Viktor Orbán: “Great Wars Do Not Come Out of Nowhere”

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Uncut News featuring remarks by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. It’s not clear whether the original text was in German, or in Hungarian (or even English) and was translated into German:


Great wars do not come out of nowhere.

Economic crises, shortages of raw materials, arms races, pandemics, false prophets, assassinations, dark shadows surround us.

This is how it starts.

There have been generations on this earth, our grandparents and great-grandparents, whose worst nightmares came true.

We see the signs. We see the writing on the wall.

Hungarians know the nature of war. They know that a war always ends differently than one imagines at the beginning.

That is why millions of young Europeans lie in mass graves today.

That is why there are not enough Europeans; that is why there are not enough European children.

War kills.

Someone dies with a gun in their hand. Someone dies while fleeing. Someone dies in a hail of bombs.

Someone dies in an enemy prison. Someone dies during a pandemic. Someone dies of hunger.

Someone is tortured. Someone is raped. Someone is taken into slavery.

The rows of graves are endless. Mothers cry for their sons. Women cry for their husbands.

So many lives lost.

One thing we do know: wherever there is war, there is no escape.

You can’t avoid it, you can’t hide from it.

The only antidote to war is peace: to stay out of war and to keep Hungary an island of peace.

That is our task.

And if we do not want war to come upon us, we must stop it: now!

This peace cannot be won by force of arms.

This war cannot be solved on the battlefield, where there are only corpses and destruction.

There must be a ceasefire and negotiations.

But first the election must be won. Next week the election must be won.

And in a week we will have reinforcements from all European countries and will be able to form a European coalition for peace in Brussels.

In the fall, Americans can elect a peace-friendly president and form a pan-Western, transatlantic peace coalition with him.

If we were in the minority at the beginning of the year, by the end of the year we could be in the majority throughout the Western world.

Source: Prime Minister’s Office

8 thoughts on “Viktor Orbán: “Great Wars Do Not Come Out of Nowhere”

  1. It is too late for that. The evil ones rule in the halls of power. You have very little time left.
    Humans were warned 2000 years ago this would happen if nothing changed.
    Mankind has gone on not heeding the warning. We shut our hearts to our Creator. Now the price for that arrogance will be paid in full.

  2. The elites make alot of money in wars selling stuff, stealing stuff , rearranging borders to suit their bottom line ,inside trading goods and land before it starts(I am looking at Bill Gates buying up American farmland and black rock buying up private homes in America in mass). Why have Europe and the Americas imported millions of fighting age men from countries that do not have American or European values ?Is this to cause internal civil war to make many private fretums that the elites can crave up and rule medieval style as 60 percent of the populations is killed and or staving and government control is in mayhem? Do the current leaders in America, Canada ,Germany ,France , seem to have their citizen’s best interest with their current policies in the last couple decades as a whole??

    • “Why have Europe and the Americas imported millions of fighting age men from countries that do not have American or European values?”

      I think the “fighting age men” is just a(n unexpected) bonus of the “no countries” cult that adopted Lennon’s (mostly tongue-in-cheek) “let’s write another swimming pool” song, “Imagine (no countries)”, as their core political ethos.

      I’m not a mind-reader, but, based on my experience with them, I reckon the ‘toddlers who’re actually driving the open borders SCAM live lives that’re so insulated from the rest of us that they really are UNAWARE of the consequences of their infantile, utopian actions. Put simply, I think they truly believe (or’ve convinced themselves) that they—the mommies—really are so much smarter and experienced than we—the children; and, in the end, we will thank them for saving us from ourselves.

      “It’s like a Kafka novel where you wake up and the two year-olds’ve become the mommies…and they’re all authoritarian commies. But it’s not a novel, it’s not a mistake…it’s real, it’s the plan…it’s PAA’s “remaking America”…it’s Obamerica.” —posted to fb (June 2020)

      • I agree that the “woke” are completely unaware of the consequences of their actions.

        Yuri Bezmenov talked about this that KGB knew that when you raise a “woke person” – it is nearly impossible to break the programming untill the “woke person” gets shot by execution squad – shot for being useful idiots that they are… The revolution will always eat its own useful idiots…

        Unfortunately – waking up from the “woke” state of mind comes too late for absolute majority of them.

    • of course not… Moving whole nations into different locations and replacing the old nations is a thing since at least 700 B.C. when Assyria took over Northern Israel and replaced the population there…

      This politics has great benefits to the ruling class…

      The “newcomers” are not “at home” and therefore they are “compliant”

      …while at the same time the old families living at a place for generations are uprooted and lose their base…

      it’s a win win – for the ruling class

      • But only until the newcomers become the majority. And then the old elites either submit or die.

        And I think (that goes double for Germany) that our leftwing rulers feel guilt for colonialism (3. Reich in Germany) etc and want to do some good – or what they think is good.
        But the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

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