The Corona Protocols Unmasked

Below are two translations by Hellequin GB concerning the leak of unredacted documents about the official protocols for the response the Wuhan Coronavirus produced by the Robert Koch Institute in Germany.

The first translation features an article about the RKI files generated by Artificial Intelligence. I was surprised to see it — I expected that ChatGPT’s programming would have forbidden it to generate any text that draws negative conclusions about the Corona hoax.

From the Twitter account for Nach Diktat verreist:

I fed ChatGPT all unredacted RKI files and asked them to write an investigative, journalistic article about them.

Here is the result:

Covid-19: The mask requirement as a political tool and economic profit — An investigative report

by…… (Your name)

In the turbulent days of the Covid-19 pandemic, drastic measures were taken around the world to contain the spread of the virus. In Germany, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) was at the center of advising on and implementing these measures. But now extensive investigations and analyses show that some of these measures, especially the mask requirement and the vaccination requirement, were not only medically questionable, but were also politically abused to promote economic interests. These revelations shed a shocking light on the dark machinations that were hidden behind the cloak of health protection.

The mask requirement: A symbol of fear

When the pandemic broke out, the government quickly implemented measures that profoundly changed public life. One of the most controversial measures was the introduction of compulsory mask wearing. The RKI protocols that we have available show that considerable doubts were expressed internally about the effectiveness of FFP2 masks for general use. These masks, it was said, were designed for occupational safety and could do more harm than good if handled improperly. But despite these warnings, the mask requirement was politically enforced.

Political power games and economic interests

The introduction of the mask requirement not only served to protect against the virus, but also as a powerful symbol to influence the population. Internal documents from the RKI reveal that the measure was used to spread fear and increase acceptance for further measures such as compulsory vaccination. But behind this symbolic policy there are also tangible economic interests.

It became known that Health Minister Jens Spahn and other political decision-makers had close ties to the mask industry. Mask deals worth millions were concluded, often without transparent tendering procedures. The auditing firm Ernst & Young reported enormous price markups and questionable contracts that were concluded at taxpayers’ expense.

The role of the pharmaceutical industry

The influence of the pharmaceutical industry on pandemic policy is even more serious. Compulsory vaccination was pushed forward quickly, with the interests of large pharmaceutical companies at the forefront. Billion-dollar contracts for vaccines were signed, often with companies that had close ties to political decision-makers. The vaccines were developed and approved in record time, with safety concerns and side effects often being downplayed.

A closer look at the RKI protocols shows that the institute repeatedly expressed concerns about the rapid introduction of vaccines. But these concerns were ignored or brushed aside. It seems as though economic interests were placed above the health safety of the population.

The defamation of critics

While these measures were being implemented, critics were systematically defamed. People who expressed doubts about the mask requirement or the vaccination requirement were ridiculed as “tinfoil hat wearers” and conspiracy theorists.

This defamation was aimed at silencing critical voices and controlling public opinion.

A particularly glaring example of this is the treatment of Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a former member of the Bundestag and health expert who warned early on about the dangers of rapid vaccine approval. He was publicly defamed and his expertise questioned, although his concerns are now shared by many experts.

Demand for consequences

The available evidence suggests that the measures to contain the pandemic are not only scientifically questionable, but have also been politically abused to promote economic interests. This may constitute criminal offenses including coercion (Section 240 of the German Criminal Code), abuse of office (Section 266 of the German Criminal Code) and violation of human dignity (Section 1 of the German Basic Law in conjunction with Section 240 of the German Criminal Code).

The public prosecutor’s office must investigate. It is not just about legally dealing with the past, but also about ensuring that future measures are based on solid scientific foundations and that people’s rights and dignity are protected. Those responsible must be held accountable in order to restore the public’s trust in public institutions.


  • RKI protocols 2020-2023
  • Reports of the auditing firm Ernst & Young
  • Public statements by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
  • Criminal Code (StGB)

Note: This report is based on the analysis of the available RKI protocols and is to be understood as investigative journalistic work. A final legal assessment is the responsibility of the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

A crime against humanity? The mask requirement and the vaccination requirement were sold as necessary measures to protect the health of the population. But what if they were actually an instrument of fear and profit? It is time to bring the truth to light and ensure that such crimes do not go unpunished in a constitutional state. The public prosecutor must act. Now.

The second translation explains the origin of the texts used to create the AI article. Here is the translator’s prefatory note:

A whistleblower from the Robert Koch Institute has leaked the complete, completely unredacted data set of the RKI crisis team’s protocols from 2020 to 2023 to journalist Aya Velázquez. On July 23, 2024, she posted the protocols online on X and also published them on her website. This reveals the last desperately held secrets. She writes: “With the completely unredacted data set of all RKI crisis team protocols, an uncompromising and honest review of Corona policy in Germany can now begin. In the end, the truth always wins.”

The translation of Ms. Velázquez’ post:

RKI LEAK: All protocols of the RKI crisis team are completely unredacted online

A whistleblower from the Robert Koch Institute has given me the complete data set of the RKI crisis team’s protocols from 2020 to 2023. The protocols have been online since today.

