The Two Aleppos

The image of the Aleppo that Westerners are used to seeing consists of mounds of rubble with dead children amidst the debris. Yet there’s another Aleppo — the part that is still controlled by the Syrian government — that looks quite different. Some of the shots in the following video from Swiss TV may surprise you if you get all your news from CNN or the BBC.

Many thanks to Nash Montana for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Below is the article accompanying the video, also translated by Nash Montana:

Swiss TV shocks its viewers with current images from Aleppo

Western media shows us the same pictures over and over: destroyed houses, peaceful terrorists and an evil regime. But reality looks very different. Everywhere where the government has control the people are living peacefully and normally. And wherever the from the West supported terrorists are rampaging, the people flee and there is terror and destruction. Such is the reality in Aleppo of today. The city is divided into two parts.

In East Aleppo the Western-supported Al Qaeda terrorists are in control. Only about 5,000 to 10,000 civilians still live there. The rest of the population fled two years ago from the terrorists. Those remaining civilians in the East part of the city are prevented from fleeing by the terrorists.

West Aleppo, on the other hand, is controlled by the Syrian government. More than 1.5 million civilians live there — Muslims, Christians, Kurds and other minorities. In the Government-ruled areas normal life is continuing, or would if only the Western-supported terrorists in East Aleppo didn’t exist. They shoot rockets and grenades daily at the 1.5 million people of West Aleppo. Again and again, children die that are attacked on their way to and from school by terrorists.

The people are demanding from Assad that he finally clamp down more severely against the terrorists of East Aleppo. But terrorists still to this day receive new weapons and ammunition from Western states; the West is trying to prevent the Assad Government from stopping the terrorists.

Most of the Syrian refugees aren’t in Turkey, Germany or Austria — they fled to the Assad-controlled areas within Syria. Almost eight million refugees are at this time being taken care of by the Assad government in safe zones. But the West wants to put sanctions on these safe zones. It becomes more and more difficult for these refugees. Apparently Merkel & Co. want the people flee not to Assad, but to Germany. Why?

Video transcript:

0:04   Aleppo — City of Extremes
0:08   It is difficult to enjoy this when people die close by.
0:11   But that is out of our control.
0:14   Summer fun in one city district,
0:17   while just a few kilometers away everything is destroyed.
0:21   The contrasts in Aleppo are difficult to endure.
0:27   People in the well-to-do districts feel the same way as well.
0:31   “We can’t stop our lives because of the people who are on the other side,
0:36   but we hope that they get a better life like we did.”
0:40   But at the moment not much seems to point in that direction.
0:45   An amusement park on one side — and…
0:48   …a few meters away refugee children play; tents are up.
0:54   “This is crazy. Some spend so much money here,
0:58   and we refugees, we don’t even have enough to buy food.”
1:02   Swimming, begging, dying. Aleppo in September of 2016.
1:05   One city — two worlds.

9 thoughts on “The Two Aleppos

  1. The reality the MSM won’t say is that the “rebels” are Islamists or Jihadists who have no desire for a democratic inclusive Syria and that the “civilians” living in East Aleppo are still there because those same rebels won’t let them leave. And according to Hillary; Putin and Assad are the bad guys here.

  2. I wonder what has happened to rulers of the West: they do their utmost to fan up the flames of war in Syria and Iraq to generate millions of refugees who then inundate their own countries sowing discord in society, weakening the economy, raising the crime rate, leaving heaps of rubbish everywhere…

    Cui prodest? Who benefits from this seemingly irrational policy?

  3. Anton, do you have any ideas? You said Cui prodest? I would have chosen cui bono?

    When you say “the West” do you mean Europe or USA (or both)? I apologize for my ignorance, it is impossible to keep up with ALL the news and still have time to live, do laundry and cook. . . I will have to look at a map to even figure out exactly where Aleppo is. . . I have a vague idea but want more info.

    And as always, the unanswerable question: why can’t we all just get along?

    • Ah, maria_dee, you’re a Catholic…if nothing else, the Church understands the inherent wickedness (read “neediness”) of the human heart…few of us have moved past five-year-olds-on-the-playground-without-supervision. It will always be a jungle, maria_dee.

    • Maria, there are always moslems in the equation today, and as you well know, we cannot get along with them. Never. Oil and water.

      And btw, ‘ignorant?’ I nearly always agree with you, so I guess I must be ignorant too! We ‘oldies’ might be a bit slow, but we know right from wrong!

  4. And the Armenians, of late, quite a number of their community in Aleppo have been killed by’rebel’ shelling. If you want to track what’s going on then I’d suggest having a look at Chrétiens d’Orient, a French NGO working in the region.

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