Lying Liars and the People Who Believe Them

The serialization of Paul Weston’s book about the COVID-19 scam (most recent chapter here) has made me ruminate on the official mendacity that has been the main feature of whole deadly process. We were lied to about how dangerous the disease was. We were lied to about its origin. We were lied to about the PCR testing regimen that putatively detected infection with the disease. We were lied to about the effectiveness of the measures used to mitigate and contain it.

And above all we were lied to about the safety and effectiveness of the alleged “vaccine”, the experimental mRNA treatment intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus.

Most of the liars who told the official lies could fall back on some sort of plausible deniability, no matter how flimsy, to allow themselves to evade responsibility. “Mistakes were made,” “We didn’t know that at the time,” “It was judged to be the best course of action, based on the available data,” etc.

But that wasn’t the case with the promise that the “vaccine” was safe. There is no plausible deniability for those who confidently asserted the safety of the experimental mRNA treatment.

The vax was not proven to be safe. That was obvious to me from the moment I first heard the government’s reassurances. It didn’t require any special scientific or medical knowledge to determine the falsity of statements that the vax was safe. All that was needed was common sense and the ability to think.

If you look at the history of the development of vaccines prior to the mRNA treatments, you’ll discover that a new vaccine typically takes at least five years, and sometimes ten or even fifteen years, before it is fully tested and approved for use. That’s due to a requirement that clinical trials show the new vaccine’s long-range adverse effects — out as far as five years — remain within acceptable limits.

The clinical testing of the mRNA “vaccines” went on for at most a few months before the treatments were given an emergency use authorization (EUA). In order to get around its own regulations, the government could only issue an EUA, because the requirements for general approval had not been met. It was on the basis of that EUA that millions upon millions of people were injected with an experimental new treatment — making them unwitting test subjects in the largest clinical trial in history.

Now that we’re more than three years in, the results of that clinical trial don’t bode well for the mRNA treatment ever being granted full approval for general distribution. The mountain of evidence for the harm caused by the vax just keeps getting higher and higher, with no end in sight. However, from the point of view of the health authorities and the pharmaceutical companies, it doesn’t really matter, because just about everybody who might decide to take the vax has already been injected with it. Massive amounts of money have been transferred from government coffers to Big Pharma’s bank accounts. Additional lucrative mRNA vaccines for new, improved diseases are in the works, so the future looks rosy for Pfizer and Moderna.

In summary: we were lied to about the vax. But not everybody was actually lying — that is, when they said the vax was safe, they thought that what they said was true. Ordinary citizens thought the vax was safe because their doctors told them it was safe, and they trusted their doctors (that trust has now been severely eroded, but that’s a different story). I assume some of those doctors actually believed it themselves, because they trusted the WHO, CDC, NIH, etc. There’s no excuse for not thinking it through in a similar manner to what I described above. But then, most people, including doctors, have never really learned to think.

Way up at the top of the medical food chain, however, people were lying. Scientists and clinicians who had been trained in the development of vaccines and then moved into the highest levels of administration knew all too well that the experimental mRNA treatment intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus could not be said to be safe. But they said it was safe anyway.

They were LYING.

I’m thinking specifically of Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, and Rochelle Walensky, but there were many others. They looked the camera in the eye and told the viewing public that the injections they were pushing on them were safe, but they knew it wasn’t true. They knew as well as I did that the safety of the treatments was not yet proven.

But they don’t care. They don’t have to care; they’re Big Medicine.

It’s hard to blame the average citizen for being fooled. After all, until very recently we lived in a high-trust society. People trusted their doctors. They trusted medical professionals who appeared as talking heads on TV. And above all they trusted the government.

It’s easier to blame the doctors, who have been trained to think about these matters, or should have been. When my GP asked me if I were going to get the vax, I said I would consider it when someone could show me the five-year clinical results of safety tests. She didn’t have any answer for that.

The push to get people vaxed was a clarifying moment in our political history: it was one of those rare cases when it could be clearly demonstrated that identifiable, specific public officials were lying.

If we lived in a just society, those people would have been arrested, hauled into a court of law, and forced to explain under oath how it was that in their professional capacity they came to utter significant untruths, untruths that caused enormous harm to millions of people. Telling those lies was against the law, and they should have been convicted and sentenced to long prison terms.

But we don’t live in a just society. There will be no justice for those who got myocarditis, or had a stroke, or died of cancer as a result of the vax. Dr. Fauci will never have to suffer a moment’s inconvenience or experience any reduction in his fabulous affluence for telling all his lies.

