Life in Prison for the Botkyrka Murderers

A 12-year-old Swedish girl named Adriana was shot to death in the Stockholm suburb of Botkyrka when she was caught in the crossfire during a confrontation between culture-enriching gang-bangers. The news reports don’t discuss ethnicity, but it seems reasonable to assume that there was a turf war going on between rival gangs of different ethnicities — Albanians and Somalis, perhaps, or something similar.

I was surprised to hear that the murderers received life sentences. In Sweden the perpetrators of horrible crimes are usually sentenced to a two or three years, with early release for good behavior. Mind you, I don’t know what a “life” term means in Sweden, in practical terms — maybe they can expect to be released after five years or so.

The following news report discusses the verdict and sentencing. Many thanks to Gary Fouse for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Below is the accompanying article from SVT (Swedish state television), also translated by Gary Fouse:

Three men were sentenced to life in prison for murder of 12-year-old Adriana

Three men have been sentenced to life in prison for the murder of 12-year-old Adriana, who was shot to death at a gas station in Botkyrka in the summer of 2020. Södertörn district court announced the sentence.

One of the convicted men is the 31-year-old gang leader Maykill Yokhanna, who also has links to Västerås.

The three convicted men had planned to shoot several persons from a rival criminal gang, but instead, Adriana was hit with two shots and died. Three weapons, including one automatic weapon, were used in the shooting.

The evidence in the case consisted of a large number of different circumstances, each of which pointed to there being three men who shot Adriana. There were connections to the weapons and the car used, as well as motive and chats. In addition, the men’s so-called sky telephones (encrypted phones) were connected to the crime. The men’s subsequent actions are also important for the verdict, since they made sure the weapons and car were gotten rid of.

“This was a matter of an indiscriminate firing of automatic weapons in a location where several people were present, and one of them died. The punishment, therefore, cannot be anything other than life in prison,” says the president of the court, Chief Counselor Tore Gissen, in a press release.

Maykill Yokhanna is identified as the leader of a criminal network in south Stockholm. He was earlier convicted of an aggravated weapons offense, among others.

In January 2020, he was shot at as he sat in a car together with his wife and a friend in Kungens Kurva [King’s Curve]. The friend died and Maykill Yokhanna’s wife was wounded. The gang leader was the one the shooter was actually after.

The other two men who are now sentenced to life did not have the same power position and criminal records as the gang leader.

The three men have been convicted of murder and seven counts of attempted murder, among other things.

Defense: Will appeal

The verdict will be appealed to the appeals court, says Maykill Yokhanna’s defense council, Hampus Wikerstål. The prosecutor did not prove that Yokhanna was at the scene of the crime, and the verdict is based on a weak chain of circumstances, the lawyer says.

“I am greatly surprised there was a conviction, and we are going to appeal.”

Video transcript:

00:01   Murder of Adriana
00:04   Late on Saturday night, August 2, 2020, 12-year-old Adriana was shot to death
00:09   at a rest stop in Norsborg (Botkyrka).
00:12   Adriana was out walking her dog when she fell victim to shots intended for other persons.
00:17   It’s like being on an open, black, stormy sea.
00:22   The sorrow becomes absolute, not easier. —The cause of the shooting is reportedly
00:26   a split within criminal groups in Botkyrka and Norsborg,
00:30   and they thought the targets would be found at the rest stop.
00:33   An extensive police investigation grew bigger and bigger.
00:37   People with connections to the shooting also began to be suspected
00:40   of other serious crimes. —A murder weapon thought to have been used in the murder
00:45   of 12-year-old Adriana in Botkyrka last summer has been found.
00:50   In October 2022, three persons were charged, suspected
00:53   of involvement in the murder of Adriana. On April 28 [sic — should be 26], 2023, the verdict was handed down.
00:59   All are sentenced to life in prison for murder,
01:02   among them the gang leader, Maykill Yokhanna.

9 thoughts on “Life in Prison for the Botkyrka Murderers

  1. With all the injuring and killing of everyone except the intended target it sounds like these gangstas need some help with their marksmanship. Perhaps an armorer can go over their gats; maybe install a compensator or port the barrels to reduce muzzle rise, or install laser sights or optics.

    Since the Swedes are so concerned about safety and being a humanitarian superpower, perhaps they could equip these young bucks with frangible ammunition so bullets don’t penetrate walls, or just give them nerf guns and super soakers that they can fill with acid to inflict disfiguring but non-fatal injuries on each other.

    • Funny.

      By the way, thank you for your in-depth responses to my musings over the short-sightedness of the globalists. I think your girl-with-Mercedes analogy captures the extent to which they’ve thought all this through. I’m considering an essay on this topic.

