Broken German For a Broken Culture

This is a strange story: the driver of a train near Mannheim in Germany stopped his train and left the cab to sexually molest a young woman who was jogging alongside the tracks. In the media accounts about the incident, the only way we can determine that the molester is a culture-enricher is that he is said to have spoken “broken German”.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius:

Federal police want to keep incident under wraps: Train driver “with broken German” sexually abuses 32-year-old jogger

The safety of women in public spaces is always a controversial topic and subject of debate. An incident in Altlußheim, not far from Mannheim, has now demonstrated in a shocking way, when in doubt, how bad the situation is.

Last Friday, the driver of a freight train in the Rhein-Neckar district is said to have stopped his own train, left the driver’s cab and followed a woman in order to sexually harass her. The reason for this was that the woman waved to him while she was jogging. This is according to an internal communication from the Federal Police, which NIUS has exclusively obtained.

It states: “At around 1:10 p.m., the 32-year-old was jogging along the railway tracks. At that time, she was alone, dressed in normal sports clothes.” When she saw the freight train approaching, she waved to the driver out of politeness and habit. The driver “braked his locomotive to a stop, got out and came towards the woman.” The man is said to have spoken to the woman in German that was difficult to understand, pointed to her intimate area and described it as “beautiful.” The man then grabbed the woman’s crotch and bottom. When she managed to break free and ran away, he ran after her and overpowered her again. He is said to have repeated the actions and also kissed the woman in the chest area. The second time the victim finally managed to free herself.

The man then left in the train, which had come to a stop in the meantime. The perpetrator is a 41-year-old “German” citizen who spoke “broken German”. He was arrested at the train station in Düsseldorf-Rath and identified using photographs. The Federal Police did not answer a request for the man’s name, his migrant background and when he was naturalized. He is also said to be an employee of a DB AG subcontractor, according to the Federal Police statement. DB also did not respond to NIUS’s request.

Particularly explosive: The Federal Police describe the case as an “incident that makes even the most experienced investigators drop their jaws”. Such a crime “is rarely seen”. They are relieved that nothing worse happened to the 32-year-old. In addition, the internal communication is headed “not press-free”. To date, the case has not appeared with the Federal Police or in the press releases in the Rhein-Neckar district (where the crime occurred) or Düsseldorf (where the man was arrested). A request as to why the police did not inform the public about the incident was left unanswered by the responsible police departments as well as the Federal Police.

German train stations and trains are often the scene of violence. For example, knife crimes at train stations, which are officially the responsibility of the Federal Police, rose by more than 32% last year . More than half of the perpetrators do not have a German passport. However, the suspects are usually travelers. The fact that train drivers can pose a danger seems to be a novelty.

Afterword from the translator:

Even if this story sounds very outlandish, yes, it is possible. Trains always travel in closed block sections. Only when the train in front has left the block section can a following train enter it.

And the stopping thing is not far-fetched, either. Firstly, freight trains do not travel very fast. Secondly, the train may have just been in a slow-speed section (the track is in poor condition) or it may have been travelling at low speed towards a red signal. In this case, braking the train is quickly done. And only under this condition would a train driver have been able to see a person jogging along the track more clearly.

And “the German citizen who only spoke ‘broken German’ — a revealing formulation — congratulations.

Of course this must be kept under wraps — and my guess is that the Federal Police are busy pre-bunking the incident — otherwise Germans might come up with the idea that the cultures of certain migrant groups are not compatible with German culture and that migration in general brings too many disadvantages for the natives and that the arbitrary spreading of German citizenship does not create Germans but only left-wing voters, and thus use their own common sense.

And THAT would be a danger to the red-green-left-liberal rule.

2 thoughts on “Broken German For a Broken Culture

  1. Re: “Federal police want to keep incident under wraps: Train driver “with broken German” sexually abuses 32-year-old jogger”

    These brief few words reveal so much!

    It can be argued that the primary reason the nation-state exists in the first place, is for the security and safety of its citizens, the people who reside in it. And, if we are to believe so much of the official boilerplate about such things, do not the police exist for that same reason?

    Wouldn’t logic and common sense dictate that such a case should be broadly publicized, not only so that other women could take precautions to safeguard themselves, but also as a warning to would-be offenders that the authorities are on the lookout for offenders?

    You might think so, but notice that the primary concern of the authorities isn’t for the safety and welfare of the victim or securing justice for her, but hiding the identity of the offender from the public.

    In other words, by sweeping this unfortunate incident under the rug, the authorities seem to feel fewer Germans might be moved to protest their nation’s immigration policies. And by hiding it, further fuel will not be added to the anti-immigration fire which is already starting to “flare up” in that nation and others like it across Old Europe.

    Last and perhaps most-dishonest of all, by attempting to hide this crime from the German public, the authorities are attempting to shield themselves from accountability. The rapist himself is the primary offender, to be sure, but he was aided and abetted by a multitude of politicians, pro-immigration open borders ideologues and globalist functionaries of all sorts who placed the would-be offender in their midst. They are every bit as guilty and culpable as the individual who actually committed the crime.

  2. If TPTB let the story spread, they’d quickly lose access to the cheap labour willing to do the work actual Germans won’t do (at the wages and conditions TPTB are willing to offer).

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