I’ve posted several times in the past about the Greater Idaho movement, which aims to persuade Oregon to permit the secession of a group of eastern counties so that they may join Idaho, to which they are culturally and economically similar. (See the bottom of this post for links to previous articles.)
The latest news is that a twelfth county has voted to leave Oregon and become part of Idaho. Below is a press release from Greater Idaho with the good news:
Greater Idaho wins 12th county in a row in eastern Oregon
The Greater Idaho movement has now won all twelve counties in eastern Oregon that have voted on Greater Idaho ballot measures, according to election night results, and the movement’s proposal only includes fourteen full counties of eastern Oregon. Since the introduction of a law that allows ballots to be received after election day if they were mailed on or before election day, the final election results in favor of Greater Idaho ballot measures has always been one to four percentage points higher than the election night result, so the Greater Idaho movement feels confident that their measure has won the Wallowa County election, even though results at 4 am only showed their measure ahead with 50.3% of the vote. Since the movement began winning elections 6 election cycles ago, it had averaged 62% in favor and 38% opposed, a ratio of 1.63 to 1.
The turnout as of 4 am in Wallowa County was 55%, more than double the statewide average. The five counties that voted on a Greater Idaho ballot initiative in the last off-year election, two years ago, also turned out at almost twice the statewide average.
Wallowa County only has two percent of the population of eastern Oregon, and its beautiful mountain views draw an unusually large percentage of upper-income residents from the Willamette Valley, who may have been less supportive of joining Idaho.
Another reason Wallowa County may have been less sure than other counties about the movement, according to a statement at the movement’s website, greateridaho.org, is that Portland Democrats outspent them in Wallowa County to level false accusations. Their ads claimed that far-right individuals and groups support the movement, but had no evidence that the movement supports those individuals or groups. The ads implied that those far-right groups are the people behind the movement, but Greater Idaho leadership says they’ve never been contacted by those individuals or groups. Their other ads claimed that joining Idaho would be financially bad for eastern Oregon and that the group hasn’t done an economic analysis. But independent economists proved that Idaho’s governance would be good for eastern Oregon.
Portlanders such as Former Dem. state rep. Ben Unger and social justice warrior group Western States Strategies sent four or five mailers and advertised on YouTube and Pluto TV during the campaign. Despite decades of experience in Oregon politics, they chose to send ads without revealing who was sending them, and didn’t register or report to the state their campaign expenditures or income as required by transparency law. After they were confronted with their apparent violations of campaign finance law, they chose to order more ads for the following two weeks. The movement filed a complaint with the state on May 5 and will file another this week.
The movement believes that state leaders should want to let eastern Oregon join Idaho because it would benefit Oregon’s state budget, and because eastern Oregon’s state senators appear to have decided to block votes in the Oregon Senate indefinitely unless state leadership changes course. The group tweeted “Rural Oregon will keep electing more kamikaze Republicans who are willing to bring the Oregon Legislature to a halt every year if that’s what it takes to block unacceptable laws from being passed. If you don’t like that, then let us join Idaho, and w. OR can have a bluer blue state… Our state senators can trade places with state reps every 4 years and keep the Oregon Senate floor votes shut down forever. Contact Speaker Dan Rayfield to ask him to let our movement have an informational hearing to explain the sources of, and solutions to, the discontent in rural Oregon.”
Previous posts about Greater Idaho:
2023 | Jan | 10 | In Pursuit of a Greater Idaho | |||
Feb | 4 | Greater Idaho Moves a Step Closer | ||||
9 | The Economics of Greater Idaho | |||||
15 | Idaho House Votes for a Greater Idaho |
Good luck and I hope it will happen
Been in OREGON 30 plus years, we are “ Prune Pickers” native Californians. When we selected Southern Oregon as the place we would move to and raise our children times were different, much different.
Sadly Oregons govt is straight up Communist, am amused when Portlandites refer to themselves as Dem Socialists, Apparently makes em feel better about themselves.
Think it’s obvious this split will never happen, yet it gives Conservative Oregonians hope. We really would like to do this lawfully.
Southern OREGON Eastern OREGON people are a different breed of cat, literally a rifle behind every blade of grass. Self sufficient, sitting out a month long snow storm without power is an inconvenience but life goes on.
Wallowa County is a rugged stunningly beautiful place with mountain folk. We enjoy visiting the region it’s the OREGON Alps the out door activities are amazing, fishing is killer.
My county Klamath County voted to support the split, I don’t know the numbers. Klamath county is also a semi auto sanctuary, more symbolic then anything, never the less a thumb in the eye of those up north who recognize we are cash cows, we have zero say via the vote.
So what does 3/4 of a state that’s communist ran do. The answer is whatever we want. We could care less about stupid rules created and supported by Portland communists.
Is a fist fight coming, we think so, yet we don’t worry about it, life goes on. If/when this fight manifests, we’ll shut Portland the other liberal communities down, you see WE own the high ground.
Portland those other communist communities are scared [excrement-free] of the men and women the capabilities, the capacity to organize and defend our people. Oregonians Salem Eugene are not our people, their parasites worse than ticks or flees.
Tic Toc!
If you think that begging ‘massa for your freedom to be enslaved by a different ‘massa is the route to freedom, you missed the bigger picture and bigger problem.
Portland has 200 full time Marxist activist desperately working to project Western Oregon as a Woke utopia. Smoke and mirrors. BLM was run out of every town but Portland in 2020. Portland’s representatives will be delighted to let a million conservative and moderate voters check out of the state. Note this Greater Idaho movement does not include rural Western and Southern counties who largely regard Portland with the same distaste as Eastern Oregon. The real movement should be to swap Portland, Salem and Eugene for Eastern Washington.
Boise has gone full tilt Californication.