Lest We Forget

Memorial Day 2024 — Confederate Cemetery in Farmville, Virginia

This morning I attended the Memorial Day service at the Confederate Cemetery in Farmville, Virginia. The event was sponsored by the United Daughters of the Confederacy and assisted by the Sons of Confederate Veterans. We pledged three flags (US, Virginia, and Confederate), said prayers, and then various people placed wreaths at the monument. A young lady sang “Amazing Grace” and we all sang “Dixie”. The ceremony concluded with a three-volley salute from the SCV honor guard, and finally a young man blew “Taps” on his bugle.

It rained early in the morning, and then again in the afternoon, but held off during the service. It was a good day.

6 thoughts on “Lest We Forget

    • There are plenty of young people involved. Notice the young man carrying the flag in the honor guard, and there’s another one at the other end. The bugler was a teenager. The camp I’m in recently swore in some teenagers.

      The traditions get passed down from father to son, and mother to daughter. The way it should be.

    • Thank you, John. Good to hear from you.

      I had heard “Renegade”, but long since forgotten it. Thanks for reminding me of it.

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