Culture-Enriching Family Squabbles Settled With Gunfire

There was a nasty incident of enricher-vs.-enricher violence yesterday in North Rhine-Westphalia: a man shot his pregnant wife in the head, and also several other people. As a matter of interest, the case has a Mohammed Coefficient of 100%.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Man shoots pregnant woman in the head in Hagen — Perpetrator flees after several shots

Shots were fired in Hagen in North Rhine-Westphalia on Saturday. BILD and WDR, among others, reported this. At least five people are said to be wounded and the perpetrator is on the run. BILD reports that the man shot his pregnant wife in the head. Her life is still in danger.

As the police confirmed, several shots were fired in an apartment on the 6th floor. The perpetrator then ran to the 7th floor and fired up to six shots through a locked apartment door. No one was injured. According to BILD’s information, the perpetrator is 34-year-old Mehmet Ö. [Imagine my shock that his names wasn’t Hans, Klaus or Peter. Would’ve been a change for once, now, wouldn’t it?]

The situation later shifted to the Serova hairdressing salon, which is about two kilometers from his home. There he is said to have shot three more people and a fourth suffered acoustic trauma. Several streets in the Eilpe district are currently cordoned off and a major police operation is underway.

Police suspect perpetrator in residential area

The officers’ sights were set on a residential area around a Netto supermarket. “We suspect that the perpetrator could be in this area,” the police said.

It had already been said that the situation was “dynamic”. As the Hagen police reported via X, the reasons for the crime could, according to initial findings, “lie in the family environment”. [I’ll bet it does.]

Afterword from the translator:

It’s really amazing to see how culturally enriched Germany has become since they’ve started to import Islamic “Haute Culture” wholesale. It must be really “exciting” to get up in the morning not knowing if you’ll end your day in a hospital, fighting for your life, or the morgue “fighting” for a place of RIP. Most of Germany’s population must be adrenalin junkies by now craving this type of “excitement” or have become so despondent that they don’t even care any longer if they get culturally enriched or not. It might be time to establish a CEA (Culturally Enriched Anonymous) to detox their society and wean them of this dangerous and suicidal “drug addiction”.

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