Once you catch officials making such obvious lies, it makes you wonder: who else in government is lying?

When the Deputy Assistant Undersecretary of Tidal Management appears on CNN and tells the audience some sort of flapdoodle, should anyone believe him?

I’m with George Carlin — I don’t believe anything the government tells me. Or, to mix it up with what Mary McCarthy said (about Lillian Hellman), every word it says is a lie, including “and” and “the”.

10 thoughts on “Lying Liars and the People Who Believe Them

  1. Well said, BB. Everything was/is a lie re covid, but so much else is a lie too. Islam, race, white supremacy, climate, CO2, gender, Trump etc etc etc.

    I think it is fair to say that never in the history of political conflict have so many lies been told by so few to so many.

    As you say, in a Just Society the architects of the Covid Scam should be prosecuted and imprisoned. They won’t be, of course. The West continues to gurgle down the drainhole and the only people capable of inserting the plug are not yet sufficiently aware, angry or organised to march in their millions on the government citadels with a blazing torch in one hand and a sturdy pitchfork the other.

    Many thanks again for serialising the book 🙂

    • Freedom of thought and expression is important because it allows individual citizens to question the policies of any powerful entities that are operating within our society. This can be seen as a form of societal risk assessment, because it allows us to consider both the likelihood and the impact (or consequences) of something happening that could harm members of our society. If a policy or practice is found to be high risk, then control measures can be implemented to reduce the risk, or it can be abandoned altogether, thereby ensuring our society’s long-term stability and survival.

      Sittason, Andrew. Living In A Salt Land (p. 117). Andrew Sittason. Kindle Edition.

      I’ve been thinking lately of the freedom to question what our governments and the medical profession are doing in terms of carrying out a risk assessment.

      Why is freedom of speech important? We can say we have a right to freedom of speech, and when we are denied freedom of speech we are being denied our rights.

      Or we can say that freedom of speech is important because it is perhaps the only way to be sure that what we are thinking is true.

      But here is another way of looking at it: When we carry out a risk assessment, we look at the likelihood of being exposed to a hazard, and the consequences if that happens. This is plotted in a risk assessment matrix, and the initial risk level is calculated.

      If the risk of something that will harm people is too high, then control measures can be implemented to reduce either the likelihood or consequences (and thereby, the overall risk.)

      If something is too high risk, and it is not possible to implement control measures that will reduce the risk to an acceptable level, then the practice or policy must be abandoned.

      (This has to happen in every workplace in the UK – it’s a statutory duty.)

      Isn’t this the function that freedom of speech serves – at a societal level? We are trying to discuss the likelihood of something happening that can harm people. And the consequences if that happened?

      Isn’t this what people were trying to do when they questioned what was going on with the “vaccine”?

      Isn’t this what people have been trying to do when they try to discuss the uncontrolled immigration situation, which sees people from other countries and cultures pouring into our country willy nilly?

      When our freedom of speech is denied, then that means of carrying out a risk assessment on behalf of our society is torpedoed, and without a risk assessment, all kinds of unpleasant and harmful things can, and eventually will almost certainly happen.

      I put this idea forward in an updated version of my book, Living In A Salt Land

      It’s also interesting to consider the psychological damage done by the continual gaslighting and lying – people are living a lie and that takes a psychological toll.

      A quarter of the country are currently being prescribed “anti-depressant” drugs. Another way to line the pockets of “big pharma”!

      Btw does anyone know if the young man who tried to do Trump in was being prescribed SSRI drugs?

      He’s got that look about him.

  2. agreed
    However back in the early 2000s virologists such as Inglesby, T. V. & Relman, D. A. were warning in high profile journals that the capacity for an individual to create a pandemic was rapidly approaching, and that given the human condition it follows that it is an inevitability (see Thomas Matthew Crooks for the most recent example). Likewise it follows that humanitarians such as Fauci will create the cure (Gain of Function on foreign territory where they are not required to explain the actual State of Play) and then use the accidental escape to demonstrate to any would-be exterminator of humanity that they can expect only limited success. The collateral damage (not least of which includes your outrage at their Masters of the Universe approach) is then minor in comparison with the alternative of Manufactured Apocalypse.
    Back in the early 90s John Raulston Saul was describing the Fauci technocrat class (Voltaire’s Bastards). They do not trust the public not to panic – the same public that has seen its way through wars, pestilence, famine. Examples include the lying responses to the Mad Cow Disease and the Chernobyl Radioactive Cloud (it had a classic wind-driven ellipse that cut out along the French border – so they have form when it comes to demanding that you shut down your thinking when State authority requires it). For what it is worth, Saul was also describing the Davos class and the Collapse of Globalism in the early 2000s – beset with complexity and unknowables, the Masters have replaced your multiple human qualities with their Dictatorship of Reason.

