Culture-Enriching Rapist in Issy-les-Moulineaux

It’s the same tired old story: a culture-enricher with a criminal record who was ordered to leave France, but was never deported, has committed yet more sexual crimes.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from CNews:

“Don’t move or I’ll kill her.”

A man under deportation order taken into custody for attempted rape of a woman in a medical office at Issy-les-Moulineaux

June 26, 2024

After a report of an attempted rape and murder in a medical office, a police operation took place yesterday evening in Issy-les-Moulineaux (Hauts-de-Seine). The suspected attacker was arrested and placed in custody, CNEWS has learned from police sources.

The events occurred around 10:30 pm. Notified by witnesses on June 25, police proceeded to a medical office located in Issy-les-Moulineaux (Hauts-de-Seine). At the scene, police observed an attack in progress, hearing the cries of the woman, the death threats, and the calls for help coming from inside the office, a police source told CNEWS on Wednesday.

While the screams were coming from a locked room in front of which chairs had been placed by witnesses to prevent the attacker from fleeing, the officers managed to enter. The victim, a medical secretary, born in 2000, was found nude, lying on the floor while a man was threatening to kill her using scissors he held to her throat.

According to CNEWS’ information, the suspected attacker reportedly yelled to police, “Don’t move or I will kill her”. However, thanks to the use of a taser, police succeeded in overpowering the individual before placing him under arrest.

For her part, slightly injured, the medical secretary told investigators that the attacker had entered the office under the pretext of having an appointment. After having asked her for help and complimenting her, he reportedly forced her to undress before grabbing a pair of scissors from the desk. He then reportedly locked the door and threw himself on her.

An attacker under order to leave the country

Born in February 1992 in Algiers, and of Algerian nationality, the man was the object of two investigative files. One was the Obligation to Leave French Territory (OQFT), and the other an Administrative Ban on Returning. In addition, the man admitted to officers he had consumed cocaine, which was confirmed by a drug test.

He was placed in custody for attempted rape while under the influence of drugs, as well as attempted voluntary homicide while under the influence of drugs. Finally, the suspect is known to police for aggravated robbery, kidnapping, extortion, and sexual attacks on minors. However, the police did not indicate whether he had been convicted for these acts, some of which date back to 2018.

One thought on “Culture-Enriching Rapist in Issy-les-Moulineaux

  1. Until the number of such individuals who die while resisting arrest goes WAYYY UP, the Jihad will continue unchecked. I can only hope in this case that the French police on the scene did not have firearms, otherwise they have failed in their duty to protect civilization. Perhaps the enricher will expire during a failed escape attempt.

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