Brussels Says: Give Us More of Your Euros!

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from eXXpress:

Even more billions for the EU: Johannes Hahn and Von der Leyen need money from Austria in 100 days

The pressure on us Austrians and all net contributors in the EU will increase dramatically: in just 100 days — on October 1st — Ursula Von der Leyen and Budget Commissioner Johannes Hahn need the commitment from Vienna, Berlin and Paris for an additional €66 billion.

They want to increase the salaries of EU politicians and EU officials by 15%, the additional costs for the EU commissioners are even to rise by 20% in 2024, and there is also a funding commitment to Ukraine of €50 billion to be transferred over the next four years to Kiev, as well as steeply rising lending rates: The EU leadership is faced with a dramatic financial crisis, as the eXXpress and the Bild newspaper have recently reported.

And for all of us an Austrian is right in the middle of this expensive billion-dollar circus: Johannes Hahn, the budget commissioner. This year he is already on a begging tour in all the capitals of the nine EU net contributors. These nations would extort even more tax money from their citizens than before and transfer it to Brussels. It’s about no less than €66 billion in additional financial needs.

Stuffing huge budget holes in Brussels

The finance ministers of these net contributor states are unlikely to show much enthusiasm for sending millions more from their budgets to the EU, reports the news magazine Focus: “With their appearance Von der Leyen and her budget commissioner Johannes Hahn have a lot of budget holes to plug no one expected when the medium-term financial framework for the EU (MFF) was adopted. Hahn went on a begging tour through the European capitals. The Austrian noticed there that after all the crises of the past few years and a period of ‘no matter what the cost’, the signs are now pointing to consolidation of the national budget.” And the big problem: Hahn needs a positive decision in October.

The pressure from Brussels on the European governments, who are supposed to pay even more in the future, will therefore increase even more in the next 100 days. It will be interesting to see whether the finance ministers and heads of government will remain firm and instead of releasing the payment of additional billions, will demand an austerity course at the top of the EU. After all, the behavior of the black-green federal government on this issue will also have a major impact on the outcome of the National Elections next year.

The ÖVP and the Greens are still silent on the EU’s additional spending

While the ÖVP [Österreichische Volkspartei, Austrian People’s Party] and the Greens are still silent about the billions of euros in additional needs of the EU Commission, the Freedom Party has already positioned itself clearly: EU Parliamentarian Harald Vilimsky (FPÖ [Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, Austrian Freedom Party]) sharply criticizes the EU’s additional spending — it cannot currently be explained to anyone in Austria why 15% salary increases for EU politicians and an increase in the number of seats in Parliament in Brussels now have to be approved. The billions in payments to Ukraine that have already been announced by the EU should also be stopped.

Afterword from the translator:

There needs to be a ECXIT (European Countries Exit) from the insatiable, multiple-headed EUSSR monster. A 15% salary and perks increase for people that only pay a pittance in taxes themselves, while the rest have to pay what? Between 39% and 55% in Western Europe and the average household has an income of €1162 to €5688 a month. Meanwhile the lucrative top EU jobs are hovering around the €25,000 per month mark along with extra perks. And any politician in European countries that votes to give them even 1 cent more should be arrested and tried as a traitor to the people, Mussolini or Ceausescu style.

In addition, these anti-people —Young Global Leaders — are completely subservient to a malicious WEF. The digital fascist surveillance state, with ID and a social credit system with the perverted 15-minute radius smart cities GULAGS. The WEF, the WHO and the EU are pushing for the abolition of cash. If the evil fascist schemes of these unelected and anti-democratic organizations and rich oligarchs go through, people will be turned into dispossessed and impoverished QR-code SLAVES.


One thought on “Brussels Says: Give Us More of Your Euros!

  1. Let them do this. In fact, the Brussels clowns should double their salaries. And double taxes.

    Perhaps this will finally motivate the EU tax serfs to finally revolt, march on Brussels and the other haunts of these parasites, surround them and burn them to the ground.

    The situation is akin to a forest where the underbrush has been allowed to build up for decades. Whereas in previous eras a fire might succeed in only clearing out light to moderate underbrush and the fire wouldn’t get hot enough to destroy the canopies, the situation is now so dire that when a spark is finally struck and a fire started it will turn into a conflagration that will leave nothing unburned and the whole forest will be lost.

    Replacing one set of bums for another set isn’t going to solve the problem. Nothing short of revolution and violent one at that will result in real or lasting change. And the sooner the populace can be maneuvered to the point that this happens, the less violent this change will be, although by now I don’t think there’s much hope of an outcome that doesn’t fulfill Enoch Powell’s prophecy.

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