We Are All Antifa!

A week ago Antifa storm troopers marched in the Italian city of Florence to protest a public gathering of right-wing high school students. The “anti-fascists” threatened Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and other “fascists” with violent death, and promised that they would shut down all right-wing movements through grassroots action.

Many thanks to HeHa for translating this video report, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Below is a brief excerpt from an English-language article (hat tip Reader from Chicago) about the Antifa march in Florence:

Threats to PM Meloni and Praise of Communist Massacre Heard Among ‘Anti-Fascist’ Protestors

A march of “anti-fascist” protesters in Florence allegedly saw participants directly threaten Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and praise a communist massacre of Italian civilians during the Second World War.

The gathering of “anti-fascists” took place Tuesday evening following violence between a group of right-wing students from the group Azione Studentesca (Student Action) and others outside a local high school as the right-wing group was handing out leaflets.

Video transcript:

00:03   Florence is Antifa only.
00:12   There is a “black” [fascist] common thread that bonds the attack
00:15   that took place in front of the Michelangelo High School,
00:18   to that attitude, that decriminalization of attacks against the Collectives,
00:23   and against our comrades who occupy schools.
00:27   Because schools are berated so they become other places,
00:31   other than places of merit and commodification of culture.
00:35   We are all Antifa.
00:40   We are all Antifa.
00:45   It clearly dealt with a politically motivated attack.
00:48   Its motive was to target the High School Collective [students’ association].
00:56   The fact that PM Meloni hasn’t released any statement yet
01:00   clearly makes us disheartened, to be honest.
01:03   Because it’s a clear sign of legitimization of such acts.
01:08   The Fascists’ headquarters shall be shut down by setting a fire!
01:13   But with the Fascists inside, otherwise it’s not enough!
01:32   The purpose of the today’s demonstration is not to draw the media’s attention any further,
01:37   or to gain some other hypocritical politician’s sympathy!
01:40   But to revive the Antifa spirit of our city!
01:54   Even the opportunistic solidarity makes us sick! From people like Nardella and Giani!
02:00   Only now that their political side is undergoing a total crisis and keeps suffering defeats,
02:07   they have decided to ride the wave with their usual hypocrisy!
02:11   We demand the immediate shutdown of the headquarters of neo-Fascists’ movements!
02:16   In Florence, and not only there. If the change doesn’t come from above, it will come from the base.

6 thoughts on “We Are All Antifa!

  1. On the one hand I would really like to see real communists take over Italy. Those Antifa stooges would be in the gulag faster then they can say hello.
    And being disrespectful to a soldier? Oops, fast track to execution.

  2. Antifa is a paramilitar group ot the left. Nothing would happen with them in a comunnist state scenario. They would serve to control the dissidents before the use of the army or the police

    • Not so sure on that.

      They would be useful until they weren’t. Real dictators don’t like unprofessional groups that they do not completely control or can act as alternative centers of power.

      Hitler eliminated the Brownshirts once he had gained real political power and their thuggishness and uncontrollability became a liability.

      Once Stalin consolidated his power, the Cheka was purged and most of the original revolutionaries were executed. I am pretty certain that were a real fascist dictator to assume power, likely with the help of Antifa, they too would suffer the same fate as part of consolidating power.

      • Moon, it was because of antifa that the brown shirts were formed, and ole Hitler was on the fence about the brown shirts because he wanted to use them against the SS as a hedge, Himmler took it upon himself to start the purge of the brown shirt leadership and Hitler had no choice but to side with Himmler over the boy buggerer Rohm. It would seem that history is about to repeat itself with a bloody vengeance.

  3. Antifa(communists) always seem to attract the beta males, alphabet people and so called alpha females of our species and once put against real hooligan types who love violence, always run in fear, or as history has shown, put in camps or gulags or simply put up against a ditch and shot. Now that history is repeating itself, I can’t wait to see who the leadership of the new nationalist, who will come out from the shadows and light the match and set off the powderkeg that leads to an orgy of violence and massive bloodshed .

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