Those Culture-Enriching “Southerners”

Some rambunctious “southerners” caused trouble and inflicted grievous bodily harm in the German spa town of Bad Oeynhausen. I wonder where they came from… Switzerland, maybe? Tyrol? Venice? Slovenia? Hmm…

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius:

20-year-old beaten almost to death: Police search for 10-person group with “southern” appearance

In the Bad Oeynhausen spa gardens, a group of around ten people is said to have attacked and beaten up a 20-year-old, causing life-threatening injuries. A 19-year-old was slightly injured. The police are now looking for the as yet unknown perpetrators, who are described by witnesses as being a group of around ten and as “southern looking, around 19-20 years old, some of them wearing Adidas tracksuits.”

According to the police, there was initially an argument between the two injured men and a group of around ten unknown men. “The group of people is said to have hit and kicked the two. An unknown suspect then dragged the 20-year-old away from the group and continued to physically attack him,” the police report states.

The injured were taken to hospital. According to police, the 20-year-old from Minden is in acute danger of death due to multiple, severe head injuries.

Homicide squad “Palais” investigates

The police and public prosecutor are now investigating the case for bodily harm and attempted manslaughter in conjunction with serious bodily harm. The “Palais” homicide squad is investigating at Bielefeld police headquarters.

According to witness statements, the descriptions of the perpetrators are as follows:

“The group is described as follows: circa ten people, male, southern European, around 19-20 years old, some wearing Adidas tracksuits. The unknown suspect who attacked the 20-year-old Minden resident can be described as follows: male, southern European, around 20 years old, around 176 cm tall, mustache and goatee, neon orange Adidas tracksuit jacket,” the police report states.

Afterword from the translator:

Southern European? Really? How stupid do they think people are? We all know that they most likely haven’t any European blood in their veins — on their hands, however, most certainly. Germany and Europe must by now have more daily casualties among their native population at the hands of Muslims than US/NATO troops had in Afghanistan and Iraq in total. These traitorous puppeticians of the globalists have a lot to answer for, and will hopefully get their just reward soon.

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