The Longest Covid

The socialist German health minister Karl “Klaboosterbach” Lauterbach has been featured in this space numerous times since the vax craze began in 2021. He has been ubiquitous in German media, hectoring and bullying the public while promoting the health policies of the German state.

Now we learn that Klaboosterbach also touted the effectiveness of the mRNA treatments in preventing “Long Covid”, without a shred of evidence to back his assertions up.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit:

RKI protocols

Corona: Lauterbach’s next vaccination lie uncovered

He claimed that corona vaccinations had no side effects and prevented infections. Now it has emerged that Lauterbach also convinced the Germans, against the advice of the RKI experts, that the vaccines protected against Long Covid.


Against the advice of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) lied to Germans about the effect of the corona vaccination on Long Covid. As can be seen from the RKI emails now published by the journalist Aya Velázquez, the expert council had not recognized any reliable effect of the vaccine against Long Covid.

In fact, in response to Lauterbach’s request to provide scientific evidence for this thesis, he had expressly advised against making such a claim in July. At first he said cautiously but clearly that “the evidence is not yet clear.”

RKI advises Lauterbach against vaccination theory

The RKI department head specializing in Long Covid also wrote on July 4, 2022: “Personally, I would rather wait until the evidence is a little firmer.” Today, it is considered certain among all experts that none of the Corona vaccinations protected against Long Covid.

Lauterbach nevertheless went public shortly afterwards, on July 10, and claimed the opposite. On Twitter (now X), he wrote: “The danger of Long Covid is massively underestimated. Vaccinations significantly reduce the risk of infection.” Even then, there was no scientific basis for this, and today it is clear: That was a lie.

Lauterbach and the vaccinated Long Covid patient

The head of neurology at the University Hospital Essen, Professor Christoph Kleinschnitz, expressed it not much differently to the world: “Linking Omicron’s warning about Long Covid with the vaccination was absurd.” Kleinschnitz has researched Long Covid and treated hundreds of patients.

Lauterbach, however, went even further and apparently did not notice how he was reducing himself to absurdity. In October, he presented the Spiegel columnist Margarete Stokowski, who had Long Covid, as a key witness for his vaccination appeal. However, the journalist admitted at the meeting before the federal press conference that she had been vaccinated against Corona several times.

Afterword from the translator:

What really annoys me with all of this is that the perpetrators to this massive Genocide will most likely be never charged or prosecuted for their role in this monstrous crime against humanity. After all, they write the rules and laws and then implement those rules and laws in such a way that they themselves are exempt. And then they will live the rest of their lives protected and coddled, through the taxes squeezed by force from the people they couldn’t KILL.

Maybe someone with the power and knowledge to do so will be able to rid the world of these monsters. I wish I could be that someone, and I would sleep like a innocent new-born baby afterwards.

2 thoughts on “The Longest Covid

  1. This freaking retarded idioten , it’s so dangerous, so this naive Germans believe them , it’s beyond me , , they all should be in prison big time , SPD , Greens , CDU with Merkel and Sphan on top ..

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