Pope Francis Promotes the Great Replacement

In the following excerpt from a recent interview, Pope Francis argues for increased immigration to compensate for the fact that Europeans are not having enough children.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:00   There’s another problem that’s related to the issue of migration:
00:08   the problem of birthrates.
00:13   There are countries such as Italy and Spain where people don’t have children.
00:23   Last year I gave a speech, at a congress about family, and I talked about this issue.
00:32   And lately I have noticed that the [Italian] government
00:36   and other governments talk about it as well.
00:40   The average Italian age is 46.
00:45   In Spain it is even higher.
00:49   And there are several uninhabited villages.
00:56   A migration plan, carried out properly,
01:02   by following the same immigration pattern adopted by some countries —
01:08   I am thinking, for example, of what Sweden did at the time of dictatorships in Latin America —
01:14   may be helpful in these countries with low birth rates, as well.

15 thoughts on “Pope Francis Promotes the Great Replacement

  1. Bergoglia who is Argentinian, quoting “the time of dictatorships” is screamingly funny. As screaming as the victims of the Dirty War military junta he assisted in the 70s.

    Bergoglio was Prefect of the Jesuit Order at that time. He had a social worker Jesuitpriest or two as underling. They were killed by the junta for “communistic activities” (a killing approved retrospectively by most on this blog, but I digress).

    Juna boss Gen. Videla said years later that the junta never laid a finger on any priest unless the Church allowed it. Bergoglio denies any involvement to this day.

    • I have little use for his Borgoglio but he was never an arm of any Marxist or fascist regime period. Popes argue AGAINST birth control and Borgoglio calls abortion murder and the LQT insani disordered. Encyclicals call for a man as the family earner and the wife as the mother raising children at home. Borgoglio also alls onsumerism a sin and corporate greed Evil.


  2. Pretty easy for an ancient celibate (at least heterosexually) geezer to advocate, since he has no children that would have to live in the hell on earth he’s busy creating.

    Perhaps he should crusade against western hedonism, or exorbitant abusive taxes and obscene corporate profits to the shareholders which prevent employees from receiving a fair wage from which to support a family.

    The sooner he shuffles off this mortal coil for his eternity with Lucifer the better.

    • I think Lucifer keeps him alive so that he experiences hell on earth first and then in hell itself.
      Lucifer doesnt want you to have the easy way out.

  3. I don’t understand why the usual suspects never think that there is nothing wrong with low indigenous population levels.
    The replacement of the indigenous peoples by unwanted invaders aside, I suspect that left to their own devices, the indigenous population would eventually begin to increase in its own time; providing that the cult of abortion is outlawed.

    • I don’t know; as abhorrent as abortion is I would rather that those who would avail themselves of it be encouraged to the maximum. A woman who would murder a baby for convenience shouldn’t be a mother anyway. The real tragedy is that they can’t be identified in advanced and sterilized before the point when abortion is a possibility. The problem would fix itself after several generations.

      As to whether a smaller indigenous population is desirable or not, I tend towards the view of fewer people on the planet being desirable for all kinds of reasons to endless increase. Humanity did pretty good with around a billion or so for the thousands of years preceding the usage of fossil fuels. Cities with populations maxxing out in the low hundreds of thousands instead of the millions would probably be far more beneficial to liberty than the horror show that exists today.

  4. Borgoglio is mostly a lite weight brain with a need for attention. Catholic teaching is strong in defense of the father-mother basics and it endlessly attacks our unjust wars since 1990. Borgoglio’s Tutti Frutti encylical is simply moronic. We elected the leaders doing us in folks preferring these petit Caesars over G_d. Read summaries of the Pope Leo and multiple popes Pius’s encyclicals as well as JPII.

    • Look up “Vatican or Pope Agenda 2030”
      Or “Pope and World Economic Forum”

      That’s were his true believes are rooted.

  5. Accusing Boroglio of being a pedophile is sin-filled and void credence.

  6. They twist their arguments how it fits them.
    One day its over population, the next day we have not enough children (which is closer to the truth).

    If ones culture dies because of a low birthrate or if it dies out because of getting replaced by other people in the end is almost irrelevant.
    The only difference is – a low birth rate can get turned around at any time.
    But once you are replaced by other and more aggressive people, and you have become a despised minority, it’s over.

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