Panem et Circenses

The current inflation crisis prompted the residents of the Italian town of La Spezia to converge on city hall in an angry protest to the mayor. The following video shows the complaints of a woman who says that she has no bread for her daughter.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Below is an article (Hat tip Reader from Chicago) about the protest in La Spezia:

‘No Money for Bread’ — Starving Italians Storm Town Hall

Are these the kind of conditions that we will soon see more often in Europe? In an Italian city, angry citizens stormed the city hall because they had no more money to afford groceries. The mayor refused to receive the angry crowd.

Italian citizens stormed La Spezia City Hall after the mayor refused to receive them: “I have no money to buy bread, what will my daughter eat tonight?” cried a disappointed mother at the official residence of the city. The incident is said to have taken place in the Italian city on Wednesday.

The mayor Pierluigi Peracchini decided to ignore the problems that his constituents have been facing. He is said to have even denied the citizens access to the town hall for a discussion. Rather, as video recordings show, police officers from the local municipality prevented the angry people from penetrating further into the building.

Video transcript:

00:01   I need to get my daughter some bread, for God’s sake!
00:04   Some bread!
00:07   We’re speaking of bread, don’t you get it?
00:11   Do you have some bread at home yourself? I don’t have any tonight!
00:14   Do you?

One thought on “Panem et Circenses

  1. You will get bread – if you are x-times vaxxed.
    And of course: no bad and evil comments on Facebook. Just give us your log-in data and we take a quick look.

    And it would be good if you praise our politicians. Not a requirement, but you want some more calories, dont you?

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