We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Evidence

Those who are nostalgic for the Third Reich may take comfort in the treatment of the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany) by the judicial branch of German administrative state.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Lawsuit against the Office for the protection of the Constitution

Court rejects hundreds of AfD applications for evidence

Setback for the AfD: The Higher Administrative Court in Münster rejects all of the party’s applications for evidence in the proceedings against the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. Have the judges already formed their verdict?


On Tuesday, the North Rhine-Westphalian Higher Administrative Court in Münster rejected all of the party’s motions for evidence in the AfD’s proceedings against the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution. The judges justified their decision, according to the dpa (German Press Agency).

The party had already failed in its request to have all motions for evidence read out individually on Monday. The court then recorded this. In addition, the judge Gerald Buck makes it clear that he has long since formed his judgment and sees enough signs that the AfD is acting against the free, democratic basic order. [How can it be that a judge already KNOWS what the verdict will be before the trial even begins? Hmm, a rogue who thinks this stinks.]

AfD has many questions

The AfD has not yet commented on the rejection of their applications, but said it considers the Office for the Protection of the Constitution to be politically abused. “In view of the obvious instrumentalization of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution against the AfD, questions arise that should actually play no role in a functioning constitutional state,” said AfD Federal Treasurer Carsten Hütter and Federal Executive Board member Roman Reusch.

They asked: “How is the party being spied on by undercover agents? Does the BfV rely on supposed clues that it created itself? And if so, how extensive was and is the state influence on these materials and issues?” All in all, this causes serious damage to democracy.

In the case, the AfD is defending itself against its classification as a “secure extremist endeavour” by the authority of Thomas Haldenwang (CDU). The party was defeated in the first instance before the Cologne Administrative Court.

Afterword from the translator:

In my humble opinion, shouldn’t — at least in a constitutional state that has and upholds the rule of law — the judge be then removed from the trial because of obvious bias?

And then, from what we’ve seen happening all over western countries and the world over the last few years, the question in the headline: “Have the judges formed their verdict long ago?” can safely be described as a rhetorical question by now. The constitutional state of Germany ceased to exist a long time ago and then speeded up the process towards another full blown dictatorship in 2015 at the latest by opening the floodgates to Islam.

Just to put something here into perspective about this so called “judge” — “Dr. Gerald Buck is a volunteer with the German Society for the Rescue of Shipwrecked People” — which makes him in my eyes already suspect and extremely biased towards a political party that wants to stop the flooding of Germany with migrants from extremely hostile cultures. After all, the German states’ own crime statistics back up the claims from the AfD in that regard, now, don’t they?

Karl Roland Freisler — who ran Hitler’s deadly Kangaroo Court — sends his regards.

8 thoughts on “We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Evidence

  1. “the judge Gerald Buck makes it clear that he has long since formed his judgment and sees enough signs that the AfD is acting against the free, democratic basic order. ”

    …that’s called “cooking food out of water” – I mean – it’s not particularly clear what they had done now is it? But they are guilty! Obviously!

  2. In a way the success of AfD itself maintains the popular illusion that elections still matter. In this regard the party is more harmful to liberty due to its existence than it is useful due to its activity.

    This leads to the conclusion that the AfD may be a tool of the top globalists. After all, while we are engaging in a constant low-grade civil war They can shape the society the way they want, don’t they.

    The more attention and energy we put into the Matrix the more real it becomes — and the less we’re able to influence the Architects and Overlords of it. No, I don’t know the way out.

    • Thanks for the three logical fallacies:
      1. Supporting, electing the political party to preserve freedoms is harmful to liberty due to its’ existence.

      2. The political party that opposes top globalists is actually a tool of them.

      3. If you ignore evil it just goes away.

      Now we can see why you don’t know the way out. That’s what the top globalists want you to believe so that you do nothing to oppose them. Therefore you work for and support them. You’re hoping they’ll come for you last, in the words of German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemoeller. Well, he did survive the war and write a famous quote. But the top globalists only want themselves to survive this one.

      “If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains set lightly upon you; and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.” – Samuel Adams, First Continental Congress, 1774.

      • 1. Look at the Netherlands. People voted for Wilders’s party in vain. His efforts to form a government has been thwarted. Voters’ efforts have been wasted.

        If you think Hungary was able to resist the rona takeover … no, she wasn’t… Hungarians believe that their elected leaders are independent and work for them … yet the truth is far from it.

        2. I have never heard the AfD call out real top globalists and their agendas. Not even Black Rock or the Rockefellers (even though apparently there are still higher levels). The party, as far as I know, never called out Agenda 2030.

        3. I didn’t mean “if you ignore evil it just goes away.”

        What I meant is that we obviously cannot vote ourselves out of this mess. Moreover, it seems to be deliberate that the PTB want to make us believe that we can. And for that purpose, They have maintained a sorta pseudo-reality, i.e. the Potemkin Village of the old world (especially in a political sense) — in order to protect the globalist takeover has already taken place.

        Therefore the hoi polloi are investing their energies into the wrong battles — and that’s exactly the goal of our overlords.

        “You’re hoping they’ll come for you last”

        No, that’s not my way of thinking and acting, your presumtion is absolutely wrong.

        “Now we can see why you don’t know the way out. ”

        That’s unnecessarily rude, my friend — and you seem to have completely misunderstood my comment as well.

        I actually agree with your quote from Samuel Adams.

        • ARTHUR – IMHO – is stuck in the old model that is no longer valid, IMHO.

          Today the propaganda machines and behavioral control mechanisms are tuned for maximum efficiency and the question “Do Not Believe Them” is posting, in a way, how much can we trust that the opposition is “the opposition”.

          I, for one, believe that it is a valid question, as here in the Czech Republic – it is clear to everyone who has eyes to see – that true “opposition” has always been violently crushed by the “secret services”. Every politician that had a chance to “unite the people” was either locked up, or became ill and ended up in hospital, or “just left”…

          Now – here in the Czech Republic – there is only one “opposition party” – SPD run by a Japanese immigrant who wants to stop immigration. That’s how it’s done. Add insult to the injury…

          And don’t take me wrong – Tokyo NATOkamura, the leader of the Czech “anti immigration party”, is OK, IMHO, he says the correct stuff, a lot of stuff he does I agree with…

          …But he is still a controlled opposition which we know, because his party is always in favor of NATO. NATO want’s war in Ukraine? Tokyo NATOkamura will make his party raise hands for that…

          So – Do Not Believe Them – really does have valid point, IMHO. How much of that AfD is controlled opposition? That is the question.

          We live in an age of deception. That’s why we have to ask these questions.

  3. Germany has never had any intellectual interest in personal or family liberties.

    It is central control either under the Kaisers, the Socialists, Communists or the National Socialists -Ralf Dahrendorf and Wilhelm Ripken are about it as thinkers of liberty

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