Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 7

Below is the seventh chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 7: Flu Deaths v Covid-19 Deaths in 2020

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), flu mysteriously disappeared from the world in 2020. Actually, not quite all of 2020; it disappeared immediately after the Western governments initiated the Covid-19 lockdowns in March.

That is quite strange, isn’t it? Almost as though all the usual respiratory deaths caused by flu in every year other than 2020 were simply re-labelled as Covid-19 related respiratory deaths in 2020. An easy way of finding out if this was the case is to look at the Office for National Statistics respiratory death data for 2019 and 2020.

In 2019 there were 71,674 respiratory deaths. In 2020 there were 63,131 respiratory deaths. This is rather strange too, considering the full name for Covid-19 is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2. I say strange, because it is most unusual — putting it mildly — to have a lower level of respiratory deaths during a supposedly apocalyptic pandemic driven by a virus which causes respiratory disease, no?

A death from influenza is medically the exact same as a death from Covid-19. It is a respiratory disease death. People die from an inability to breathe due to their lungs becoming congested with fluid, mucous, pus and blood. In reality, they die from viral pneumonia.

Influenza and Covid-19 cause pneumonia. No-one dies directly from the flu or Covid-19; they die from the viral pneumonia caused by Covid-19 and influenza — the symptoms of which are exactly the same from initial infection all the way through to pneumonia and possible death:

Stage 1: Cough/cold, feeling of heaviness in the chest, loss of appetite, fatigue.

Stage 2: Increase in cough intensity, shortness of breath, muscle aches, extreme fatigue, headaches, fever, chills, sweating, blue lips or nails due to lower blood oxygen levels.

Stage 3: Viral pneumonia, possible death.

The immune systems of healthy people can easily deal with flu or Covid-19 infections. You might feel terrible for a few days, but you soon get over it. Sadly, people with pre-existing serious illnesses (mostly old, but sometimes young) don’t have very good immune systems. Hence the large numbers who die in a bad flu year.

To sum up the above then, influenza and Covid-19 both share the same symptoms, and both can lead to viral pneumonia and potential death. Especially so if left untreated. Is one more deadly than the other, though? Studying the Infection Fatality Rates for both diseases provide an answer to that question.

The Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) expresses in percentage form the number of people who die after being infected by a particular disease.

The IFR for influenza varies between 0.1% and 0.2% depending upon a good year or a bad year for flu. This equates to 1 death for every 1,000 people infected in a good year, and 2 deaths per 1,000 people infected in a bad year.

According to Cambridge University’s MRC Biostatistics Unit, the IFR for Covid-19 between April 2020 and November 2021 was 0.25% which is essentially an extremely bad year for flu. The original MRC Biostatistics Unit study is curiously no longer available on their site, but fortunately I saved it in Dec 2021 on the ingenious Wayback Machine Internet Archive site, from where I was able to grab the graph below.

It is a little hard to read, so I will re-write it below. The Covid-19 IFR statistics are as follows:

Age 1-4:   0.00083%
Age 5-14:   0.00089%
Age 15-24:   0.0036%
Age 25-44:   0.23%
Age 45-64:   0.19%
Age 65-74:   0.83%
Age 75 Plus:   3.2%

The IFR for Covid-19 is an average of the seven sets of percentage figures above. It is heavily skewed by the 3.2% amongst those aged seventy-five and over. But even when this group is included, the IFR is still only 0.25% which is, as I say, not so very different from a particularly bad year for flu.

But we must bear something in mind here; most of the seventy-five-year-olds and over who died in 2020 were victims of the Great Care Home Cull. They didn’t actually die from Covid-19 at all. They were effectively euthanised, yet their fraudulent Covid-19 death statistics play a hugely important part in skewing the IFR figures. If we disregard the seventy-five+ age group, the IFR drops to 0.17% which is pretty much in line with influenza.

As we can see, Covid-19 presented no more threat of death than the flu to those aged between one to seventy-five. In point of fact, there is a greater risk to the young in falling over and breaking their necks whilst making a catastrophically useless attempt at donning a pair of trousers than dying from Covid-19.

Conclusion: Influenza and Covid-19 have a similar Infection Fatality Rate and similar symptoms. Both cause respiratory death via pneumonia. Respiratory deaths were broadly similar in 2020 and 2019. Somewhat mysteriously they were slightly lower in the year of the pandemic. Influenza miraculously disappeared in 2020. Could such an unprecedented event (or non-event) be even remotely possible? Of course not. Flu deaths were simply re-labelled as Covid-19 deaths. Genius.

Paul Weston is a British-based writer who focuses on the damage done to Western Civilisation by the hard left’s ongoing cultural revolution. For links to his previous essays, see the Paul Weston Archives.

One thought on “Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 7

  1. Covid is a plan by the descendants of Khazarians to suck many billions
    of dollars from many nations of the world and eliminate a large percent of the world population. They have agents in many countries, some already as Prime MInisters or Presidents. I am almost sure some of them are the guys leading Spain Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, and Mexico. There are many evidences. The evil George Soros have made covenants with them to perform his plan. They want to get almost all the money in the world and then start the final extermination.

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