The Poisons in Your Sky

I don’t know much about chemtrails, so I can’t offer an expert opinion on the topic. However, the following documentary from the Netherlands seems quite well-sourced, and offers plenty of food for thought.

Many thanks to Henk for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:12   Maybe you also have a strange friend
00:17   who has tried to tell you about chemtrails, cloud seeding,
00:22   weather modification, geoengineering and how the government secretly manipulates the weather.
00:37   Hahaha, Google and Wikipedia have long convinced us
00:42   that these are just ridiculous conspiracy theories.
00:47   Why would the government spray poisonous chemicals into our air to manipulate the weather?
00:55   You must be a very big idiot to believe something so ridiculous.
02:23   Hahaha, you must be a very big idiot to believe something so ridiculous.
02:40   Really? Have you ever heard the following statement
02:45   from the late American president John F. Kennedy?
02:49   We shall propose further cooperative efforts among all the nations in weather prediction
02:56   and eventually in weather control.
03:01   Hmm, are you familiar with this statement
03:06   by his vice president Lyndon Johnson?
03:11   That will permit man to determine the world’s cloud layer
03:17   and ultimately to control the weather
03:22   and he who controls the weather will control the world.
03:26   That’s strange.
03:30   So weather modification is not such a ridiculous conspiracy theory?
03:37   Well, certainly not according to the former CIA director John Brennan.
03:45   He is even very enthusiastic about spraying chemicals into our air.
03:55   That potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change.
03:59   One that has gained my personal attention is
04:02   stratospheric aerosol injection or SAI.
04:06   A method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat
04:11   in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do.
04:14   But why are Google, Wikipedia
04:19   and all the big information platforms lying about this?
04:22   Hmm, I wonder.
04:26   There are even a large number of official
04:29   reports from the US government and the military
04:32   that discuss how they can manipulate the weather and the climate.
04:38   This specific document covers almost 800 pages, all about weather manipulation.
04:46   According to this report from the US government,
04:53   weather manipulation is the cause of long-term,
04:57   devastating droughts, destructive storms, deadly hurricanes, raging heat waves,
05:05   devastating floods and even deadly diseases, while all
05:11   air, ground and water are seriously poisoned.
05:15   A world-famous environmental scientist warned the United
05:20   Nations that chemtrails cause damage to agriculture and bee populations.
05:45   So what happens is that we are putting chemicals, ground-based chemicals that are shot into
05:50   the air or chemicals coming from airplanes
05:54   that change and modify our weather.
05:57   In the next short news clip, an international
06:01   news channel explains how chemtrails block the sun.
06:05   Hi, I’m Fermi Oke. Today on the stream, could blocking out the sun
06:08   actually help reduce the temperature down here on Earth?
06:13   Let me show you what I mean. For instance, you could have material pumped into our stratosphere.
06:21   That material could reflect the sun’s rays or solar energy all the way back to the sun,
06:26   meaning that we down here are kept cooler.
06:29   That is a very basic rudimentary understanding of solar geoengineering.
06:35   Isn’t it completely absurd that all major information platforms around the world
06:42   and even so-called scientific websites claim that this is a conspiracy theory?
06:50   It is openly discussed by governments, the CIA,
06:55   the United Nations and even by some news channels.
06:59   But if you search for information about chemtrails on YouTube,
07:04   then the only thing YouTube shows you is this kind of nonsense.
07:10   Airplane chemtrails are one of the longest running conspiracy theories out there.
07:15   Our verified team looks into what airplanes are really leaving behind.
07:20   One of the conspiracy theories that just won’t seem to quit is this idea that’s out there
07:24   that the government is spraying chemicals
07:27   out of the backside of airplanes to control
07:30   the population or change the climate or test weapons
07:34   or infuse us all with Viagra or create a race of half-human, half-monkey hybrids.
07:39   I don’t know, there are a lot of different theories. It’s easy to generate
07:42   all these different theories when you have no evidence to base any of this on.
07:46   Why do they insist on hiding this from you?
07:52   Why don’t they want the public to know that the government
07:55   is spraying unimaginable quantities of toxic chemicals into the air?
08:01   Did you know that the American government has even banned all employees in these programs?
08:11   They are not allowed to tell anyone what they are doing.
08:15   That shows how desperate they are that humanity might discover it.
08:26   But every now and then there is a brave news reporter who does honest research.
08:52   It seemed like someone was just crisscrossing the entire sky.
08:55   It was just like a giant checkerboard.