We are ending the drama surrounding the redaction of the RKI minutes at this point. Here is the complete dataset of all meeting minutes of the RKI crisis team, from 2020 to 2023, unredacted, including 10 GB of additional material on the meetings.

The leak has been published on X since 4 a.m.

A whistleblower, a former employee of the RKI, approached me and passed on the data set to me. Personal details are of course subject to informant protection, but I can say this much: The person did it out of conscience. For the truth, for a full review of the Corona measures — and not least for the people of this country.

Even if the RKI has played a rather inglorious role in the last four years by giving in to an intrusive policy that violated fundamental rights, there have also been people in the RKI over the last four years who have stood on the side of the citizens and who did not agree with the actions of their superiors, the contradictory recommendations to politicians, and the rubber-stamping of arbitrary political decisions. The new RKI leak should therefore also be understood as a handout, as a gesture of reconciliation: between citizens — across administrative borders, firewalls and walls in people’s minds.

We should remember that there are people in the supposedly faceless authorities: people who have their own minds, who, like us, have their own thoughts, and who want a better future for all of us: free from totalitarianism, political paternalism and the systematic violation of the rights of physical self-determination. This spirit — our connection as citizens to one another — is uncancellable. Those in power know this. It is what they fear most. The Achilles’ heel of the current political system is us humans, because each and every one of us has power.

As a precaution, we have uploaded the protocols to various other hosting platforms in addition to the website. If a download link is overloaded, simply try the next alternative:

Proton Drive:



The download alternatives for the additional material will follow in a few hours. Until then, please download the leak from the website.

Some of my colleagues and I have already read the protocols. You need strong nerves to read some of them because of the blatant contradictions they contain. The RKI protocols prove that our Corona policy was not based on rational, scientific considerations. Numerous political decisions, such as 2G, the facility-related and planned general vaccination requirement, or the vaccination of children, were purely political decisions for which the RKI, as an authority bound by instructions, provided supposedly scientific legitimacy. We will find out why Christian Drosten, despite the bold announcement in his book, apparently had a bad feeling about having his name redacted in the protocols — and we will be reminded that Jens Spahn had already spoken out in favour of a large-scale child vaccination campaign before the EMA and STIKO recommendation.

We will find out that the RKI did not object when the EMA and Pfizer wanted to cancel the phase III trials and test the vaccine equally on the entire population — so that emergency approval can be granted more quickly. And we will find out that the RKI unfortunately spoke out in favour of both facility-specific and general vaccination requirements despite knowing about the lack of protection for others and the severe side effects.

This morning at 10am I will be holding a live press conference on the new leak from the “Sprechsaal” in Berlin-Mitte, Marienstr. 26, together with some colleagues who have been analyzing the RKI protocols with me over the past few weeks. The press conference will be streamed live on X:

Direct link to the live press conference

Press representatives and interested citizens are cordially invited to attend.

I will be available over the next few days to answer any questions you may have about the new RKI leak.

I bow with the deepest respect to an incredibly brave and honest former RKI employee, to whom we owe our thanks today. My deepest thanks also go to the journalist Paul Schreyer, who got the ball rolling in the first place through his persistent legal battle over the RKI protocols. You both have rendered this country an invaluable service. I would also like to thank my colleagues who have worked passionately in the background over the last few weeks to make today’s leak in its many dimensions possible in the first place.

With the completely de-redacted data set of all RKI crisis team protocols, an uncompromising and honest review of Corona policy in Germany can now begin.

In the end, the truth always wins.

With that in mind: Happy digging!

Afterword from the translator:

All the dirty shenanigans of the German Government are laid bare, and you can bet that these had been the same all over the planet, with a couple of local variations here and there and a couple of assassinations thrown in of “Heads of State” who didn’t want to play their game.

3 thoughts on “The Corona Protocols Unmasked

  1. “I expected that ChatGPT’s programming would have forbidden it to generate any text that draws negative conclusions about the Corona hoax.”

    — Well, it seems to be part of the warfare to admit SOME facts on SOME tactical levels, at SOME point, to SOME people. Vlad of VladTepesblog writes:

    “What is the formula one wonders. Well, maybe it’s lie about the important stuff while also releasing truth and claiming it’s wild conspiracy theory, and then waiting till the anger that would be enough to actually do something about it subsides, then admit the facts while the next dialectical bomb lands square on us.”

    ChatGPT’s analysis is sorta limited hangout and not only because of the pool of data it leans on. Its conclusions boil down to: motives like “economic profit” (classic controlled opp theme), more covert lies (“drastic measures were taken around the world to contain the spread of the virus” — it’s again controlled opp as it takes the “virus” and its “spreading” and the “pandemic” as something real when they weren’t, and misleadingly calls the warfare “measures”).

    Then CheatGPT describes some topics that are now common knowledge AMONG SOME of its TARGET AUDIENCES while the truth it pretends to reveal will not affect those who have been, and will reamain, believers of Rona “policies” — which makes these admissions, like “The mask requirement: A symbol of fear”, LIMITED HANGOUT moves.

