   is quite obvious, because their employer sits in America. Your politicians all have
02:58   transatlantic connections, are all within transatlantic connections, and since 1942
03:05   the plan has been to mix the German people so much
03:08   that it no longer exists, and that should also take place, preferably with people
03:11   who lower the gene pool further, so that the people are smart enough
03:15   to carry out simple activities, but stupid enough not to question things.
03:20   And that’s exactly what’s happening here in Germany. I’ve been traveling in Africa for a long time.
03:24   For real professionals, admission [into the country], for example from the medical field,
03:29   is almost made impossible. My own wife is an English teacher; even though
03:34   she is pregnant, married to me as a German citizen,
03:37   She is not allowed to enter as a graduated English teacher. But knife-wielding, murdering idiots
03:42   are allowed to stay — illegally and with social benefits — for nine years, at your expense,
03:47   and of course, that’s what you get up for in the morning, subhanallah.
03:50   Because you put up with everything. You’re stupid. Yes, you’re stupid.
03:53   What’s wrong with you? Wake up, Germans, wake up, vote for AfD, or at least question
03:58   something for a change. What’s the matter? Your own people
04:01   who go out into the streets [to protest] are beaten up; you have nothing to say
04:05   in your own country; your women are being groped. I don’t know, about 50 or so sexual assaults
04:10   a day, all over Germany, and mostly by people with a migration background
04:14   because you bring the last scum into your country,
04:17   because you don’t have a rational migration policy. It also has nothing to do with Islam.
04:21   If I recruit the last scum from Buddhist countries, the last scum comes from Buddhist countries.
04:24   Then people go out into the street and say,
04:28   “Buddhism is evil and Buddhism is a danger.” No, it’s your policy,
04:32   it’s your immigration policy that brings these people here, with the incentives.
04:36   You don’t need to work; if you’re a criminal, no problem,
04:40   you can deal drugs, and I know myself what kind of people come here.
04:45   I’ve had enough to do with refugees myself, and these people
04:49   are very far removed from Islam. These people deal drugs, these people drink alcohol,
04:54   these people behave like, I don’t know, a rag doll on figure skates.
04:58   If you had real Muslims here, the Germans would say, “Give us another million
05:02   of those.” But these are not real Muslims.
05:05   It’s the social underclass of these countries, which can’t gain anything anymore.
05:09   They come here, because Hartz4 is much better than anything they can get in their own countries.
05:13   It’s logical. If there’s a black sheep in the family, it’s sent to Europe.
05:17   It’s the same in Africa. Through illegal channels they’re sent to Europe.
05:21   Either he makes it or not, after all, he was just a burden for the family.
05:25   A guy who deals drugs, or who consumes drugs, hangs around all day,
05:29   is a burden for the family, so off to Europe. And the stupid Germans take them in
05:34   and pay social benefits. That’s how it is. Wake up.

2 thoughts on “German Muslims Should Vote for the AfD!

  1. I don’t know what to say anymore, this nation is rather dumb or stupid or asleep and they think everything will go away by it self !, no , it will not happen, you have to fight for this , clean up the country!!, that’s why you have to vote AFD , it’s that hard to understand?

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