The New Normal Among Athletes: Sudden Death

Soon after the rollout two years ago of the experimental mRNA treatment intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus, anecdotal reports began coming in of young athletes collapsing and dying on the playing field from unexpected heart attacks and other cardiac-related afflictions. Since then I’ve been waiting for rigorous statistical analyses of such events. Recently a slew of such studies has been published in the alternative media.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Uncut News.

Note: There is an error in the statistical calculation in the third paragraph. It says that the “annual average is 29 deaths per year” between 1980 and 2006, yet the number of deaths listed for those years is 1866, which would make the average 69 (i.e. 1866 ÷ 27). “29” may be a typo.

Terrifying statistics. The number of athletes who die suddenly has increased by 3,800%

64% of the athletes who had an accident on the sports field through December 31, 2022 died; the rest suffered severe disabilities. Statistics show that between 1980 and 2006, the average annual death rate among athletes was about 29 per year. From 2021 to the end of 2022, the average number of sudden deaths among young athletes has exploded, showing an increase of 3,800%.

The sudden death of athletes has already become the tragic normal, given the extremely high number of deaths. The International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland, examined documents in international databases from 1966 to 2004. These documents show 1,101 sudden deaths in athletes under the age of 35, an average of 29 per year, with the sports with the highest incidence being football and basketball.

A study by Barry J. Maron of sudden deaths among US athletes in thirty-eight sports from 1980 to 2006 found 1,866 athlete deaths from heart disease, with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy being the most common, reports The annual average is 29 deaths per year, i.e. 2.4 deaths per month. As of June 2021 there is no month with fewer than 29 such deaths/month (not per year) and December 2021 and January 2022 were months with 90 deaths each. That’s a percentage increase of 3,800%. Matt Le Tissier, a professional athlete with a 17-year career, and Gary Dempsey, a professional athlete with a 20-year career, said there have been no such incidents during their careers. The average age of those who died suddenly is around 26 years old, but many are only 20 or 21 years old. In Romania, the basketball player Alessia Raiciu died the night before her 18th birthday, but nobody in the medical world dares to link all these deaths to the Covid vaccine.

Correlation and Causality

In science, the connection between two events can be demonstrated in two ways. On the one hand, a direct causal connection between the two events can be established, on the other hand, a statistical correlation between the two events can be demonstrated, says citizen activist Aurelian Popa.

“In Romania, but also worldwide, autopsies were banned during the pandemic, but even later, in vaccinated people, autopsies were dropped from standard medical practice because there was no desire to investigate the causal relationship between the vaccine and sudden death or serious side effects. And so, non-expert citizens are left with no choice but to examine the statistical correlation between the number of vaccinations and unexplained deaths or serious illnesses that occur out of the blue. Official statistics show that there is a double correlation. The explosion of serious illnesses and sudden deaths occurred after the start of the vaccination campaign, and the incidence of these adverse events is higher in countries with high immunization coverage and lower in countries with low immunization coverage. From this we can conclude that all this is related to the anti-Covid vaccination, even if medicine is not interested in it,” said the civil rights activist Aurelian Popa.

136 times higher risk of death

In Canada, 60 public health doctors have died after being vaccinated. In addition, official data from the U.S. Employment Agency shows another worrying correlation: since the third quarter of 2021, the proportion of those who acquire a disability has increased. “For example, in the US workforce, aged between 18 and 64, it has increased more than 10% compared to the average in recent years. Worse still, mortality in the 0-14 age group increased in 2022. Experts from the Institute of Public Health in the UK have warned that vaccinated children are 137 times more likely to die than unvaccinated children,” added civil rights activist Aurelian Popa.

Afterword from the translator:

And still the vast majority, especially the Western world, are in utter denial and steadfastly refuse to acknowledge the facts staring at them through a skull in the face.

I wonder, is this a fault in Nature, that some people have a healthy suspicious mind, or is it something we’ve been taught? Especially when so many who come out of the modern school system have become perfect little robots.

