Culture-Enriching Murder of a Pensioner in Freiburg

A recently arrived Algerian culture-enricher has engaged in a variety of less than salubrious activities in the German city of Freiburg, culminating in the alleged murder of a 77-year-old pensioner. The confused youth is now in the process of being extradited from Switzerland, whence he had fled.

It’s remarkable how busy this industrious New German has been since his arrival in Germany less than three months ago.

I’m certain that if the people who have been in Germany for a longer time had not been so racist towards him, this mixed-up youngster would never have engaged in all that ruthless criminal activity.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Brutal attack in Freiburg: Algerian robs pensioner and kills him with several stab wounds

A 77-year-old pensioner was murdered in Freiburg im Breisgau during a robbery in his own home. The suspected perpetrator: a 21-year-old Algerian, who was arrested in Switzerland nine days after the crime. Bild was the first to report on the arrest.

The prime suspect is 21 years old, an Algerian citizen and was arrested in Bern when he tried to apply for asylum in Switzerland, the Freiburg public prosecutor’s office confirmed in response to an inquiry by SWR. As Tagesschau reports, the Freiburg public prosecutor’s office will now apply to the Swiss Federal Office of Justice for the suspect’s extradition via the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Justice.

The Algerian suspect has been in Germany since May 1 of this year and was already known to the police for property crimes.

According to information made available to NIUS, other residents in the vicinity of the murdered pensioner have also been affected by thefts. The police are said to have secured evidence in the area and assume that these crimes are also connected to the Algerian suspect.

Telltale video footage

The crime occurred on the afternoon of July 14: a 77-year-old pensioner was brutally murdered in his home. In an initial press release, the police assume that the perpetrator stabbed the pensioner after the latter surprised him during a break-in. The exact course of events is still the subject of joint investigations by the Freiburg public prosecutor’s office and the “Lobe” special task force, it continues.

The police in Freiburg received the first clues on the same day. A concerned witness had observed a suspicious man rummaging through a backpack in bushes on Stühlinger Kirchplatz — and filmed the whole thing! When the officers finally arrived, the suspect had already left, but he had left the backpack with the rummaged-through items behind. As it turned out, the murdered pensioner’s laptop was also among them.

The special task force also secured and evaluated video recordings from private security cameras near the crime scene. The same unknown man can be seen on them as at Stühlinger Kirchplatz. A national and European arrest warrant was issued against the man. He has now been arrested.

Afterword from the translator:

According to the list of “forbidden” words put out by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, BfV) — but not the protection of the indigenous people, that are forced to pay their lavish salaries with their taxes — this heinous murder by an “immigrant” did not occur, since immigration crime or subsequent immigrant criminals do not exist. I’m pretty sure that this is such a relief for the family of the murder victim.

By the way, here’s the list of words — so far — that will get you into trouble in Germany:

  • Everything for Saxony/Thuringia /etc. — Code for “Everything for Deutschland”
  • alternative — supporters of the AfD
  • Old parties — delegitimization of the state and its institutions
  • Foreigners — sometimes punishable in connection with “out”
  • Borscht — a favorite dish of the Russian conquerors of Ukraine, to be avoided
  • “c” — lowercase letter, code for the banned Compact magazine
  • Clan crime — derogatory, generalizing
  • Democrature — denigration and contempt for the state
  • German people — nationalist exclusion
  • German nation — presumptuous for all people living here
  • Deep State — see “Deep State”
  • Döp Dödö Döp — cipher for “Ausl…. out”
  • Honour killing — femicide
  • Elites — anti-Semitic code
  • Refugee — correctly: person seeking protection or “fugitive”
  • Peace — in relation to Ukraine: forbidden
  • Gender-Gaga — discriminatory against LGBTQ supporters and pseudo-feminists
  • Globalists — anti-Semitic code
  • Great Reset — anti-Semitic conspiracy narrative
  • Home — exclusionary
  • Indians — indigenous population in America (incl. Winnetou)
  • Invaders — derogatory for refugees in need of protection
  • Islamization — conspiracy theory
  • Criticism of Islam — Islamophobia
  • Islam critics — Islam haters
  • Kanaks — indigenous population of the French overseas territory of New Caledonia
  • conservative — Nazi-speak
  • Warmongers — incitement against NATO states
  • Merkel guests — derogatory towards refugees, insult to the former chancellor
  • Knife specialist — hate and incitement against refugees
  • Migrant — correct: new citizen
  • Mohammedan — derogatory for followers of the religion of peace
  • Mohrenkopf/Negerkuss — discriminatory, now chocolate kiss
  • National — in connection with socialism to be replaced by eco-
  • Negro — PoC (People of Color)
  • Patriots — Nazis
  • Party state — right-wing extremism, delegitimization of the state
  • Government critics — enemies of the state
  • Russian eggs — testicles of participants in the war of aggression against Ukraine
  • Smugglers — sea rescuers, escape helpers
  • Walkers — protesters who delegitimize government measures
  • Teddy bear throwers — welcoming committee for refugees at train stations
  • Deep State — anti-Semitic conspiracy narrative
  • Transsexual — sexual minority
  • Transformation, big — see under “Great Reset”
  • Ukraine war — correct: Russian war of aggression against Ukraine
  • “Z” — letter, stands for “support of the Russian war of aggression”
  • Zigeuner/Gypsies — now Sinti and Roma
  • Zigeunerschnitzel (Gypsy schnitzel) — rotating European schnitzel
  • Immigration crime — does not exist

And I’m pretty sure that in the near future the entire German language will be forbidden and its speakers will be persecuted, prosecuted and then extinct.

One thought on “Culture-Enriching Murder of a Pensioner in Freiburg

  1. Yet another innocent victim on the altar of Angela Merkel’s insane refugee policy. “Wir schaffen das”, she said, meaning we can do this-integrate and assimilate millions of mostly young Muslim men from countries like Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other hellholes. The only thing they have been able to do is destroy their country and the rest of Western Europe.

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