08:59   Bill Nichols snapped several photos of the strange clouds from his home in Stamps, Arkansas.
09:04   They begin as normal contrails from a jet engine, but do not fade away like a normal contrail.
09:10   Soon after, he saw particles in the air.
09:15   Nichols then noticed the material collecting on the ground.
09:18   This is water and stuff that I collected in bowls.
09:21   I had it set out in my backyard on my dad’s pickup truck.
09:24   KSLA News 12 had the sample tested at a lab.
09:27   The results? A high level of barium, 6.8 parts per million.
09:32   More than three times the toxic level set by the EPA.
09:36   Armed with these lab results about the high levels of barium found in our sample,
09:41   we decided to contact the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality.
09:44   They told us that, yes, these levels are very unusual.
09:48   But at the same time, they added the caveat that proving the source is a whole different matter.
09:54   Barium is a hallmark of other chemtrail testing,
09:57   which even attracted the attention of a Los Angeles TV station.
10:00   There is already no shortage of unclassified weather modification programs
10:05   by the government. But those who fear chemtrails could be secret
10:08   biological or chemical testing on the public point
10:12   to the 1977 Senate hearings in particular,
10:15   which confirmed 239 populated areas had been contaminated with
10:21   biological agents between 1949 and 1969.
10:25   Later, the 1994 Rockefeller report concluded
10:30   hundreds of thousands of military personnel were also subjected to
10:33   secret biological experiments over the last 60 years.
10:36   But could secret testing be underway yet again? I’d rather it be something inert and benign,
10:41   you know, something that’s, you know, not causing
10:44   any damage, but I’d like to know what it is.
10:48   KSLA News 12 discovered chemtrails are even mentioned
10:51   by name in the initial draft of House Bill 2977,
10:55   back in 2001, under the Space Preservation Act.
10:59   But the military denies any such program exists.
11:03   Jeff Farrell, KSLA News 12 reporting. —And, you know, it turns out until nine years ago,
11:07   the government had the right under U.S. law
11:10   to conduct secret testing on the American public under specific conditions.
11:14   Only a public outcry repealed part of that law, with some exceptions.
11:19   Now, Jeff’s report mentioned high levels of barium linked to those alleged chemtrails.
11:24   We wanted to find out exactly what effects barium has on the body.
11:28   We spoke with Mark Ryan, the director of the Poison Control Center. Ryan tells KSLA News 12
11:32   that short-term exposure can lead to anything from stomach to chest pains.
11:37   Long-term exposure causes blood pressure problems.
11:41   Ryan addressed concerns by chemtrail researchers that barium
11:44   could be meant to wear down a person’s immune system.
11:48   Anything that causes ill effects on the body long-term, chronically, will affect your ability,
11:53   because it’s just constantly working in the body.
11:57   So, from that aspect, yeah, that’s a potential. —What do chemtrails actually look like?
12:02   Well, here you see an example from my home area in America.
12:07   But exactly the same is going on all over the world,
12:11   because this is an international program.
12:16   Look, on this side, the sky is a beautiful blue,
12:19   with a single cloud in the distance.
12:24   It’s a lovely, sunny day.
12:28   But when we turn around, we suddenly see something very special.
12:33   Dozens of planes are flying at the same time, over the same region, and they’re spraying
12:39   a staggering amount of chemicals, and what else for all I know, into the air.
12:47   I mean, just look at what’s going on here.
12:51   This is not normal, is it? Well, if we zoom in, we see a plane
12:58   dumping its toxic charge over a very large area.
13:04   At first it looks like very ordinary condensation
13:07   tracks, but these tracks don’t evaporate like a normal chemtrail.
13:14   On the contrary, it remains hanging, and it keeps getting wider and wider and wider,
13:20   until it forms an elongated veil of chemicals,
13:25   metal oxides and other substances that block sunlight.
13:30   After a while, this sky will be completely grey.
13:35   Gone is the beautiful blue sky
13:38   that makes people happy, that makes the birds sing,
13:41   the crops grow, and the flowers bloom.
13:45   After an hour, we see here how the
13:48   chemtrails have formed an impenetrable layer of chemical substances that block sunlight.
13:57   So again, Google, Wikipedia, the BBC, scientists,
14:05   news broadcasters and so many others are lying straight in your face.
14:10   And they’ve been doing this for decades.
14:14   Why? What are they trying to hide from us?
14:21   Isn’t it time we get up and start informing ourselves?
14:29   On our website, for Dutch,
14:36   you’ll find an extensive report on weather manipulation
14:39   and the enormous harmful effects these programs have
14:43   on human health, nature and everything that lives.
14:48   Take a look at our website and inform yourself.
14:54   And please have the courage to spread this video everywhere.
15:00   Together we can break the lies and build a better world.

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