Back in October I reported on the controversy over the large Confederate Battle Flag that flies atop a sixty-foot pole next to US 460 just outside of Farmville, Virginia. The flag, sponsored by the Virginia Flaggers, had been properly permitted and was in compliance with the relevant county zoning ordinance. (See my earlier post for all the details.)
However, when the flag was finally up and visible, the Prince Edward County Board of Supervisors had a change of heart about it, presumably after hearing from affronted citizens. The county passed a new ordinance that retroactively made the flag non-compliant, and then waited until after the statutory sixty-day waiting period to order it taken down.
The Virginia Flaggers appealed to the Board of Zoning Appeals, which ruled in their favor. But the county wasn’t satisfied with the verdict, and appealed the decision to the Circuit Court. Today the court ruled against Prince Edward County, and the flag is still flying.
Earlier today the Virginia Flaggers sent out this notice by email:
Victory in Prince Edward County! Just getting out of court. More details to follow, but the judge ruled in our favor, DENYING Prince Edward County’s appeal of the decision of their own Board of Zoning Appeals, and stating that we did everything in good faith and are not responsible for the County issuing us a building permit “in error”.
This is a huge win for us, for the citizens of Prince Edward County, for our Confederate veterans, and for ALL landowners in the Commonwealth and beyond. All glory to God. All honor to our Confederate ancestors.
It’s a moment worth celebrating, but the fight is probably not over yet. The Virginia Flaggers took in money from donations (I was one of the donors) to fight their case, but Prince Edward County is using taxpayers’ money to wage their battles, which means their lawyers can continue with their appeals at higher levels, presumably all the way to the Virginia Supreme Court. The Virginia Flaggers will then have to ask the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the United Daughters of the Confederacy to dig deeper into their pockets to pay the additional legal expenses.
I don’t understand how the supervisors can justify all this to their constituents. Outside of Farmville itself — where the Longwood University community is a reliable source of wokeness — there can’t be a whole lot of support for fighting to remove the Battle Flag. Even black people are largely indifferent to the issue.
We’ll see what happens. If any further chapters emerge in this sordid saga, I’ll report on them here.
In the meantime, the bien-pensants traveling west on US 460 will be triggered every time they see the Battle Flag up there rippling in the breeze.
A society that denies it’s history, ceases.
I would love it if you could post an address or PO Box one can mail donations to. I would be happy to cram 20 bones in an envelope for the cause. Joe Blow doesn’t do checks…
Thank you! I just sent you an email.
Amen. We’re not a dictatorship, yet.
As a “Notthener” your flag has minimal significance for me, your right to celebrate your culture and history are a battle worthy of free men and you have my profound respect.
A little East of Paris …
So when the Reds start a communist revolution, lose, kill 10% of our population in the process, and then wage a campaign of assassinations to re-implement as much socialism as possible, we will see the hammer and sickle flying because “glory to our Marxist ancestors, and fight the power.”
This is why Americans are armed to the teeth and despite the commiecrats best efforts, Americans will not be disarmed.
affronted “citizens”
The real battle is not for the flag to remain or be taken down, but that the board of supervisors be removed from office via election.
Yes indeed. I’ve been told that some of them don’t care if they lose, because the money’s no good.
I will believe that when they explain why they ran in the first place and when they don’t run next time.
Actual good news with me coffee?!
The battle continues this northern New England Yankee ready to contribute to the cause.
I liked the flag before I even knew what it stands for.
Just knowing “Rebels” was all I needed.
And then I put a little sticker with this flag on my moped.
Now that I know what it stands for I like it even more.
I once bought the flag with a skeleton rising on it and the text: “The South will rise again.”
I hope it happens.
Long ago in school I was taught that the difference between a dictatureship and a democracy was that in a dictatureship the laws can be changed any minute and you have no stability or assurance of continuity of the law. (Yes, I was young at that time.)
So, to follow up on my thinking during my youth, if the permit was granted, shouldnt that mean that the permit continues to be valid and the new rules apply only to new flag raisers?
Yes, now that I grown up I know the truth.
great news! where to mail contribution?
Thank you! I just sent you an email.
I wouldn’t mind knowing that address, either. Hell, I fly the 3rd National, and have had the battle flag (crossed with the Tennessee flag) tattooed on my shoulder since 1991, when I was in the Yankee Navy (you have t get your training where you can).
Thank you in advance.
I just sent you an email.
I just love it when you southern boys stick it in the eye of our so called betters. Heck I fly the Imperial flags of Austria and Prussia these days alongside the Jolly Roger as my protest against the communists in my state.
I sure would like to donate to the cause to keep that awesome flag flying!