It’s brass monkey weather in Antarctica this fall.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Report24. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Extreme cold in Antarctica is coming earlier than expected this year

Apparently there are too many measuring stations from different nations in Antarctica, so that fraud in the sense of climate madness is not possible. Since the beginning of May, temperatures as low as -76.4°C [-105.5°F] have been measured at the Vostok research station. However, is still autumn in the current season of the southern hemisphere. Low temperatures are unusual for this time of year. The norm for the location in May is -61°C to -64°C [-77°F to -83°F].

Climate fanatics might consider it a success. Is it because they glue themselves to the ground in European cities that temperatures are dropping at the South Pole? Hardly likely. However, it is a proven fact that the temperatures in the Antarctic in 2023 will be significantly lower than the ten-year average. Between 2005 and 2015, temperatures between -61°C and -64°C were measured for the month of May.

Extreme cold should not be reached for months

The lowest temperatures are usually measured in Vostok when the northern hemisphere has its hottest summer — i.e. July, August and sometimes September. The fact that the Antarctic winter broke out in May with such temperatures is considered a special feature. The Russian measuring station was set up in 1957 at a distance of 1,300 kilometers from the South Pole at an altitude of 3,500 meters. The previous negative temperature record is said to have been reached on July 28, 1997 with -91°C [-132°F] (Wikipedia speaks of “unconfirmed”, July 21, 1983 with -89.2°C is confirmed). The warmest day in recorded history was January 5, 1974 with “only” -14°C [+7°F].

Of course, spot temperature records are due to “weather” and not the “climate” that is supposed to be warming, and from which we are all supposed to die unless we regress to a pre-industrial age in trees and in caves. At least that is the plan of the climate apocalypticists — although many of them also dream of a depopulation of the earth.

Temperatures in Antarctica have been falling for 40 years

As early as 2021, scientists reported the “coldest winter season in more than 60 years” in Antarctica. Since this trend has been emerging since 2021, one could cautiously speak of “climate” here. It would be time for politicians to come to their senses and stop destroying the wealth of Western countries and citing some fictitious climate targets as the reason for doing so. [But that would throw a spanner into the works of the Evil Globalist Agenda, and we can’t have that, now, can we?]

This article on “Eike Klima Energie” also shows with clear tables that no global warming has been detectable in the Antarctic for at least 40 years. Rather, a cooling can be detected at the German Arctic station. Conclusion there: The winters are getting colder at the South Pole. The current measurements seem to confirm this theory.

Afterword from the translator:

The problem here is that the truth is not in line with the Narrative and will be squashed each and every time since the “high” and “mighty” remain spellbound by their own self-importance. Their base emotions turn history’s wheels, be it wars, plandemics or climate-crisis they unleash onto the over-credulous populations of this world. They regard themselves as their “gods’” chosen, and their followers wallow in perceived victimhood — “saint” Greta, Fridays 4 Future and other climate death cultists — yet their appetite for bigotry and violence is as healthy as any I have seen in my life.

It all boils down to the diverse ideological, political feuds and rivalries, the ambitions of big corporations and banks, and the general economic disasters engineered from on “high”, and are the stronger poisons in this satanic brew. The wagon of “war” — climate, economy, health, race, sexuality, etc.etc. — is always filled to the raves with sordid motives, and always sheeted in the gaudy banner of their Demockeracy. How can such monsters as they claim to show us how to walk untainted through the world of chaos and corruption of their making?

If we win this battle — after all, the stakes are LIFE on Earth — we need to make sure that we never have to fight the same battle again. We have to crush them so completely that they can never rise and threaten life on Earth again.

7 thoughts on “BR-R-R-R-R-R!

  1. The earth has been cooling since 8000 years ago. Anyone can look it up. I did many years ago. Once you know, they have no power over you with their BS.

    Oh, and the last interglacial 125 kya was a lot hotter than the Holocene.

  2. “If we win this battle — after all, the stakes are LIFE on Earth — we need to make sure that we never have to fight the same battle again. We have to crush them so completely that they can never rise and threaten life on Earth again.”

    I agree completely with the translator.

    My opinion is that too many make the mistake that all we need to do is win elections, or a few lawsuits in the courts, and all will be good. The creatures pushing these agendas are not going to stop because they have lost a court case or an election. Their hereditary fortunes need to be confiscated so that none of it can be used any more for mischief, and their bloodlines need to be ended so that whatever flaw in their thinking is no longer propagated, and as punishment for their crimes against their fellow countrymen.

    It is my opinion that coming into a vast inheritance without the wisdom to not abuse it, or making a fortune from financial speculation and manipulation (Soros) should be extremely tightly controlled or almost impossible for an individual to attain. And along with this, somehow corporate power needs to be broken and reigned in to where shareholders have far more say and control over what is done by boards of directors or those with fiduciary responsibility. This is necessary to prevent another Soros or Blackrock from ever having the kind of power and influence that comes with wealth gained through dishonest and deceitful methods.

    But this will need to be sorted out after those bloodlines are first ended.

    • Why so bloody?

      We should indulge them – in a manner of speaking.

      We should build a spaceship and send them to Mercury.
      First of all, a spaceship is a closed system. There they have to life a tightly regulated life. Just what they want.

      Then on Mercury there is only a small zone where life is possible. First they have to use seed etc to wait before they can produce their own food.
      So, this means a tight belt for them (very little food and that is tightly controlled). Just as they want it.

      And then they have to build a society and industrial power. But as the life zone is small, they have to carefully regulate themselves, otherwise they wipe themselves out.
      Just what they want.

      Of course we should install cameras and watch it.
      Because I think that they will devour themselves.
      Just like the French revolution, if you were not radical enough, you met Madame Guillotine.

      • Pour encourager les autres.

        Like I said, it isn’t enough to just defeat these creatures legally or electorally. Nothing is learned from it and it leaves those types still in possession of their fortunes and just biding their time until they can slither back out from under their rocks.

        A lesson written in blood is less likely to be ignored by future generations and will be remembered for far longer than a lesson written in ink.

        Take the French Revolution and the resulting Great Terror. There needs to be a knowledge amongst the elites that if they abuse their position and forget noblesse oblige, they could wind up with their head in a basket. That particular lesson lasted several centuries before it was forgotten by the current crop of reptilians.

        • “A lesson written in blood is less likely to be ignored by future generations and will be remembered for far longer than a lesson written in ink.
          Take the French Revolution and the resulting Great Terror. There needs to be a knowledge amongst the elites that if they abuse their position and forget noblesse oblige, they could wind up with their head in a basket.”

          Nah, too much work.
          America’s forefathers had it right: tar, feather, deport…done.

          • Never ever leave enemies like Soro’s and company alive to live to fight another day, because they will. Makem windchimes to show everybody their treachery and treason.

  3. My brother shared an article about the Solar cycle which measures the sun’s activity over an 11 year cycle. We are in Solar cycle 25. Solar cycle 24 was very cool and some people worried we were heading for an ice age. This would kill billions. Solar cycle 25 has only just started so unclear if it will be strong or also weak. The sun’s activity is far more important than what we do.

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