Uber Alles

As an appropriate follow-up to last night’s post about how unsafe Germany is, the following video gives an account of the scary encounters that young women in Berlin have had with Uber drivers. The report doesn’t mention ethnicity, but it’s not hard to put two and two together about the culture-enriching aspects of the ride service drivers.

Many thanks to Brunhilde for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:00   I’m actually in an Uber, and I got in the front seat. And he drove.
00:05   And whenever there was a red light, he always tried to grab between my legs.
00:08   I was just so scared, I didn’t dare say no.
00:12   When the way home becomes a horror.
00:15   Just groped while getting off a tram. How gross is it for women in Berlin at night?
00:20   That constant feeling of fear, that you just have.
00:23   Never alone, because it’s too awful out there.
00:26   Then she shouldn’t go out at night. Couldn’t be dumber. What’s actually wrong with the men?
00:32   That’s what we ask ourselves too. (laughter)
00:35   They have the attitude that they can do anything. Some women also have the itch.
00:38   Some insist on being torn open.
00:41   It’s just before midnight, at the Berlin Alexanderplatz.
00:45   Yes, the next one [tram] will come in one or six minutes.
00:50   Hanna and Emmeli had arranged to meet with some friends in a bar.
00:54   Now it’s time to go home on the tram. In pairs — that’s safer.
00:58   We’re always looking out, even when we’re going separately, that we get home safely.
01:03   So that you always know where the other person is. Exactly. So you text when you get home.
01:07   That’s a big thing with girls, that you text one another: Text me, when you get home. Yes, you too.
01:11   And then you do that, and you call the other person, if she doesn’t get in touch.
01:14   You always question that of course, but in the end you have your tactics.
01:18   Tactics and strategies to get home safely, every woman knows that.
01:23   The fact that you constantly have to reckon with something happening,
01:27   this constant fear and having to be alert is not just a feeling.
01:32   Attacks on women are increasing in Berlin, according to police,
01:35   and so is the willingness to report. Yet Kimmy never reported
01:39   what she experienced with an Uber driver,
01:42   while she was still a minor. Now she’s talking about it.
01:46   As a woman sometimes, when it’s happened too often,
01:50   you can talk about it more than if it’s just the first time.
01:56   Again and again, she experienced abusive behaviour with drivers of Uber and the like.
02:00   When you get in, they go after you and want to drive you somewhere else.
02:05   Two cases of drivers being sexually aggressive
02:08   are currently being heard in Berlin courts.
02:11   Among other things, a Bolt driver raped a sleeping [female] customer.
02:15   He got a three-year sentence. Kimmy seems to have just narrowly escaped that.
02:22   He always did this with his hand — and this.
02:25   And always went in between. I always just tried to get his hand away,
02:30   and then he went back to the steering wheel. This went on for about ten minutes,
02:33   until he kept wanting to go higher.
02:36   And then I said to him, no, I want to get out now. Actually, it would have been better if I had said
02:39   something and reported him to the police. Because who knows if he’s done the same thing to others?
02:43   Because you felt so ashamed, you felt ashamed about it.
02:55   Hanna and Emmeli have also had their own experiences with driving services.
03:00   I actually feel safer if I’m not spoken to.
03:03   It’s a little bit scary to be asked if someone’s waiting or if I’m alone, whether I live alone.
03:12   Sometimes you’ll get a little princess or something. Really weird.
03:15   Groped and molested, when the way home turns into running the gauntlet.
03:21   Earlier we were chatted up by someone.
03:25   Glances or comments — they just make you feel uneasy.
03:30   What did he say? —Hey, Baby, everything OK? We didn’t really respond, but, yes, it does get to you.
03:38   You think to yourself, OK, that can’t happen now. And for a little while we were afraid
03:42   that they would follow us. —When I call out, Hey, pretty woman, hey, pretty one! Is that a threat?
03:47   Can’t you imagine that women would feel harassed by that?
03:50   After a certain number in a day, it could be, yes.
03:54   But some, when I chase them, and she notices
03:58   that I looked at her a bit, why does she wiggle her a**?
04:01   Everything that these toxic men do, this catcalling, this chasing after,
04:05   calling out, everything just gets normalized. And that is totally sad.
04:09   Then she shouldn’t go out at night, shouldn’t dress in a certain way and such
04:13   so that any random people could attack her etc.
04:16   Welcome to the Middle Ages. What is wrong with some men?
04:23   We’re asking ourselves that question, too. (laughter)
04:27   What I think is that they have the attitude that they can do whatever they want.
04:31   There’s also a bit of a lack of empathy. This lack of empathy
04:35   is disastrous in the situation. And something has to change,
04:38   But it is a really fundamental problem, and it’s anchored across generations.
04:44   It has to start with the upbringing of every single individual, so that it’s taught,
04:50   that everyone is equally valuable, and that you don’t do things like that.
04:59   And lots of people are missing that.

