Speaking Turkish is Your Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card

An elderly woman was viciously attacked by two Turkish-speaking culture-enrichers in Berlin. Yet it took the police a year and four months to issue an arrest warrant for the perps.

Might their dilatory behavior have something to do with the Turkish aspect of the case? Nah, it couldn’t be — the Berlin police would never do such a thing…

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius:

They spoke Turkish during brutal attack: Robbers gag pensioner (74)

Wanted! In February 2023, a 74-year-old woman was brutally attacked in her apartment in Berlin. The perpetrators: still not caught. The police are now searching for the two Turkish-speaking robbers.

At the beginning of the year, two unknown men disgustingly attacked an old lady on Hochstädter Straße in the Berlin-Wedding district.

Time of crime: On February 24th — around 7am. The men violently pulled the elderly woman to the ground. They then tied up and gagged the woman. They fled with the victim’s valuable jewelry. They left the 74-year-old gagged, tied up and helpless.

Berlin police announced that both robbers spoke Turkish during the robbery.

But it is only now, on Tuesday, June 18, that police officers are issuing an arrest warrant for the perpetrators.

The Berlin Criminal Investigation Department will accept tips by phone at (030) 4664-173131 or by email. Tips can also be given via the Berlin Police Internet station or any other police station.

Afterword from the translator:

I’m not even surprised that this is happening. After all, native Germans are an unprotected species that can be hunted 365 days a year. Open season. In October of last year, two months before my dad died, he was beaten up by a bunch of cultural enrichers as he tried to protect my mum from being “accosted”. Until this day, nothing has come of it. Apparently the security cameras weren’t working properly at the gates of the old-age home my dad was in at the time. “Nothing we can do,” and that’s that. But as soon as one points an accusing finger towards the head of the Ministry of the Inferior, then all Hell breaks loose and no resources will be spared to bring this dangerous critic down. One has only to look at what happened to Reiner Füllmich.

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