Deportation? What’s That?

Any culture-enricher who makes it onto Western European soil can expect to remain there indefinitely, subsisting on various forms of state benefits. Immigration law has no meaningful effect — a migrant whose asylum application denied is unlikely to be deported, regardless of any court rulings. One presumes that would-be migrants are aware of this fact, which is one of the reasons they are so eager to pay the traffickers and make the trip across the Mediterranean or through the Balkans.

The following report describes the failure (or success, depending on how cynical one is about the government’s motives) of deportation policy in a single German state.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the Austrian portal Heimatkurier:

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: 90% of asylum seekers who are required to leave the country are tolerated

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the majority of the accommodated asylum seekers are obliged to leave the country. Nevertheless, 90% of them are officially tolerated for flimsy reasons. The state government is thus actively supporting the population exchange: replacement migrants first, Germans last, is the motto.

The inquiry by an AfD MP in the state parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania revealed the following: As of May 31, 2023, a total of 4,689 asylum seekers who were required to leave the country were staying in the state. 4,109 of these foreigners have an official state toleration. That is 87.6% of all those who are obliged to leave the country. There are a total of 7,521 asylum seekers with ongoing asylum procedures in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Documents are missing, asylum seekers stay

The reasons for toleration are extremely flimsy. 1,166 (28.4%) of these 4,109 tolerated asylum seekers are tolerated simply because they lack travel documents. 749 (18.2%) of the “gold pieces” are kept in the country due to unclear identity. The state therefore tolerates migrants whose exact origin and personal background are completely unclear. A gateway: Asylum seekers therefore destroy their travel documents in order to prevent their deportation from EU countries. That the toleration of this practice opens the door to specialist knife migrants, “sex educators” and even terrorists is simply accepted. The Germans who are exposed to them come last.

Flamboyant justifications

Another large part of the asylum seekers who are obliged to leave the country are tolerated “for other reasons” under the Residence Act: 1,543 foreigners (37.6%). The specific reasons are not given. It can be assumed that vague justifications are sufficient for the authorities to quarter the replacement migrants in the “best Germany of all time”. More than 100 asylum seekers are allowed to stay because of “family ties”, “medical” reasons, or because of a follow-up application for asylum. In the remaining cases, you play with the paragraphs of the Residence Act.

580 are not deported

A total of 4,689 replacement migrants who are required to leave the country are staying in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. It is not clear what will happen to the 580 foreigners who are not officially tolerated. In any case, they won’t be deported — otherwise they wouldn’t be included in the statistics. Most tolerated asylum seekers (1,724; 36.8%) are Syrians. The second largest group consists of Afghans, with 1,566 people (33.4%). “Turks” are back in third place with a number of 806 (17.2%). Closely followed by Iraqis and Iranians. So, as you might have guessed, the vast majority are Afro-Arab replacement migrants.

Untimely right of asylum

The situation in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is a miniature example of the nationwide development in Germany. In the first half of 2023, 18,000 residence permits were issued to previously illegal migrants. The identity of most of the “professionals” is unclear . Nevertheless, they will be kept in Germany and not deported. The current asylum law is completely outdated. The previous waves of mass migration in the 21st century have long proven this. Migrants from all over the world take advantage of the generous legal situation so that they can no longer be deported from Europe. The right to asylum must therefore be suspended. Instead of toleration and admission, a consistent policy of remigration is needed.

Afterword from the translator:

I’m pretty sure that if I were to flee South Africa and try to claim asylum in Germany, the country of my birth, with family ties and all, it would be rejected out of hand and I’d be sent back the same day, without having be allowed to even leave the airport to see family. What is going on in Germany and all over Europe is a genocide of a magnitude that has never been seen in human history. Not even the Mongols were that callous. Not that they would have done any of this to their own. The Marxists, on the other hand, have a real and undeniable track record of destroying their own people by the millions. Poor Germany, poor Europe. If you want to survive and live, you’d better rise up and start destroying those who are busy murdering you in droves already.

3 thoughts on “Deportation? What’s That?

  1. The marxists are hell bent on destroying our western societies no matter the cost. The only way the west is going to be able to get rid of these bloody orcs is by the sword. The rest will flee in horror.

  2. What will the Marxist do when the orcs turn on them ?Things didnot go well for the communist in Iraq after the Islamist took total power ,they the communist where the first to be jailed and killed.

    • You must be referring to Iran and the overthrow of the Shah. The bloody leftists here in the west are about to learn the same lesson. Then the military takes over and begins the Great Purge.

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