Big Brother is Watching You

From the perspective of the Left, the German journalist Aya Velázquez used to be politically reliable, especially when it came to climate issues. But during the “pandemic” she strayed from the party line on Corona-related matters, and now she is being targeted by the State in the same fashion that is usually reserved for neo-Nazis or “Islamophobes”: she is under massive surveillance.

However, Ms. Velázquez is fighting back: she is now counter-surveilling the State.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit:

Freedom of the Press?

Critical journalist Aya Velázquez: The Enemy of the State

The press is free? The Aya Velázquez case shows how quickly critical journalists can become targets for the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution [Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, BfV]. But the young investigative reporter is now striking back.

The enemy of the state may be slim and petite, but she is quite angry and determined to get back at the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution in kind: “Enough;” complains Aya Velázquez, “we are watching back!”

Her case shows how quickly not only right-wing but also left-wing journalists — who since the Spiegel affair in 1962 have actually been seen as a symbol of the exemplary nature of German democracy — can now come under the scrutiny of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution: With her inquiry into whether the secret service was storing data about her, the 1986-born Berliner has demonstrated a journalistic instinct.

Aya Velázquez

In fact, her name, her personal data, as well as a posting and an article written by her can be found 815 times in the files — filed in the “phenomenon area of de-legitimization of the state relevant to the protection of the constitution”. It was not revealed which texts these are, only that they were published in 2022. Although the entry will now be automatically deleted after two years, the young woman is nevertheless outraged that journalism is being denounced as undermining democracy.

Velázquez became a critical investigative journalist

It is also shameful that solidarity from the established media is lacking. What was once no obstacle to being accepted by the taz [daily newspaper Die Tageszeitung] — her origins from a left-wing activist environment — is apparently a reason for exclusion in the case of Velázquez. In fact, the cultural anthropology student became politicized in the wake of the Corona protests and initially wrote for the newspaper Democratic Resistance that emerged from them. Before that, at least when it came to climate issues, she had been fully in line with the green government. In 2019, for example, Velázquez tweeted that “the ‘end of civilization’ due to climate collapse is near” and called for a “global climate strike.” She is now surprised at herself: As a former “climate activist, I would never have dreamed that I would one day share articles critical of the climate, but the climate discourse is also riddled with power politics and massive conflicts of interest.”

Her experience with Corona gave her a helping hand: “They are the same people who wanted to turn society into a totalitarian hell during Covid on an unscientific basis.” Back in 2020, she published the meticulously researched article “China and the Great Reset. How the Communist Party and Tech Globalists Sold the Lockdown to the World,” which shows how the red dictatorship is increasingly becoming a role model in the West.

Velázquez’s idea is to reveal the extent of the spying

In addition to her work as a recreational prostitute, Velázquez, who does not want to give her German name, is often accused of “Schwurbelei/nonsense”. Unjustly, as she is characterized by intelligence, rational thinking and good research. Her breakthrough came in July when she presented the complete RKI protocols — which she had received from a mole — to the public at a press conference in Berlin, which made national headlines. These revealed, for example, that the expert council had not recognized any reliable effect of the vaccine against long Covid. And in fact, at the request of Health Minister Karl Lauterbach to substantiate this thesis “scientifically”, they had expressly advised against making such a claim.

It’s no wonder that she now wants to put the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution under pressure: On her YouTube channel , she explains in detail why and how this is supposed to work: On the campaign website “We are watching back” that she set up especially for this purpose, she provides a tool that every citizen can use to request information about files from the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution. Anyone who doesn’t want to enter their data there can print out the form and send it by post. If enough people join in, the true extent of the spying on their own citizens will become public.

Afterword from the translator:

What the heck is a “recreational prostitute”, and why would any women want to stick such a label onto herself? No self-respecting guy would want to get married and have a family with someone like that. This somehow mystifies me. Nonetheless, she definitely seems to be closely monitoring the pulse of tyranny, and I think, I will send a form with my name on it, just to see if they also monitor critical/blasphemous expats outside Merkelstan.

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