Mannheim — The Knife Playground of Europe

There’s been another knife attack in Mannheim, this time with a carpet knife/box cutter. The target in this case is a local politician for the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany). I must point out that, based on the video, the attacker is not a culture-enricher, but rather “someone who has been living in Germany for a longer time.”

It seems that Mannheim has become a sort of knife-spa, with its fame spreading far and wide so that people are flocking to the town to get in on the bladed-weapon action.

London, look out!

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Political violence

Mannheim again: AfD candidate Heinrich Koch stabbed — with video

Mannheim again! When the AfD politician catches a poster-destroyer red-handed, the poster vandal reaches for a knife. 62-year-old Heinrich Koch is taken to hospital with cuts. The perpetrator is arrested. A video shows the crime.


A political opponent of the AfD stabbed AfD candidate Heinrich Koch in Mannheim on the night of Wednesday. The 62-year-old local politician was taken to hospital with cuts. The perpetrator was arrested. There is also a video of the incident.

The police announced on Wednesday afternoon: “On Tuesday evening at 10:30pm, a 25-year-old suspect was arrested on Schwabenheimer Strasse in Mannheim. He is said to have previously damaged and stolen several election posters on Relaisstrasse.” It further states: “An AfD politician, who had also become aware of the incident, pursued the suspect and stopped him. The 25-year-old suspect is said to have then wounded the AfD politician with a carpet knife.” The man was arrested shortly after the crime.

Perpetrator is said to be mentally ill [Well, after all he’s a leftist. That’s OK, then, isn’t it?]

The police claimed that “there were clear signs of mental illness during the arrest.” A police spokeswoman could not explain to the JF why this was the case. “Of course, a medical temporary detention order is not issued by us, but by a doctor who checks whether the man is fit for detention.” He is now in a “psychiatric hospital.” There is allegedly no evidence that the man did not recognize the AfD politician. However, there are numerous election posters in the city with the portrait of the AfD politician Koch.

The attack occurred at 10:45pm on Relaisstrasse near the market square, where an Afghan carried out a knife attack on six members of the citizens’ association Pax Europa, including Michael Stürzenberger, and murdered the police officer Rouven L. on Friday.

AfD Mannheim describes perpetrators as left-wing extremists

According to his district association, Koch, who is an industrial engineer by profession, had observed the latest stabber tearing down AfD posters. When he confronted him about it, the perp is said to have stabbed him. The Mannheim police officially confirmed this morning only that there had been a police operation. They plan to release further information in the morning.

The AfD spoke of an attack by a left-wing extremist. AfD Bundestag member Markus Frohnmaier from Baden-Württemberg told Junge Freiheit that, to his knowledge, the AfD candidate had been attacked with a carpet knife and injured in the stomach and probably also in the face. He is in hospital and responsive. Frohnmaier was shocked by the act. “This is also due to an intellectual mobilization against the AfD, which has led to our party constantly being placed outside the democratic consensus. This then encourages violent criminals to take action against AfD politicians.”

Just last Friday, a police officer was killed in the city in an assassination attempt by a rejected Afghan asylum seeker. The attack was aimed at the well-known Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger, who was also seriously wounded in the attack. During an AfD vigil on Sunday, the left-wing extremist ANTIFA attempted to storm the city’s market square and attack the AfD supporters. However, the police were able to prevent this.

AfD leadership reacts with shock [They should be used to this by now, especially since the “Office for the Protection of the Constitution” declared open season on them and their supporters… DEMOCRATICALLY.]

The AfD party and parliamentary group leader, Alice Weidel, expressed her shock to Junge Freiheit: “It is a horrifying act that leaves one speechless. I wish Mr Koch a speedy recovery and that he recovers quickly from the shock.”

AfD party leader Tino Chrupalla was also horrified. “In Mannheim, our local council candidate Heinrich Koch was injured with a knife when he confronted a poster vandal. Our members and representatives are the most frequent victims of political violence and destruction,” the politician wrote on X.

Mannheim’s mayor Christian Specht (CDU) wished Koch a quick and full recovery. The politician described the attack as “cowardly” and “unjustifiable”. Specht continued: “Anyone who attacks election candidates is calling our free, equal, general, direct and secret elections into question — and thus the basis of our democracy,” he said. [Yes, but not THEIR demockeracy.]

Koch is currently a district councillor for the AfD in the Mannheim district of Rheinau. In addition to his political work, the reserve lieutenant colonel works as a qualified engineer and motor vehicle expert. In the local elections next Sunday, he is running for the Mannheim municipal council at position three on the AfD list.

The party leader of the Werte Union/Values Union, Hans-Georg Maaßen, made serious accusations against the political Left in an interview with Junge Freiheit. The Left has been “spreading hatred and agitation” against its political opponents “for several years.” “We are currently seeing the seeds sprout,” Maaßen stated. The former head of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution appealed: “We must finally return to social reconciliation, and that can only work if the political Left refrains from treating its opponents like enemies.” [Good luck with that. You simply cannot reason with rabid hyenas.]

Afterword from the translator:

I would say that since its founding, the AfD has been pushed into a corner that it never was and never wanted to be in. After this “attack” and that “approach” to discredit them failed and parties like the LINKE/Left Party technically disappeared and the SPD is no longer a people’s party, a protest by the middle class in front of the Reichstag was heard in January, the fuse blew. In just a few months we have seen an increase in violence that we have never seen since the 1920s-1930s. In their naïveté they think that the best thing would be to ban the AfD; then their opponents will have no reason for violence. What the media and the traffic light coalition ignore is that their policies, along with their insults and ridicule, make people angry. Even the little people have honour and dignity. Opposition CDU: Mr. Merz, where is the firewall against political violence? When will the CDU work on the Merkel era? After all, she was the one who threw the first stone in her Christmas speech!

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