Health Care Crisis in Germany

There’s a sudden-onset health care crisis in Germany. Health Minister Karl “Klaboosterbach” Lauterbach is shocked — shocked! — at the number of older German citizens who are now in need of care.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius:

700% more than expected: Lauterbach does not know why the number of people in need of care is exploding

The number of people in need of care is increasing explosively — more than seven times as much as previously thought!

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach has expressed alarm at the increase in the number of people in need of care. “Demographically, only an increase of around 50,000 people would have been expected in 2023. But the increase is actually over 360,000,” the SPD politician told the RND. He continued: “We don’t yet understand exactly why this is the case.” Lauterbach spoke of an “acute problem in nursing care insurance.”

Lauterbach cites the “sandwich effect” as the reason for the “explosive” increase. “In addition to the very old people in need of care, there are the first baby boomers, who are now also in need of care,” said the minister. For the first time, there are two generations that are dependent on care at the same time: “The baby boomers and their parents.”

Lauterbach made it clear that the level of care services cannot be maintained with the current contribution system alone. However, he said that a comprehensive financial reform in care will probably not be possible in this legislative period. An inter-ministerial working group will also “hardly be able to come up with a uniform recommendation.” “The views of the various ministries and coalition partners are too different for that.”

Afterword from the translator:

Here can we see clearly again that “the Emperor has no clothes”. How can anyone believe a word that comes out of this guy’s mouth? How can he believe in anything he’s saying in the knowledge that his and the German government’s policies have been the driving force to coerce people to injure themselves? But then, the truth is irrelevant to the narrative told to the serfs, and their injuries or death are a small price to pay for “public health”, now, aren’t they?

One thought on “Health Care Crisis in Germany

  1. Several months ago people all over the world were basically forced to take a damaging ge untested gene therapy treatment.

    In the short term people died from mypcarditis and other serious medical problems depending where in the body the clusters of spike producing mRNA clusters took root.

    Those that infected vital organs passively compromised those organs.

    These were the immediate problem areas, but what of those mRNA clusters that colonized lesser areas of the body causing all sorts of localized malfunctions, not killer clusters but capable of rendering arms, legs, spleens colons etc partially non-functional.

    Plausible deniability?

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