Fire and Ice

The climate alarmists have been warning us about “global boiling”, but Central Europe is currently experiencing a cold snap with record amounts of snow. Nevertheless, it’s still “climate change” — whenever the weather shifts into a new pattern, it’s evidence of “climate change”, all because of that pernicious CO2. In order to fix it we just need to eat the bugs and pay higher taxes.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from eXXpress:

Green says at -5° and half a meter of snow: “The earth is burning!”

Record cold temperatures, masses of fresh snow — just right winter: That doesn’t stop Katharina Schulze (38), Bavaria’s Green Party leader, from currently warning about global warming. She says on Instagram: “Even if it doesn’t look like it: the earth is burning.”

“Even if it doesn’t look like it: We are ruled by madmen,” comments a user on X (Twitter) on the recent video clip of the Bavarian Green Party leader. And another social media user says: “Almost all of Germany is covered by a centimeter-thick blanket of snow, and the green homunculus says: ‘Even if it doesn’t look like it, the earth is burning.’ The only thing burning brightly at the moment is the fuse in the green skull.”

And in many other comments, the irritating video appearance of Katharina Schulze (38) is mostly judged negatively — the politician, standing at the window of her winter garden, said that “the earth is burning”, even “if it didn’t look like that now”, because the (burning?) nature outside lies under a massive blanket of snow.

Because “the earth is currently burning” (Schulze quote), it is so important to jet to the World Climate Conference in Dubai, says the Green politician. Another user has Katharina Schulze add: “Basically, we are having a hot trans summer right now, which just feels like winter. Who are we to judge?”

Austria’s Greens are already a bit smarter: they currently don’t write anything about climate change or global warming on their social media channels.

Afterword from the translator:

Even if she of course means “the Earth” and not Germany, which is currently in winter, the Earth is still not burning, at least not here in South Africa where I live. It’s actually quite cool for this time of the year; it’s like living on the West Coast again instead of inland and in the mountains where the average temperature is about 10°C higher in the summer because the lovely cool breeze of the South Atlantic and the Benguela Stream is missing.

All serious INDEPENDENT scientists state that there is NO warming. On the contrary: there are even numerous scientists who claim that we are moving towards a new, small ice age. Regardless, there are no reliable measurements of temperatures. In some places in the world there are many measuring devices, in other places there are no measuring devices at all. Many devices are also installed incorrectly so that they cannot provide empirical data, like those at airports. This is all complete NONSENSE — thought up by fraudsters who use this method to get research money and are busy for YEARS. And WE are also — unfortunately the majority of us — so stupid as to swallow this nonsense from them. If I just think about how many people have deregistered their cars or replaced their heating systems or no longer want to have children or started to eat unhealthy crap because of these actually obvious lies… or invest a lot of money in “renewables” WITHOUT EVEN THINKING FOR THEMSELVES, then… I feel sick for humanity.

4 thoughts on “Fire and Ice

  1. It is a twisted logic these people use: In my experience, they live in city centers, and complain about “overpopulation”. They travel the world, and complain about “people traveling too much”.

    They plain and simple project “their own sins” onto the rest of humanity, because in their selfish stupidity, they can’t even imagine that someone else would live a different life from their own.

    And to give their “reasoning” a crown, they have to use the “global problem TM” – such as “global warming”, or “cooling”, “climate change”…

    Meteorologists to this day can’t predict weather 3 days from now – and these clowns say they know what the weather will be like in 30 years? This right here is, in my mind, a complete blow to all of their arguments, and puts them on the top of the Aztec or Maya pyramid ready to sacrifice tens of thousands of their countrymen and women and children – to please “the gods” and bring about “good weather”.

    Nothing new under the Pyramid of the Sun.

  2. “Even if it doesn’t look like it: We are ruled by madmen,” Madmen? At the lower levels, yes. But at the top are different type of mad men, closer to evil, who seek control through the destruction on the ability to reason. Cold is hot. Men are women. Lies are truth. Arbeit macht Frei.

  3. Sometimes (not only) I wish that someone with a lot of Power (Putin, Orban) would sneak some elite guys into Germany, they steal an ambulance with the equipment to impair somebody (read: straightjacket and the necessary faked paperwork), drive to such a loony, arrest her, put her in a straightjacket, put some drugs (non-lethal) into her, change her appearance and bring her to the next insane asylum to commit her.
    Of course the entire episode should be taped and put on youtube (without the changed face and the insane asylum unrecognizable).
    I would pay for it.

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