Progressive Indignation is Baloney

Our Dutch correspondent H. Numan reports on the uproar caused in the Netherlands by politically incorrect football fans during the UEFA 2024 tournament.

Progressive indignation is baloney

by H. Numan

Folks, you probably know that Black Pete in Holland has been ostracized. Because of ‘black face’. We (= progressive people who rule society) don’t want that, do we? Well, it’s all bull… baloney. All of it. Concern for the environment? Yup, that too. And I have proof of that.

Right now the UEFA tournament is taking place in Germany. The biggest football tournament apart from the World Cup. The Netherlands is participating, and that means a heck of a lot of orange and usually some good fun. I vividly recall a publicity stunt in a previous championship: a company promoted orange plastic German WW2 helmets. The fans loved it! The Germans? Not so much. Good sportsmen as they are with a great sense of humor, they immediately forbade wearing them even before the tournament started. (According to Robin Williams, that’s because they put everybody with a sense of humor in…) So you cannot wear that kind of headgear there. Not even when it’s colored orange and made of plastic. On another occasion Dutch fans showed up with orange spiked helmets (Pickelhaube). The Germans didn’t like that, either.

This time is slightly different. A few fans spontaneously came up with an idea: let’s dress up like Ruud Gullit! Ruud who??? Gullit. He was a famous Dutch football player in the ’80s. He was born in Suriname but grew up in The Netherlands where he became one of the most famous players ever. At that time his signature hairstyle was dreadlocks. So they blackened their faces, put on a mustache and wore a dreadlocks wig. That’s what Dutch soccer fans can do to have a bit of fun. No hard feelings.

The progressive left worldwide was shocked. Flabbergasted. Dumbfounded. Aghast. For at least five whole seconds. Then righteous indignation kicked in, and they went apeshi… bonkers. Completely bananas. How dare they! That’s blackface! We have made that taboo. You break our rules! Police! Racial discrimination officers! Judges, politicians, anyone: do something!

Funnily enough those indignant people failed to notice that the man being blackfaced, Ruud Gullit himself, was rather honored by it all. He didn’t feel humiliated. He said he felt honored that people still remember him as a great football star, after all those years. But they blackfaced you??? Yeah, so what? I did wear dreadlocks back then. And have dark skin. So they personified me. That’s very nice of them. I retired from football decades ago. They still love me.

After that statement the rightful indignation sort of fizzled out. It is one thing to be offended on behalf of slaves who don’t exist anymore for well over a century. Thanks to the despised white men who gave them freedom. It’s quite another thing if the person you claim to be offended for thinks it’s a good joke. So they did what they always do: forgot about it. Never happened.

What we also need to forget is someone attacking Dutch supporters there with an ax. Shouting something that sounds pretty darn close to allah snack bar! We don’t need that kind of advertisement, do we? That guy is collecting his 72 French fries right now, courtesy of the German police who shot him. Nary a word in the press.

I don’t know if you ever watched a German crimi on TV. Nothing remotely like an Hollywood police movie. I think I saw Der Alte and Derrick draw a gun no more than twice in twenty years. Both shows ran that long. Draw, mind you. Not shoot. I think that happened only once. In an average Hollywood police flick cops spent more ammunition than the Allies did on the beaches of Normandy. So I guess those policemen had pretty valid reasons to shoot. But we won’t hear much about it. It’s not politically correct, see.

Here’s the other proof progressive righteous indignation is phony: their love of the environment. Currently windmills and batteries are approved dogmas. You cannot question either of them. Now, windmills are not the panacea progressives claim it to be. First of all, building them at sea makes it far more difficult to maintain, and much more maintenance-intensive. I used to live close to the sea. I had to paint my woodwork every year, where others away from the sea only have to do that once every five or ten years. What are windmills? Effectively giant guillotines for birds, in the middle of their preferred flight paths. At sea you won’t see the damage it causes to wildlife, the sea flushes it away. But on land you do. Plenty of rare protected birds are chopped to pieces by windmills.

For me, you can’t eat the pie both ends at the same time. Either you care for rare birds, or for energy. If you insist on windmills and you want to protect birds, you have a mental problem. Our progressives don’t have a problem, because they don’t care. It’s just a means to justify their end.

The same goes for battery-driven cars. They are not efficient. They can’t be efficient. They will never be efficient. The rich only buy them to show off and because battery cars are heavily subsidized. That common businesses go bankrupt because of them is irrelevant. You can drive a Tesla, but not as a plumber or sales rep. No matter. That’s capitalism and is exactly what they want to destroy. Their indignation is that of rich middle-class city dwellers who have zero empathy for anyone else.

As soon as the public begins to notice their inconsistency, they drop the topic they are currently indignant about, willing to go to jail even, and find something else. Hear much about acid rain or the hole in the ozone layer, lately?

— H. Numan

5 thoughts on “Progressive Indignation is Baloney

  1. The first German Crimi I watched was about the Customs Police hunting down a smuggler who trafficked gold from Switzerland. So they knock on his door and ask to come in to chat with him. Seated at his table, they present their labouriously collected evidentiary trail. He starts to reach for something off screen, and I think, “Ah, here is where he goes for his gun.”

    No. He picks up a cigarette out of its pack. Then he reaches for something else, and I think, “Ah, he’s lulled them into complacency, so now he goes for his gun.”

    No. He lights his cigarette, and proceds to rat-out his customers, as a good German criminal would. At the end of the film, his customers shake their fists in anger as they are led past his cell on their way to their cells, as good German criminals would do.

    Shame that we have to destroy nature, and by extension the climate, to “save” the climate, but actual Germans are conditioned to trust what their elite tells them every night on ARD, ZDF, Phoenix, etc. Birds and Sea Creatures are the eggs we break to make the Climate Omelette.

  2. About the helmets: Can U.S. solders wear the Kevlar “Fritz” helmet, or that offensive? As for the Pickelhaube, it was worn by many military and police organizations in the Victorian era including the U.S. Army and Marines. Of course, the Imperial German Army wore them too, but I’m pretty certain that the Nazi Army didn’t.

    • Yes, the Bundeswehr wears the ‘Fritz’ themselves.
      Yes, many nations wear a Picklehaube variety today. It went out of service during WW1 in Germany. Having said that, Germans are not amused when “swamp Germans” (that’s how they call the Dutch) poke fun at them.

  3. Ruud Gullit was an awesome player. Gullit, Rijkaard, Van Basten, Koeman. The Dutch team in the late eighties were something else.

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