Happy Revolution Day

Given the grievous state into which our once-great Republic has fallen, wishing everybody a happy Independence Day just doesn’t seem appropriate. How independent are we when the federal government intrudes into so many aspects of our lives, and forces us to do so many things we don’t want to do?

Thus it seems more fitting to honor the revolutionary aspect of the events of July 4, 1776. The relevant excerpt from the Declaration of Independence is this:

“…whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

So here’s to Revolution Day!

There are times when things just need to go BOOM.

7 thoughts on “Happy Revolution Day

  1. “It’s time to reboot the United States back to 21 November 1963. While not perfect, the United States was a safer, freer, cleaner and more productive place for law-abiding Americans to live and work. The “Great Society” has been a failure, resulting in increased violence, regulation, filth and loss of productivity. It’s time.” —Me (28 Sept 2018)

  2. “Independence Day” – White Heart (Christian Rock Band)
    Give it a listen

  3. Precisely.

    Wife wanted to drink to Independence Day; I told her I wouldn’t drink to that but I would say a toast to a new Declaration of Independence and a new revolution to rid the country of its traitors.

  4. Truman, a dutiful Democrat, simply continued in Woodrow Wilson’s (a college president) legacy in support of a one-world (or was that whirled) government. The CIA which had been instituted by FDR was now given additional authority which Nixon and Eisenhower set in stone.
    So it’s taken about 100 years to undo the legacy that was paid for in blood and sacrifice during the previous 150 years. Thus, folks will be folks and at times behave inappropriately, that is until Jesus Christ is seated on His Throne in Jerusalem, and I can hardly wait.

    • “…whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

      All so-called western democracies are actually dictators. Look at France:

      Erci Zemmour has been warnin g France of the danger of importing millions of muslims. No one listen.

      Can they change or alter the government . No. Elect another gov. and the result all the the same. sometimes worse.

      No honor. No faith. No decency. Belief in human rights of which the purpose is only to bring muslim invaders . Nothing esle.

      And they tell their own citizenry that they are importing doctors, scientists and engineers. Not rapists and murderers.

      When we see rapists and murderers they tell us that is misinformation.

      False news of the west is truth. Truth is disinformation.

      We have to find an outsider to blame. to save our skin.

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