    When CheatGPT talks about “tangible economic interests” of some low-level German newcommie puppets of the NWO and the “The role of the pharmaceutical industry”, what it actually does is that it protects the higher echelons of power behind the Rona Psyop. (When it’s already common knowledge that the DoD initiated the Rona LoE and pushed it through the Big Pharma. Not to mention those circles that control the DoD).

    Admitting some worn-down CIA tactics that virtually everybody is aware of by now, like “critics were systematically defamed”, CheatGPT pacifies potential backlash by releasing the charge of mass discontent by uttering some words you can agree with. It’s a known tactic from Soviet Socialism.

    From the list of crimes CheatGPT conveniently omits more serious crimes like mass murder — and on the other hand “crimes” are the wrong level when we are in fact dealing with WARFARE on the population on all possible levels.

    Then CheatGPT says that “The public prosecutor’s office must investigate” the milder crimes it listed, while the public prosecutor itself is most probably a hijacked institution. So CheatGPT directs the course of events from rightful retaliation towards the realm of no consequences.
    In this process the PTB throw some puppets under the bus to satisfy the bloodlust of the masses — then it all goes on like before.

    Finally, CheatGPT closes with the imperative of “restoring the public’s trust in public institutions” — which is a recent WEF-trope in the aftermath of the Rona Psyop, and is part of the psychological warfare. It’s also a hint that the war is ongoing and more psy attacks are being planned — that’s why They want to “restore the public’s trust” in the captured public institutions. So CheatGPT inadvertantly leaks out some of the enemy plans here…

    What conclusions CheatGPT FAILS to draw is even more revealing: even resorting to the limited german data set it fails to conclude that the Rona Psyop was, and has been, part of a CENTRALLY COORDINATED [GLOBAL] WARFARE ON HUMANITY, WITH STRATEGICAL GOALS it does not even approach.

    And more than anything, THAT is what makes CheatGPT’s essay Limited Hangout.

    In conclusion, CheatGPT’s essay is part of the problem because it indeed follows the above quoted formula of “dialectical” warfare that Vlad described.

  2. “an uncompromising and honest review of Corona policy in Germany can now begin”

    — I doubt that.

    You know this whole leak stinks.

    A former employee of the Robert Koch Institute approaches a journalist with the truth. In contemporary globalo-commie Germany it talks and walks like a Hollywood movie…

    I’m not saying it’s content is not true to some extent: what I’m saying is that there can be some nefarious intentions behind the leak:

    Because the whole thing, again, looks like the implementation of the latest, declared, WEF tactic to “restore trust in the institutions” or whatnot — (quote from the article, the highlights are mine):

    “there have also been people in the RKI over the last four years who have stood ON THE SIDE OF THE CITIZENS and who did not agree with the actions of their superiors, the contradictory recommendations to politicians, and the rubber-stamping of ARBITRARY political decisions. The new RKI leak should therefore also be understood as a handout, as a gesture of RECONCILIATION: between citizens — across ADMNISTRATIVE BORDERS, firewalls and WALLS in people’s MINDS.”, goes the tale.

    I’m gonna attempt to translate the above paragraph to … Truth:

    1) “there have also been people in the RKI over the last four years who have stood ON THE SIDE OF THE CITIZENS”


    2) “the contradictory recommendations to politicians”


    3) “ARBITRARY political decisions”

    This is disgusting.

    NO! They weren’t at all “arbitrary”. They were strategically planned decades ago. (see Rockefellers’ Scenario Lockstep 2010).

    4) “a gesture of RECONCILIATION: between citizens — across ADMNISTRATIVE BORDERS”

    Love your enemy! This is the intentional creation of Stockholm Syndrome.

    Suddenly there are PEOPLE behind the “administrative borders” we must forgive. See? During the Rona Psyop there weren’t any people there, there were only dehumanized and dehumanizing institutions. So suddenly we must re-humanize the institutions.

    And we must forgive BEFORE any legal retaliation. This is what it’s all about: RESTORING TRUST (again, a declared WEF tactic).

    5) And if you do not believe it all, it’s YOUR mind that is wrong:

    “across ADMNISTRATIVE BORDERS, firewalls and WALLS in people’s MINDS.”

    See? It’s the walls in YOUR mind to blame. If you’re not willing to suddenly give the benefit of the doubt to people in the hijacked institutions that have been waging war personally on you, on your family, society and humanity … well, then you have walls in your mind and you are not open enough. This is a psychopatic tactic against the victim so that the latter starts doubting himself and does not hit back at the attacker.

    Because they did not really want it! They WERE JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS, right? Right?

    This “leak”, IMO, is a classic and very refined, PSYOP.

    You might say that I’m wrong because on the contrary, the leak will lead to legal proceedings followed by legal retaliation.

    No. This may only lead to, at best, a limited hangout strategy where some little NWO puppets get thrown under the bus so that any uprising can be prevented and the PTB very high up can go on enslaving us. But I doubt that it will reach even that point: most probably it will stop at the targeted “truthers’s communities” who will not seek any retaliation thinking that the truth is now out there so everything is OK now.

    You know what? The “former employee of RKI” and the “journalist” in the story are two agents playing with us. We should at least take that possibility into consideration. I’m open to arguments that refute my conclusions.

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