Paging Hassan Nasrallah

Update: Vlad sends this:

Earlier today (in the middle of the afternoon, Beirut time) more than a thousand pagers exploded simultaneously on or near the persons of members of the Shi’ite terrorist group Hezbollah. At least nine people were killed, and more than two thousand wounded. Interestingly enough, the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon was among the wounded, but Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah escaped unscathed. Most of the explosions occurred in Lebanon, but there are reports that several went off in Syria.

Hezbollah operatives had recently abandoned their cell phones because they had been penetrated by Israeli intelligence. They reverted to using the relatively antique technology of pagers instead, but now any pagers that didn’t explode have been discarded, leaving the Hezbollah networks more or less incommunicado.

It’s astonishing that Israel was able to hack all those devices and cause them to explode simultaneously. I have no idea how a pager can be induced to explode remotely.

I say “Israel”, but I don’t really know that the Jewish State was responsible. No one does, because there has been no official comment by the Israeli government. But who else has the capability to pull off a caper like this one?

To keep up with the latest updates on the aftermath of the incident, see this live blog from The Times of Israel. There’s also an article in The Jerusalem Post.

Below are two videos with some interesting information on the day’s events.

From The Sun:

From WION:

If any significant new information comes in, I’ll post an update.

Hat tip: Power Line.

16 thoughts on “Paging Hassan Nasrallah

  1. As of 5:00 PM Eastern Time on 09/17/2024

    Times of Israel reports:
    11 Dead
    500 blinded
    Over 3,000 wounded

    How it was done and who did it from same source:

    “Sky News Arabia quoted sources saying that the Mossad spy agency got hold of Hezbollah’s communication devices before they were handed over to the terror group.

    The Israeli spy agency placed a quantity of PETN, a highly explosive material, on the batteries of the devices, and detonated them by raising the temperature of the batteries from afar, the source said.

    A Lebanese security source quoted by Al Jazeera said an explosive weighing less than 20 grams had been placed in each pager.”

  2. The ‘hack’ in this case was probably literally hacking them open (well, more subtly than that obviously) and adding some plastic explosive. Kinda like the old CIA trick of spicing up intercepted arms shipments with ammo that had TNT instead of gunpowder before sending it on to the intended recipient.

  3. what if that was just a normal Li-ion battery instead ? randomly killing people with a technology trick… maybe this is just to let everybody know how one can be remotely killed by his own electronic devices. i dont even think the jews achieved anything by this new level of terrorist strategy.

  4. “The ‘hack’ in this case was probably literally hacking them open (well, more subtly than that obviously) and adding some plastic explosive.”

    You may be proven correct. But I reckon that -someone- hacked into the firmware, disabled the battery’s thermal sensor/safety switch and instructed all these gizmos to short-circuit (i.e., dump current beyond the battery’s safe limits) at a specific time.

    Aloha Snackbar!!

  5. Hopefully, this will be a deterrent and Hezbollah will rethink a full on attack on Israeli cities. They should be very afraid of what else Israel has up her sleeve. US diplomacy is a joke to terrorists. Only deterrence works!

  6. This is a hit to globalism. And Israel is populated with the original globalists of all time. Shooting themselves in the feet with this one.

  7. And now it seems a large number of walky-talkies have also exploded. At this point Hezbollah might be reduced to coordinating it’s forces with letters carried by trained birds (and with what happened over the last couple days, I wouldn’t trust that the carrier pigeon isn’t also a bomb).

  8. The explosions killed and maimed not only Hezbollah members but also some people who happened to be near them, including children. Some explosions happened in public places.

    Besides, there was a risk that the explosion will happen while the owner of the pager is driving and lead to a traffic accident involving some innocent people – for example, Lebanese Christians.

    Those responsible for this attack have shown a very irresponsible attitude to the potential collateral damage. And to human life in general.

    The attack has also shown how easily an innocent gadget can be turned into a weapon.

    This time they were used against Hezbollah, tomorrow they can be used against some other people. None of us is safe.

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