Roland Freisler’s Coronafascist Heirs

The Wuhan Coronavirus is a gift that just keeps on giving. A former judge in Germany has been convicted for issuing an order that allowed her father to visit a dying 89-year-old in a care home during the lockdown. I guess the judge should be grateful that she was given a suspended sentence, and won’t have to serve time in prison. But her career has effectively been destroyed, all because she did the right thing and pushed back against the evil and inhuman restrictions imposed during the Corona hysteria.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius:

Court convicts former judge for allowing her pastor father to visit dying woman during Corona period

Because she allowed her father, who is a pastor, to visit a dying woman during the Corona period, the Gera Regional Court has sentenced a former probationary judge to a suspended sentence.

It is one of the cruelest chapters of the Corona era: hundreds of thousands of people had to die alone in nursing homes, without the company of their relatives or another person they trusted.

In April 2020, Judge Anna K. (37) defied the cruel ban on visits — and issued her father, a pastor, with an order allowing him to visit a woman in his congregation who was 89 years old and dying in a nursing home in Jena for pastoral care. The man had previously tried in vain to obtain permission to visit from the nursing home management.

Suspended prison sentence

Anna K. was concerned with “setting her own standards of law and order at any cost,” said the presiding judge. She sentenced the former trainee judge to one year’s imprisonment, suspended on probation, for perverting the course of justice.

Anna K. announced that she would appeal.

Afterword from the translator:

Even though it has been proven over and over again that the Covid measures of the state were unconstitutional, unscientific — remember, “Trust the Science” — and altogether immoral and unethical. But nonetheless, the proud heirs of Judge Roland Freisler — a notorious Nazi era judge — will carry on as usual as if none of this matters. Meanwhile, culture-enriching rapists and murderers are set “free” in a mental institution, or just let go on probation to carry on spreading their “Haute Culture” among the natives.

And people who show compassion and have ethics and moral values are being treated like hardened criminals and enemies of the State. Why doesn’t any of this surprise me any longer? I’m pretty sure that these policies and court rulings are the seeds deliberately sown by the State for future violence, on which they then plan to clamp down on with lethal FORCE. But I wonder if that force is not going to bite them in the [nether parts] in the end? People, after all, can only take so much, and when they have nothing to lose any longer… Well, they had it coming and will reap what they’ve sown.

One thought on “Roland Freisler’s Coronafascist Heirs

  1. Tbe whole idea of a judge getting a *sentence* for a “wrong” decision is also an aberration. That should only happen for an actual *corrupt* decision.

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