Graduating From Knives to Axes

The latest attacker to be shot by German police had upgraded from the customary knife to an axe — a Schieferhammer, literally “slate-hammer”, probably more or less like a pickaxe.

The incident occurred around noon today, in the vicinity of a Euro 24 fan parade on the Reeperbahn in Hamburg, but police say the attack had nothing to do with football.

The ethnicity of the alleged perp has not been mentioned so far, and the photo is ambiguous, so he might be a culture-enricher, or he might be someone who has lived in Germany for a longer time. Or he could even be a British football hooligan, for all I know.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. This report says the attacker was shot dead, but all the others I’ve seen (plus the later part of this one) say he was shot in the leg and wounded:

Fan march on the Reeperbahn

Police shoot down axe attacker

In the run-up to the European Championship match between the Netherlands and Poland, the police shot dead a man who was armed with an axe and an incendiary device. Did the attacker want to attack the Dutch fans’ march?


In the run-up to the European Championship match between the Netherlands and Poland, the police shot down a man who was armed with an axe and an incendiary device. On X, the police wrote that the emergency services had “used their firearm” as a result of a threat. “The attacker was wounded and is currently receiving medical treatment.”

No other people were injured. A fan march by Holland fans ended in St. Pauli on Sunday afternoon. It is believed that the officers’ intervention prevented an attack on Dutch fans.

Video of the incident

Afterword from the translator:

Police have closed the Reeperbahn in Hamburg, not far from the fan zone, where there are thousands of Dutch fans. Four loud bangs and then hundreds of riot police moved in.Twitter

Germany, you have a security problem. Homemade as the result of our policies of the last few years. I would like to thank my colleagues for their important and life-saving efforts.Twitter

Well, I really don’t know what kind of weapon that guy used, since some say it was a pick-axe, others a hammer and others in turn claimed that it was a “Golden Axe”. Not that it makes any difference, and from some of the tweets one might assume that the attacker was again someone who isn’t NATIVE to Europe.

According to the police, they first used pepper spray on the attacker and then a firearm. The thug was apparently hit with several shots, but one can’t tell from the video footage. He apparently also had an incendiary device in his hand. Not that any of this is going to change the minds of those whose policies made all of this a common daily occurrence on the streets of Western European cities. Far from it; they’re still busy importing even more of the “Haute Culture” to enrich the local landscape even more since the ECJ (European Court of Justice) has now opened the floodgates with: “Palestinians have right to asylum in Europe” Although the Tagesschau (state broadcaster) does restrict this protection by saying that Hamas members who have committed war crimes or crimes against humanity or another serious crime are excluded from this protection. However, migrants can hardly be asked for the proverbial “Hamas membership card” upon entry, and if they were to be asked, as good Muslims they would have to use taqiyya against the filthy infidel, now, wouldn’t they? Anyway, what can go possibly wrong with that looming new scenario?

Hat tip for the Fox and Welt articles: Gary Fouse.

3 thoughts on “Graduating From Knives to Axes

  1. The question is ,is it easier to ban knives, axes ,bats, cars, trucks ,large pieces of wood ,rocks ,bricks ,(never mind guns which the newcomers still get a hold some how the natives cannot get)or is it easier to deport and ban Moslems from entering western Europe? I think the “house guest” that where invited in have overstayed their welcome. They will never assimilate no matter how many goodies you provide them with ,welfare ,housing ,schooling , you can not tame people that follow the death cult of Islam.

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