Let ’Em Stay!

The new Green-Socialist government in Germany is determined to “regularize” illegal immigrants so that they can remain in the country and continue to enrich its culture.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from RND, a broadcast service that is affiliated with the Social Democrats. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Minister of Labor Heil announces new immigration law

In an interview, Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil announced that he intends to work out a new immigration law together with Interior Minister Nancy Faeser. Details have not yet been announced. The law is expected to be presented in the fall.


Federal Minister of Labor Hubertus Heil also wants to take action against the shortage of skilled workers in Germany with a new immigration law. “We will present a modern immigration law in the fall, Nancy Faeser and I,” said the SPD politician on Friday in the ZDF Morgenmagazin. He did not give details.

A few weeks ago Federal Interior Minister Faeser (SPD) sent out a draft for the introduction of a so-called opportunity right of residence. This is intended to give tolerated migrants who have been living in Germany for five years or more and are well-integrated the opportunity to obtain a permanent residence permit. The coalition partner FDP had welcomed the step, but at the same time called for an immigration law that would allow extensive migration into the labor market. [Do they still need more knife experts to terrorize the native population into utter submission?]

Heil wants companies to be attractive employers

Heil made it clear on ZDF that to combat the shortage of skilled workers, potential within Germany would also have to be leveraged. “We will have to ensure that women’s participation in the labor force increases in this country,” he said. If one could manage to “at least halve the gap between men and women”, there would be around 900,000 more workers in Germany. [Yes, I can see women working in steel mills, construction, mining or all the other jobs that require a lot of muscle on top of skill.] At the same time, Heil emphasized that companies must also be attractive employers. “During the crisis, many people migrated from their jobs to others with better working and wage conditions.” [And who was responsible in making these companies unattractive in the first place during the plandemic?]

Afterword from the translator:

Well… in contrast, agrarheute.com reports: The gas crisis is costing millions of jobs and a recession. According to estimates by the Bavarian Business Association (vbw), a delivery stoppage means Germany is heading towards a recession, with all the consequences for employment and social cohesion in the country.

But that doesn’t mean that more culture-enrichers aren’t needed to keep the big parasites at the feasting table, now, does it?

7 thoughts on “Let ’Em Stay!

  1. The so called replacement might be renamed the feminist paving the way for Islam. The fatal attraction. Women are paving the way for sharia, this is presumably because women want sharia. They don’t want freedom because they feel attracted to subservience and subjugation. Just look at the unelected EU tomboy.

    • Yin and Yang will turn soon.
      Walking backwards and upside down must have a smashing point. It’s only natural.

  2. The immigrants are Muslims,they come to our countries to live on allowances,they do not work,they did not came here to work.
    In my country Pakistanis have small shops and they do not work for others.
    Their women are not allowed to work,they stay home having children,5-7 each one.
    When they first came they asked for house,money and……a woman!
    An African woman on TV asked to give her what we had promised to them.
    As you can understand the NGO promised things and this is why they come willingly.
    If the West does not stop Turkey to send almost every day men,not only from Asia but also from Africa,i see a bleak future for Europe.
    Recently Turkey has quite a number of Somalies in east Thace to send them to us.
    The fence the army have built and a very large and long moat is an obstacle but are coming though the “Triethnes ” from Bulgaria.The Bulgarians do nothing about this, and some of them prefere to come to north Europe because there are not allowances in Greece.

    “Triethnes”= the borders of three nations,Greece ,Bulgaria,Turkey.

  3. Making women work all the hours in a day stops them having children. This is how the population problem started. Problem is only for German people not elites cause one human is equivalent to another. Still have no idea that 1 African does not equal one German. Only when the Germans have all disappeared they will wonder why productivity is down the toilet. WTF? they will say. (Millennials say this all the time)

    • Did they really? I though it was guaranteed that Muslims would be reducing their drops to peaceful levels. Like one or two. Oh well. Feminism is extremely destructive. Fools for Islam.

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