Gaslighting the Grevesmühleners

Grevesmühlen is a town in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in northern Germany. It has been the center of controversy after it was reported that a group of nasty, evil German racists from Grevesmühlen kicked a little girl from Ghana in the face.

Now it appears that nobody kicked the little girl; the whole story was a fabrication. The demand for racism always exceeds the supply, so it sometimes has to be manufactured out of whole cloth. Who better to fill the bill than the blond-haired blue-eyed Aryan supremacists of Grevesmühlen?

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit:

Next twist in the Grevesmühlen case: Now the father is being investigated

What really happened in Grevesmühlen? After the claim that a child from Ghana was kicked in the face by a group of youths turned out to be false, the next twist has now come. According to information made available to Junge Freiheit, the father is now being investigated.


Was everything completely different? The police in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania have opened an investigation against a Ghanaian whose daughter, according to his description, was kicked in the face by a group of young people. This later turned out to be false. “The fact is, the child was not kicked,” said the press spokesperson for the Rostock police department, Dörte Lembke, to Junge Freiheit.

She continued: “The father is being investigated on suspicion of bodily harm.” First there was a verbal and then a physical altercation in which the Ghanaian was slightly injured. “We classify this as dangerous bodily harm under paragraph 224 of the Criminal Code because it was a joint act. In addition, there was a counter-charge against the father for simple bodily harm.”

No more investigations into breach of the peace

Overall, the police are now investigating “insult, dangerous and simple bodily harm and suspicion of incitement”. However, there will no longer be any investigations into breach of the peace. The press spokeswoman also confirmed that the daughter who was allegedly attacked had received medical treatment. “Children are always taken to hospital in such an event, but also in the event of an accident,” stressed Lembke.

Many national media outlets reported extensively on the case over the weekend. The Bild newspaper headlined: “20 youths beat up girl from Ghana.” The Zeit newspaper headlined: “Group of youths attack two black girls.”

Schwesig spread false information about Grevesmühlen

Minister-President Manuela Schwesig (SPD) condemned the “brutal attack” on Friday and demanded on X: “We must not allow hatred and incitement to poison our society and violence to threaten our children.” The politician was so quick in her anti-racist reflexes that she initially even wrote about Afghan girls, which she later corrected.

This is how the “brutal attack” really happened

Interior Minister Christian Pegel (SPD) also immediately condemned the alleged crime in the media. The state police security department set up a ten-person investigative team.

Video shows how it really was

According to the police, what actually happened was that a young person from a group of their peers stretched out his leg and prevented the eight-year-old from continuing to ride her scooter. The tip of his foot touched the child. The two sisters then alerted their parents, who confronted the young people.

A video shows that the Germans are not violent at all, but a black woman has a hysterical fit. A young man tries to calm her down.

Afterword from the translator:

Chemnitz in 2018 comes to my mind, when they claimed that locals had hunted refugees through the streets. Hans Georg Maaßen, then the President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, stated at the time that this was untrue and quickly lost his job because Merkel needed it to be true. The Sylt thing is being blown up by the media into a new Holocaust because some drunken youngsters sing “Germany for Germans, foreigners out”. The terror attack by an Afghan in Mannheim is being shrunk to a speck of dust by the media, joked and laughed about in Parliament. It all depends what serves the government to stay in power. They only survive because of their war against the “far right”, which is being waged against everyone critical of government policies and fuelled by a hysterical, foaming-at-the-mouth media. And only when every little thing is blown up into a world-quaking event can those in power really pit themselves against the oh-so-dangerous, “far right”. And that it doesn’t become apparent to the sheeple that Germany is mostly governed by left-wing extremist lunatics who are destroying the country without regard for the consequences. I recommend watching the following video on “Lenin before the Russian Revolution”.

The fact of the matter is that this government, and all the parties supporting it, are leading Germany into catastrophe through their war against the “far right” so that many other totalitarian anti-democratic measures should not be noticed.

Hitler had his Olympics in 1936. The traffic light coalition has its woke European Championship in 2024. Heike Raab, currently serving as Deputy Minister of the Inferior, had something similar once. Woke World Cup?! Exactly.

Three years after the Olympics, they really started pushing for a Germany within the borders of Europe. It somehow didn’t work, even though they killed millions of enemies of the state.

…When they came for me, there was no one left to protest. — Martin Niemöller

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