Presidential Senility: An Italian Perspective

“The leader of the Free World” is obviously an advanced dementia case, leaving the Free World to coast along on autopilot. Fortunately for the West, the obscure oligarchs who rule us seem to be perfectly capable of handling the job without any input from mere elected leaders.

Below is an Italian take on President Biden’s performance at the G7 in Italy. Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Il Giornale:

“He gets distracted…”

The video at the G7 and those new doubts on Biden’s health

The latest alarm bell on the condition of the US president: Here is the curtain call at the Borgo Egnazia summit

by Massimo Balsamo
June 14, 2024

There is great worry among the Democrats of the Stars and Stripes and it could not be otherwise. The reference is obviously to the state of health of Joe Biden who reverted to an incredible series of gaffes and blunders a few months from the presidential election against Donald Trump. Yesterday, during the G7 summit at Borgo Egnazia in Puglia. he created a scene that was anything but edifying. The 81-year-old and the other leaders attended a ceremony of the flags of the 7 nations and that of the European Union, dropping from the sky with soldiers of Folgore from two planes. At a certain point during the parachutists’ jump, Biden became distracted and wandered away from the group.

The videos available don’t leave large margins of interpretation. Following the exhibition of the parachutists, Biden moved a few meters and began to direct his appreciation to the parachutists with the thumbs-up gesture. Realizing what was happening, Giorgia Meloni approached the US president and called him back by touching his shoulders. A moment of great embarrassment added to those recorded in the past weeks. And on social media, Trump supporters also went wild, considering the absence of the Democrat at the gala dinner with President Sergio Mattarella and the other world leaders.

The sequence of what happened at Borgo Egnazia went viral, but in the States, it is hard to hide a certain worry. The testimony has multiplied regarding Biden’s alleged cognitive decline to the point that it could compromise his institutional functions, especially during such a delicate phase at the international level. Dozens of Republican and Democrat legislators and collaborators have spoken to the Wall Street Journal about the president’s public blunders, but also about his strange behavior in private meetings.

Many have stressed the palpable slowness of the president or the increasingly marked tendency to follow the suggestions of assistants. “He is no longer the same person as before,” is the fear that winds its way around the White House. An extremely complex situation just less than five months before the elections…

6 thoughts on “Presidential Senility: An Italian Perspective

  1. No big deal. The Amerikan MSM will ignore it or downplay it. The Sheeple, Normies, Cucks, celebrity remoras, along with the shambling, texting, slack-jawed, mouth-breathing, brain-dead, vaping, Mall Zombies are focused on the Boston Celtics win and the drunk driving arrest of Justin Timberlake. Amerika ist verloren. Bleib ubrig.

    • Dweeze, the MSM claims that all the videos are fake… should make the “debate” even more entertaining… if in fact they cannot invent a reason to avoid it

  2. Check out the symptoms of dementia, which if the symptoms are mild, can be classified as MCI (mild cognitive impairment.)

    These symptoms can be found all over the internet.

    Then remember what Biden said when he was challenged about his cognitive decline:

    “Watch me!”

    Ok Joe, the whole world is watching.

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