Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 10

Below is the tenth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 10: Lockdowns

Lockdown was never referred to as “lockdown” in March 2020. We were “asked” to stay at home for a few weeks, thus allowing our health services to get up to speed without being swamped. As we now know, a few weeks became months became 2021.

I simply cannot believe this was not planned. The logistics involved in keeping a country afloat after closing down the economy are extremely complicated. Months — if not years — of planning must have gone into this.

One of the strangest things about the first lockdown in the UK was the enforcement date of March the 26th, just one week after the government declared on March 19th that Covid-19 was being downgraded from a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID). The reason given for the downgrade was a low mortality rate…

Anyway, the world locked down. When it became apparent the lockdowns were going to stay in place until a miracle vaccine was discovered, the governments promised us detailed cost/benefit analyses would be conducted. They never were. But they very much should have been.

The principal reason they should is all to do with deaths. Closing down the country also meant partially closing down health services to non-Covid patients. Inculcating fear meant many people were too scared to go anywhere near a hospital. Patients with cancer and heart problems stayed away — voluntarily or involuntarily. Many of them died as a result.

On the 19th of July 2020, the Daily Telegraph published an article based on Office for National Statistics figures, claiming two hundred thousand people could die (mid to long term) in the UK due to lockdowns. Similar figures were published in countries all around the world.

Here is a brutal truth. Governments which locked down essentially stated the following: “We are going to murder XYZ thousand people. We undertake this crime because we think we might save other people from Covid-19 deaths.”

Even more remarkably, the death rates were completely normal before lockdowns were initiated. Lockdowns were not the forced result of having to deal with large numbers of deaths. Rather, large numbers of deaths were the forced result of government instructed lockdowns. It is difficult to understand quite why our politicians are not locked up for life after successful prosecution for Crimes Against Humanity.

Worse again, lockdowns enabled the Great Care Home Cull. Which means the government locked us down in the full knowledge this would kill people, and then utilised the lockdown to kill even more people in the care homes. It really is no exaggeration to talk about Crimes Against Humanity.

And it was all so unnecessary. Covid-19 presented no statistical noteworthy threat of death to the healthy — of any age. All the data between January 2020 and December 2023 (when this is being written) supports this statement. It is not a claim. It is not an opinion. It is a data-verifiable fact.

There was a world of lockdown difference between middle-class families and working-class families. Large houses with gardens afforded relaxation and contentment for the middle class, especially so with monthly furlough scheme deposits pinging into their bank accounts on the first of every month.

The working-class were nowhere near as fortunate. Many found themselves unable to satisfy the government’s furlough scheme conditions and were rendered destitute as a result. Many lived in cramped flats without gardens. If they tried to escape for a walk in the local park, they encountered violently hostile policemen who were “only following orders”.

The consequences of lockdowns are all around us. Health services have fragmented. Waiting times are through the roof. Once treatable cancer and heart patients are dying before they can be treated. Suicides are up. Mental health problems are up. Educational standards have plummeted. Truancy rates have soared. Tens of thousands of children have disappeared from school completely. Bankruptcies are rising. Child abuse soared during lockdown.

Conclusion: Lockdowns caused inevitable deaths. They enabled tens-of-thousands of “deaths” in the care homes we were unable to visit. Lockdowns saved no deaths because Covid-19 lacked sufficient lethality to kill anyone without one foot already in the grave. Lockdowns caused social, financial, and emotional misery for the most vulnerable. Lockdowns bankrupted nations whilst enriching the Western elites. They also caused huge numbers of death in the developing world, where children starved to death because the governments didn’t have the financial luxury of paying workers not to work. Truly, lockdowns were a veritable Crime Against Humanity.

Paul Weston is a British-based writer who focuses on the damage done to Western Civilisation by the hard left’s ongoing cultural revolution. For links to his previous essays, see the Paul Weston Archives.

6 thoughts on “Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 10

  1. Catherine Austin Fitts said, I think, that the lockdowns also saved the western financial system from going haywire. For one, dead people demand no more money to be paid, especially old rich dead people, so the corona deaths, whatever their cause, coupled with “lockdowns” of the economy which slowed spending and thus prevented inflation, all that worked wonders for the preservation of the western financial system.

    The Western Financial System is otherwise spent, in that multiplication of money through interest reached unsustainable proportions. There is only one easy way out of it: “New Currency”.

    I bet a beer that’s what’s in store for the Western World.

    In the meantime, there is a possibility that the BRICS will create “alternative financial system” which will invite everybody with open arms: “everybody come in, you owe us nothing, BRICS is debt free, and the Russians will give us missiles against US Aircraft Carriers, no worries…”

    All debt will probably be erased by war, same as it ever was, but the important part is – until we get there – the western financial system tries every trick to keep the western currencies going.

    In fact – lockdowns may be prime example of the real status quo: If the western currency systems come under danger, the system will sacrifice and eat people (and their money) to continue its operation.

    It’s a beast.

  2. “We were “asked” to stay at home for a few weeks”

    No, weren’t. Boris Johnson’s precise words were “you must stay at home”.

  3. The hostile police were outnumbered at all times, and even in normal times have little control over British streets now terrorised by hostile foreign gangs. By comparison, actual Brits are squishes.

    Remember that thing Solzhenitsyn once said:

    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

  4. Thanks for posting this, BB. And thanks also for bringing Sunil Sharan’s book “India’s Muslims and Lessons for the West” to my attention 🙂

  5. “The consequences of lockdowns are all around us. Health services have fragmented. Waiting times are through the roof. Once treatable cancer and heart patients are dying before they can be treated. Suicides are up. Mental health problems are up. ”

    And the prescribing of ineffective and harmful “antidepressants” is way up.

    So hey, there’s a silver lining after all!

    (For big pharma.)

    “The latest official figures show that in Scotland, over a million adults are currently being prescribed antidepressant drugs. That equates to just over twenty three per cent of the adult population. The number of people on these drugs has been steadily increasing in recent years, so if nothing changes, then we can expect to hit the one in four mark before long. All of these people are having their minds chemically altered so that they can no longer react in an authentic manner to the world around them. To justify what is being done to them, they have to believe that either their brain has been badly wired up and needs to be chemically readjusted, or that their natural reactions to events that happen in the world are wrong, and their own thoughts are the source of their psychological suffering.

    This anti-human programme of psychological suppression not only serves the interests of the big pharmaceutical companies that have made a fortune selling these drugs, it stigmatises individuals by labelling them as “patients” with mental health “illnesses” instead of recognising that their responses to external stressors are quite appropriate, and there is actually nothing “wrong” with them. These medications also change how people designated as “patients” experience reality itself, thereby disempowering them in a profound way, so that they can no longer realise their own authentic identity, or assign meaning to their own lives. Clearly, all of these so-called “side effects” (that is to say – effects) are contrary to the widely accepted principles of CHIME, which as we have seen, are recognised as being necessary conditions for one’s psychological well-being.”

    Andrew Sittason, Living in A Salt Land, Chapter 8.

    It could be argued that there is no mental “illness” as a result of the pandemic – that the reactions of people to what happened is quite legitimate and authentic and normal. In short, there is nothing “wrong” with anyone experiencing psychological distress.

    If anyone has a “mental illness,” it is the people in charge of our country. They’re the ones that should be drugged up – or maybe we could give them some electroconvulsive therapy, just to be sure their “illness” is cured. Strap every one of those evil creatures down, attach the electrodes to their temples, and throw the switch!

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