Life is a Corona Cabaret, Old Chum

I don’t know about everyone else, but I need something to distract myself from the Election Madness that has currently seized the USA.

The following video is just the ticket. It features a cabaret song about the Wuhan Coronavirus by a German artist. Oz-Rita, who translated the video for subtitles, includes this introduction:

This video was recorded some two months ago, well before the less conformist among us woke up, so the guy really has guts. It subtly and musically attacks the (World/German) governments. It is a song, so the translation does not do it justice.

It was posted by Politically Incorrect, and this is how they introduced it:

Posted by PI Politik Spezial — Voice of Reason

Will Ludger K. (the artist) be allowed to perform after this video? It is doubtful.

Info about his performances at:

I do not know if he has been allowed to perform since then.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:13   The Covid-19 hysteria…
00:17   …seems so silly to him…
00:21   Ludger K. sings about the…
00:25   the theatre world.
00:37   We love to put on a mask everywhere,
00:41   and we do what the government
00:45   demands of us.
00:49   Only a few steps more to the Big Sale,
00:53   then we have arrived at the bitter end.
00:57   We are
01:01   waiters, servants and clowns in this country,
01:05   but unfortunately irrelevant to the system.
01:09   Closed.
01:13   Corona Corona
01:17   The oven shuts down
01:21   for the theatres of the world.
01:25   Corona… we stay at home
01:29   when everything breaks down outside.
01:33   It started with just a fever
01:37   and a little nausea, but now
01:41   only interdictions shape our lives.
01:45   Corona… loved by no-one.
01:49   Luckily the WHO exists,
01:53   and the Bill [Gates]
01:57   he can laugh, even while we feel like crying,
02:01   and the daily news doesn’t ask how
02:05   much money flows. Our hero is Mr. Throsten and
02:09   the boys from RKI; everything else is
02:13   Conspiracy Theory.
02:17   What a theater, no? But it’s reality.
02:21   Corona, the gateway to lethargy.
02:25   Corona…
02:29   we follow you faithfully and
02:33   and go along with every piece of bulls***.
02:37   Corona…the world is silent:
02:41   beginning and end at the same time.
02:45   Corona.
02:49   Corona — total pandemy.
02:53   We sacrifice everything for you.
02:57   There is more Orwell than ever before
03:01   in this Corona.
03:05   …pandemy…
03:13   Thank you,
03:17   many thanks.
03:21   Hallo, my name is Ludger. I am cabaretist
03:25   or a stand-up comedian,
03:29   as you like. I have lost confidence in our political leadership.
03:33   Anyway, who is our political leadership?
03:37   I would be happy to meet you in one of my shows
03:41   while theater exists and while they let me perform.
03:45   Until then my advice: Keep your distance
03:49   from everything the government tells you.
03:57   Supported by Max Otte Fonds

2 thoughts on “Life is a Corona Cabaret, Old Chum

  1. Found on a UK website….

    ‘Twas the night before Lockdown, when all through the house
    Not a creature was isolating, not even a mouse;
    The face masks were thrown by the chimney in piles,
    And even St. Nicholas was out on the tiles;
    The children were nestled all snug in their beds;
    While parents in pubs were all off their heads;
    But mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,
    Had just settled to listen to Boris talk crap,
    When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
    I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
    When what to my wondering eyes did appear,
    But the eggheads from SAGE and eight tiny brain-deer,
    With a little bald driver whose eyes were so slitty,
    I knew in a moment he must be Chris Whitty.
    More rapid than eagles his minions they came,
    And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name:
    “Now, Tester! now, Tracer! now Starmer and Testkitzen!
    On, Vomet! on, Covid! on, Wuhan and Witzend!
    So up to the housetop the demons they flew
    With the sleigh full of masks, and sanitiser too—
    And then he arrived, rather late, in an Uber-
    Matt Hancock, or perhaps it was Lieutenant Gruber?
    Down the chimney they came with a wham and a bam
    And the fat one got stuck, it was Jonathan Van Tam
    They counted my household and sized up my bubble
    But when they went in the bathroom, I knew there’d be trouble
    For a thousand bog rolls were hoarded and hid
    And the thought police fined me five hundred quid.


  2. Money makes the world go down, New World go round,
    that multi-culty sound, that multi-culty sound!

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