  2. I guess since this shooting is not being labelled “Jihad”, it can be punished a bit harsher (you cannot insult Islam by really punishing Jihad in a Dhimmi state). And this time this ordinary crime can be called just “youth” and “gangs”, you know — which could mean anybody even white Swedes…

    So the unavoidable media frenzy of the shooting in question can be turned into a showcase of “how much your dear leaders care about your safety” — thus creating the perfect cover for the authorities for not caring at all, i.e. let the mass-murder and criminal abuse of Swedes by Muslims go on unabated as planned. The rest of the Muslim in-fight gang shootings can all go on virtually unpunished, as well.

    Sorta limited hangout operation within the justice system.

    Also, Jihad and crime against the dirty Infidel are overlapping. So the case in question is win-win for the Muslims and the Left in the hibrid war against the indigenous population in which Islam is being used as a WMD.

  3. .
    “Mind you, I don’t know what a “life” term means in Sweden, in practical terms — maybe they can expect to be released after five years or so.”

    – Well, then find out,
    so that you possibly have real
    reason to be surprised
    about Swedish jural laxity.

    To give you an idea, Swedish judges and courts are usually in no way better than Swedish politicians and parliament.
    By the way, self-lobotomisation is the most prominent disorder.

    Everyone here on GoV already knows that Sweden is an almost established hell-hole.


    M M…

    This superfluous posting unquestionably was gefundenes fressen for Mr Moonlover
    et consortes.

  4. .
    Post Scriptum

    Latest by 2053, when the Islamic community has reached
    51%, old Sweden will be incorporated into the Islamic ummah
    for the following centuries – if not forever.
    Compare the Iberian Peninsula 711 – 1562.

    Let us thank the Jews for this.

  5. What do the Jews have to do with this?? It is the Swedish government and the EU who formed this suicide pack of taking in these “refugees” by the millions.

    • The answer to the question of why many Jews seem to favour multiculturalism in their host countries is that as a seemingly invisible minority among scores of other more visible and superficially problematic minority groups, they cease to be a social category.

      Thus they can continue to exercise their power undisturbed by pursuing their ethnic group interests at the expense of indigenous peoples.

      The aim is to annihilate traditional Western culture and weaken its civilisation, to divide and weaken the peoples of Northern Europe, breaking down their ethnic consciousness and national cohesion so that they will never again be able to organise an ethnically conscious and collectivist movement like the German National Socialism of the time.

      Reduced solidarity and cohesion in society thus favours the ethnic Jewish minority interest.

      Multiculturalism is a Jewish group evolutionary strategy to minimise the occurrence of potential anti-Semitism among the non-Jewish majority population in each country where the policy is implemented.

      The Jewish minority is safer in ethnically heterogeneous countries because they do not stand out from the crowd.

      Consequently, historically, persecution of Jews has mainly occurred in homogeneous countries. For example, the Swedish national Jew, journalist Göran Rosenberg pointed this out on 18 December 2008 at a panel discussion on the future of Jews in multicultural Europe organised by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research and the Centre for the Study of European Politics & Society at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel.

      Consequently, it is no coincidence that Jewish organisations such as the American Jewish Committee see the issue of immigration as a specifically Jewish issue:

      Just as it is not a coincidence that Europe’s collective Jews consistently distance themselves from politically organised critics of Islam because any negative generalisation towards a minority group may ultimately affect Jews. Watch out! – GoV .

      Note that rich democracies in East Asia such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong are almost 100 per cent ethnically homogeneous because Jews have no influence there. One must also mention the traditional Jewish hatred of Christianity and the West as a reason why Jews are at the forefront of subversive immigration policies.

      Jews often see antisemitism as a fundamental feature of Christianity and many even argue that the Christian religion was the cause of the Holocaust.

      For example, Rabbi Shlomo Riskin wrote in The Jewish Week on 5 September 2012 that the Christian church would not have changed so drastically in the 20th century had it not been for the founding of the state of Israel and “the realisation by honest and authoritative church leaders that the Holocaust would not have happened had it not been for the seeds of anti-Semitism sown by Christian teachings over the past two thousand years.”

      Multicultural policies have also been made possible by Jewish influence in anthropology in the 20th century. For example, the Jewish anthropologist Gelya Frank writes in her article Jews, Multiculturalism, and Boasian Anthropology in the American Anthropologist that racial egalitarian anthropology was so Jewish that it should be classified as part of Jewish history. Ironically, many Jewish anti-racist anthropologists are often proud of their own unique racially pure genetic heritage.

      • The importation of “refugees ” who are in most cases are Moslems who hate Jews more then then the Austria landscape painter of the 20th century and his followers should make most or all Jews in Europe to leave Europe. Most current attacks and general harassment of Jews in Western Europe is being done by the imported refugees from Africa and the middle east ,not by Christian and nonbelievers in any god who are white natives .People like Soros are Jews only in name only ,they believe themselves to be self made gods ,that must guide the great unwashed to a new world order in their minds they are god. One short youtube with no evidence does not make the case that the joos are behind this importation.

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