  3. Yes, but they weren’t mere lies. Lies in themselves are tactical. It’s been a just a timely warfare on the population and the society for the betterment of the race of otherwise useless eaters. Which is strategical. With the noble goal of enslaving humanity for its own good. The lies of the Rona Psyop only served the purpose of the test run of the Prison Planet that will ultimately free humanity — which included some necessary culling with the Poison Poke. And properly executed and justifiable mass murder has been, in most historical cases, indeed safe & effective … What’s the problem, then?!

  4. Solid essay, thank you.

    No vaccine has ever been tested for safety against a placebo. There simply are no safety studies for ANY vaccine because it has never been done. The makers simply test their vaccine against a previously approved one and ‘safety’ is determined on whether or not the one being tried has caused more/less adverse effects than the one approved.

  5. “Do commie-toddlers lack a core set of values (which might explain their ever-“evolving” political views) or have they just been lying all along?” —posted to fb (July 2018)

    “‘Toddlers LIE and LIE and LIE and, then, they LIE about their LIES. Then, they point their collectivist fingers at their opponents and accuse them of lying, which is a LIE..
    Remember: There’s no law that can’t be broken, no lie that can’t be told by Bolshevik two year-old commie-toddlers in their blind pursuit of “social justice” (for personal gain).” —posted to fb (Nov 2021)

    Just sayin’..

  6. Those in power rely on psychology to get away with their evil deeds. They know that the people know that they (those in power) are in the wrong. However they realise that no one dares to punish them. And the people are the only ones that can mete out a suitable punishment. They themselves (those in power) or their allies are certainly not going to do so.

    Take a scenario where someone gets assaulted. Everyone witnessing the incident knows that the assaulter is doing something wrong. But still the majority of people will not intervene, because everyone expect someone else to do something about it. Because intervening involves certain risks, and most people are risk adverse in those types of situations. It becomes a question of what is to be gained vs what can be lost. In this specific scenario their life or freedom (if they seriously harm the perpetrator). Most people will thus choose not to jeopardise their own personal safety for that of a total stranger.

    The same thing goes for all the misdeeds that those in power taunt them with. Everyone knows that what those in power are doing is wrong, but the people all expects someone else to do something about it because the cost of intervening is just too high.

    The perfect example is Donald Trump and all the things he had done to him when he tried to drain the swamp. Eight years of constant law-fare, political gutter tactics and an assassination attempt. There could even be more attempts on his life in the lead up to the election and afterwards if he is successful in his endeavour to become the next president of the USA.

    Only when the consequences of doing something severely outweighs the consequences of doing nothing will something be done. And we’re not quite there yet. But even then, a dedicated group will first have to instigate events that will start to get the ball rolling. And when that happens the masses will finally join in and those in charge will get their just dessert.

    Most people are followers and not leaders. It is probably a trait that stems from the time when we lived in caves and were parts of tribes. The tribes had one or several chiefs and everyone else had to follow his directions and commands.

  7. The doctors and medical community that have more than a high school biology class education were complicit, and need to pay for their crimes.
    As the author stated, cursory critical thinking about the subject made it obvious something wasn’t kosher. I learned how viruses and vaccines work when I was in high school biology class. If the CDC couldn’t produce an isolated virus, it would be impossible to create a vaccine against said virus. GIANT [vulgar intensifier] RED FLAG for anyone with 2 luke warm brain cells. The rest of the fraud was very easy to detect.
    I had conversations with some of these doctors and Nurse Practitioners, and you could see their brain glitching when confronted with certain scientific medical facts they knew were being manipulated. They knew they were lying. They damn well knew, because they knew the science behind the technology, and knew they were being lied to by their higher-powers. But they went ahead and lied to all of their patients anyway. That’s criminal negligence, fraud, and malpractice. They should have advised their patients, but instead toe’d the government line, regurgitated what they were PAID to say, and LIED to their patients, causing harm (from cancer, illness, and God only knows what else…)

  8. There was never a virus in the first place, it was all an elaborate psyop, and the sooner people realize that the more things will make sense and the lies will align.

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