Not that this wasn’t done before; just think of the different Christian churches with their iron fisted hold over the “truth”, and anyone stepping out of that narrative line stepped quickly onto a scaffold for wrong-think. They might not burn people at the stake anymore, or break them on the wheel, but they have their ways of burning and breaking those who do not follow the line.

I’m already wondering when they’ll come knocking — with a battering ram — at my door?

12 thoughts on “The New Normal Among Athletes: Sudden Death

  1. The observation that the elites and the political class aren’t dying of “suddenly” speaks volumes.

    There is likely a business opportunity for the enterprising entrepreneur supplying certified purebloods to the septuagenarian, octogenarian, and nonagenarian vampire elite for their young blood transfusions. Anecdotally, the only pilots allowed to fly their elite anuses around in their private jets are ones who did not get the vaxx.

  2. Considering the casualty lists from the Black Death is enlightening. Barbara Tuchman (The Distant Mirror) finds some interesting patterns. Many professions suffered wipeouts in a number of cities. Many relatives of political leaders perished and, unfortunately, at least one ruler also went down.

    Yet here we are lead to understand some different effects. It has been reported that the US Congress and their close relatives were being cured of COVID by use of invermectin. The French government leaders have exempted themselves from having to take vaccines. Numerous questions have been raised that COVID injections of leaders were not bona fide. Some observors said that President Biden’s inoculation had the doctor twirl the plunger rather than push it in. Other questions were raised in the case of Canada PM Trudeau.

    None of the leadership class has died during the COVID crisis, with a few notable exceptions. There are the three black leaders who did not want the vaccines to be used in their own countries. The Presidents of Tanzania, Madagascar and Haiti managed to go down while fighting the imposition of the COVID vax regime. Assuredly they succumbed to other matters than the COVID or the vax.

    Barbara Tuchman again.

    “Government officials … found, on the whole, no special shelter. In Siena four of the nine members of the governing oligarchy died, in France one third of the royal notaries, in Bristol 15 out of the 52 members of the Town council or almost one third.”

    While the expectation currently is that half of humanity will die, no government officials or medical bureaucrats have passed on. From Tuchman

    “Out of 24 physicians in Venice, 20 were said to have lost their
    lives in the plague.”

    Yet of the medical bureaucrats, CDC, FDA, HHS there is no such loss reported. Whether they are considered medical people or government officials, their survival is incredibly so much better than what happened during an actual deadly plague.

    • If thats the same Tuchman who wrote “The Guns of August” I will definitely have to track that book down. I was unaware that she had written about the Black Death.

      The best book I have read about the Black Death was “The Great Mortality” by John Kelly. Compared to the accounts from that book, the covid clownshow seems like a bumbling goat rope with a lethality that nowhere remotely justified the panic it generated.

      • Yes, Tuchman’s book is very good. Dymphna and I both read it, and it profoundly affected our view of the time period.

        I never read a book of hers that wasn’t excellent.

  3. By my reckoning the increase from 29 to 90 deaths does not equal 3800%. Closer to 200%, I think. There’s a lot of errors in a paper making big claims.

  4. Whoops. My correction was wrong. Didn’t read properly and mistook per year for per month.

  5. And what of the military? I have heard they are not meeting their recruiting numbers. Perhaps they only count those who survive basic training. People like to change definitions nowadays.

    • Wokeness and killing people/breaking things are incompatible.

      Take out the primary purpose of a military from recruiting efforts and there are not that many males interested in joining. And most of the woke whom the elites want to entice into serving are not interested in the rigors of actual military service.

  6. The german secretary of defense admitted that Germany is helpless and cant fight a real war.

    The devil on my shoulder cant wait for the Russians to start invading Europe.
    I will take some popcorn and watch the multikulti-antifascist-Trans-Muslim Brigade to fight hardcore Russian paratroopers.
    (I ask you all to watch the latest recruitment videos of Russia, China and the USA).

    • Wouldn’t be the first time that Russian soldiers occupied Paris, or the first time Russian soldiers had to save Europe from itself.

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