Getting out the Muslim Vote in Tennessee

Below is the latest newsletter from Tennessee Council for Political Justice.

Newsletter #136 — Allah Says You Cannot Break Ranks With Other Muslims (part 2 of 2)

“Asalaam Alaykum, it’s your Muslim boy scout calling.”

Will Mwafaq Aljabbary’s fellow Kurd and mosque board member, Fadi Ezzeir help to get him votes for the Tennessee State Senate District 21 Republican seat?

As late as 2009, Ezzeir served as the President of the Nashville chapter of the Muslim American Society (MAS). In 2004 the Secretary-General of the MAS acknowledged that it had been founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Ezzeir is listed as the Executive Director of the Scouting Department of the Muslim American Society (MAS). In 2002, he organized the first Islamic boy scout troop in Nashville. In 2006 Ezzeir used the Muslim boy scout troop to make voter calls to other Muslims using a MAS script.

Did the script have the boy scouts tell their co-religionists that Allah says they can only vote for another Muslim?

The kids know what’s in their Islamic school textbook “What Islam Is All About”:

Allah says in this ayah [verse in the Quran] not to take non-Muslims as protectors. (3:118,4:144) Only fellow Muslims you can rely on should have authority or power over you. Because in the end, a non-Muslim who knows you, and who doesn’t accept Islam, is a rebel against Allah’s way of life and will harm you in the end or try to make you like him or her.

Republican candidate Aljabbary’s other mosque member Drost Kokoye, is all about identity politics and says, “I really don’t even like being called an American.” She was even willing to abet voter registration fraud.

Nashville’s Muslim (Brotherhood) Kurds will get the votes.

10 thoughts on “Getting out the Muslim Vote in Tennessee

  1. Tennesseans and all Americans need to drive the [unwanted intruders] out. Look to Europe to see your future if you don’t.

  2. Look at the jihadis’ clothes: These are islamic scouts. And we have islamic parliament inside parliament, islamic courts inside courts, Islamic banks along “democratic” banks, Islamic independence inside failing states.
    And we have:
    Obama: Muslims Built ‘The Very Fabric of Our Nation’ , and
    Cameron: This Ramadan, Muslims have shown what Islam is all about
    Are these elected creatures our leaders? Why do they open their mouth. How could they thus reveal what they are filled with: outrageous ideas, lest us say at least. How come people don’t riot against leaders so seemingly naive, stupid, unenlightened, and uneducated?
    I think they know about islam and its intentions, but we have to search as why they behave thus irrationally: Do they get elected because of islam, do they get petro-money, are they afraid of their real bosses: Turkey and Saudi Arabic? The concept of democracy arose because kings were born drunk and they behaved irrationally almost like our “democratically” elected tyrants. Words and ideas have effect. They can encourage discourage, change, murder, save, . . . etc. especially words of those tyrants in power. It seems democracy as a genuine notion does not exist and human minds are not designed to comprehend. No matter what wise people do or say, tyranny comes back and stares us in the face. We love subconsciously. For 70 years we fought and contained the stalinis tyranny only to adopt with greater vigor. If you don’t believe that just watch carefully and remember what the western parties have achieved over the last 60 years: They have achieved servility to islam.

    • “Obama: Muslims Built ‘The Very Fabric of Our Nation’ , and
      Cameron: This Ramadan, Muslims have shown what Islam is all about
      Are these elected creatures our leaders? Why do they open their mouth. How could they thus reveal what they are filled with: outrageous ideas, lest us say at least. How come people don’t riot against leaders so seemingly naive, stupid, unenlightened, and uneducated?”

      The explanation is simple. They are both liars. All politicians are liars and Barry Obama, or whatever his real name is, is a pathological liar.

      path·o·log·i·cal ˌpaTHəˈläjikəl
      adjective pathological adjective pathologic
      of or relating to pathology.
      involving, caused by, or of the nature of a physical or mental disease.
      morbid diseased
      compulsive; obsessive.
      compulsive obsessive inveterate habitual persistent chronic hardened confirmed

  3. Islam is a military issue and has been since around 612 AD.

    That is all.

    says that author Yahiya Emerick wrote his textbook _What Islam Is All About_ “in standard English”. But read the passage quoted above. The phrase “in the end” is used twice in the same sentence, to no good rhetorical effect. And the lack of a space after the comma in “(3:118,4:144)” is further evidence that nobody edited this textbook. Was it self-published?

  5. Boy Scouts acting as Boy Scouts, dressed as Boy Scouts are NOT allowed according to their Charter to take part in partisan politics.

    I will call BSA headquarters tomorrow about this event!

    • Dear attack kat :
      They might reply to your email, or they might say “we will investigate” or they will even thank you to “bring it to their attention”. Lip service only. Democracies are not serious about anything except when it is to promote, encourage, empower islam.
      To hell with liars and native/self haters.

  6. “I don’t even really like being called an American”
    I don’t like your being called an American either. And more of us are waking up every day.

    • That individual should have their passport revoked and be provided with a one-way ticket to the new caliphate where she can enroll on the list of jihadi brides.

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