On the Beach

The following report describes the current conditions in Syria, the country of origin for those poor pitiful migrants who have flooded Europe in the last ten years, and from which they are now refugees, because their homeland is allegedly too dangerous to return to.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the Austrian outlet eXXpress:

Current beach pictures from Syria — when will they finally be deported?

It is said that Syria is too unsafe to deport even convicted criminals there. Images from the country repeatedly cast doubt on this official version. Videos of beaches are currently proving that large parts of Syria are safe.

17,136 Syrians are officially in the Austrian basic supply. Even convicted rapists must not be deported to their homeland. “Too unsafe and too dangerous” is the description of the country in which the war is said to be still raging. But the truth is different: More than three quarters of the country is now safe. In the clubs they party extensively, the markets thrive, and sun-seeking families enjoy themselves on the beaches.

142,800 euros per day

“When will they finally be deported to Syria?”. eXXpress readers ask themselves this question again and again. With good reason: Every additional day that thousands of Syrians spend here in Austria costs an incredible amount of tax money. The pocket money alone for 17,136 Syrian asylum guests adds up to €4.2 million per month. The eXXpress already calculated that this means that every single day of continued waiting costs the taxpayer €142,800 — but that does not include the accommodation costs and nor the expenses for medical care, the training and policing operations of the executive as well as follow-up costs.

Beach life

On the beach

Nightlife in Damascus

Afterword from the translator:

One really wonders: what is the point? Economic migrants from Syria who are granted asylum in Europe are vacationing in the country where they are allegedly being persecuted. That can’t just be because of the asylum mafia and monster profits; it must have something to do with the nefarious UN migration agenda and the One World Feudal State.

Why else would anyone want to destabilize the whole of Europe if not to play the “Saviour” afterwards? They are like the firefighter who sets houses ablaze to play the hero during the conflagration.

11 thoughts on “On the Beach

  1. I did my own research after seeing video of beautiful Christmas celebrations on Partisan Girl’s twitter account and found that once the Russians pushed back western terrorist allies life went back to normal. Christian celebrations and bikinis at the beach. Christianity is stronger there than here. I’m sure some areas are not perfect especially in the islamic terrorist (our allies) areas like Idlib. Islamic terrorist areas are the only ones which received western aid after the earth quake this year. I think Russia sent some aid to Assad held territories. “Some Syrians are more important than others” to the west. Thanks George!

  2. One really wonders: what is the point?

    Proverbs 30:27: “The locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them by bands”

    I’d say that the Eastern Europeans are “vaccinated” by the Gypsies, who are the experienced “players of the system”, searching through the state sponsored donations and benefits to get as much as possible paid by “the taxpayer”…

    But oftentimes I noticed that many Western Europeans don’t understand this “middle eastern mentality”. And then, predominantly women, young and old, are surprised that Mustafa and Mohammed are here just to gain something for free…

    So, though it is a policy to mix Europeans with the southern races to break the social cohesion in European countries, the other side of the coin is also that many western europeans, enough to allow this to happen, are totally oblivious to the fact that foreigners who “come into the system just to gain something for free” represent a burden and a rot in the social cohesion of the whole country.

  3. Whites have to pay for non whites constantly, in everything, and everywhere.
    The whites have become docile cattle for the coloureds to feast upon.
    Any rebelling against this.
    And the coloureds or their brainwashed slaves come for you.

    And to think all those men died on the beach’s of Normandy for these demons to now reign supreme.

    • Those coloured behave like savages in any country they inhabit.

      I am happy that Putin is building communities for the Boer to live in Russia. After all the savages have murdered them enmass, stolen their property and food and promptly destroyed it.

      See the film Aftrica Addio. It will disgust you.

  4. I have changed my mind about the World Wars we were suckered into by the Brits and Frogs playing their Great Games and this is what they have wrought upon us, if the Germans had won the 1st world war, no Hitler, no 2 nd war that killed our best and brightest and no 3rd world invasion and no WEF, no Soro’s, no communism, no bankers that run the world these days. God bless the Kaisers and Generals that will take over after these WEF run our countries into the ground and bankrupt us. Let them start the Great Purge of all those who wrought this upon us and may they make it so horrible that it will be sung around a thousand camp fires for a thousand years.

  5. @ G

    Re: “I have changed my mind about the World Wars we were suckered into by the Brits and Frogs playing their Great Games and this is what they have wrought upon us, if the Germans had won the 1st world war, no Hitler, no 2 nd war that killed our best and brightest and no 3rd world invasion and no WEF, no Soro’s, no communism, no bankers that run the world these days.”

    “What if” or “alternative history” is nothing more than fiction or speculation, when you get down to it. Amusing, but in the end nothing comes of it. Well, except perhaps to raise your blood pressure and give you poorer sleep. As bad as things are now, in this reality, they could have been worse in the one about which you speculate. How, you ask? Because if there is one constant in human behavior over time, it is the ability of human beings, no matter who they are or where they come from, to screw things up. To make them worse.

    So – at least until humans discover how to travel to another time and another reality, you are engaged in a pointless exercise, with all due respects. This is the only reality we’ve got, and we’ll have to make the best of it.

    • There is no alternative truth. But there are many people who are very fond of their own version of it, built on limited information, some of it probably misinformation. Not 100% of the real truth is open for all of us to know, even after all these years. And there are still some who are very, very afraid of that ever changing.

  6. Georgia, You are right of course about speculating of what may be or what may come, but history gives us an insight into the future of what mistakes don’t need repeating, and it seems we fail to learn these lessons. Always leave it to Murphy to mess it up for nothing it seems goes according to plan.

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