5 thoughts on “Uber Alles

  1. “And something has to change.” — Yes sweetie, your willingness to perceive what effect is the consequence of what cause, and in consequence of that your voting behaviour. The ones you are branding as evil want to protect you from those middle ages YOU keep inviting.

  2. The two women around 4m39sec both have rings attached to parts of their faces. This, and their social worker-style vocabulary in German show them to be de facto adherents of Open Borders politicians who whine about

    – how this or that Immi-vader rape or knifing are due to the failure of German society to integrate “migrants”.

    The women’s evident bemusement, or mere puzzlement rather than actual rage at the objective danger they are in is likely driven by fear of the Waycism allegation. And

  3. Not only is the future bleak, but the past seems near obliteration. What part of 20th-century culture could these people (the natives, not the invaders) possibly relate to? I was just looking at a magazine devoted to old movies, and there were several articles on film festivals- with photos showing half-empty screening rooms and dealers’ rooms, and attendees who looked ready for the grave. Which is where everything from our time is headed (film, literature, music, etc.).

  4. People in Germany must save them selves, I am afraid for France is already too late but not for Germany. Vote right and expell american influence

  5. The problem is the collective white guilt in the West, combined with the specific national guilt in Germany. But why would Germans (and other Europeans) of today need to ‘compensate’ islamic (darkskinned) Arabs and Afro’s for crimes that nazi’s of three generations ago, most of whom are long dead now, committed against (white) Jews, (white Christian) Slavic people, (Christian) Roma, (white) homosexuals and (white) handicapped people?
    Most women interviewed probably voted for the Greens, who were the ones who initiated this diabolic process that’s slowly eroding our societies from within.
    It’s also not far-fetched to suspect, that they regard the voters and politicians of the AfD as ‘nazi’s’, while in reality, they could have been the only ones who could have saved them from the horrible ordeal they are facing now.
    I also suspect that some of them (if they were old enough at the time) were shouting ‘refugees welcome’ back in 2015.
    One is tempted to believe that many of them tended to join this WEF-instigated (self)-destructive campaign in 2015, not only because it was presented as ‘groovy’ and ‘fashionable’ by the MSM, nor only out of an (undeserved) sense of collective German or white guilt, but also because their subconscious female libido desires real men, who have become few and far in between in Germany, as a result of feminisation of the working life all around the West, feminism and (undeserved) male, ‘CIS-gender’, hetero, white and German guilt (what a s***load of different kinds of guilt we have to bear things we never did).
    However, when it turned out to these young women, that these ‘real’ men are not like the heroes portrayed by Hollywood in it’s Golden Age, but in fact behave like criminals, who don’t hold the same Judeo-Christian-Humanistic values, and disrespect and even threaten and abuse women, they ended up in total shock.
    They just cannot process the logic that this unexpected new threat is partly the direct result of their own political and socio-cultural stance.
    What kind of cognitive dissonance is going on in the minds of these young women?
    They are the future of our society. We need to get them back to sane thoughts before it’s definitely too late, in order to protect them against themselves, but also to preserve our culture and society.
    It puts them in a difficult dichotomy: On the one hand, they need to renounce radical feminism and allow young German (European) men to be real men again, but men with morals, who protect them, unlike the primitive scum that’s invading our countries.
    Simultaneously, which comes as a paradox, the German (European) women should learn to fight back when threatened, even with fierceness and ruthlessness if it needs to be.
    They could learn from Russian women, who are not that easily intimidated, and from Israeli women, who really know how to fight back. Of course, especially the latter have been facing serious threats for generations, so they are the experts on self-defense.
    Ironicaly, both Russian and Israeli women are much more feminine in their style than most ‘Western’ women, so a strong and independent women does not need to be ‘masculine’ in apprearance and style.
    Another irony, is that the Germans of today may need to ask for help and instructions from the descendants of the victims of the nazi crimes: The Russians and Israeli’s.

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