Stage Right, Enter Brazil

This sounds like the political arena in South America will soon be crowded with vast right wing conspiracies.

Good news for a continent that has had to overcome an economic history that ignored the rule of law and property rights, the two fundamental building blocks of a genuine free state. Perhaps the breakdown of the socialist dream-turned-nightmare, Venezuela, is simply speeding up this process?

Hmmm…given all that’s going on in Europe, it appears this a global move…

5 thoughts on “Stage Right, Enter Brazil

  1. Thank you for this video! As a 72 year old Brazilian, I agree almost completely with Dr. Turley’s opinions. I have never seen my country in such a bad state. Thank God our people seem to be waking up from the long, LeftWing induced, stupor, Our media doesn’t help at all; it is highly left biased (yes, I know that is so in many other parts of the world, but perhaps in Brazil and other Latin American countries this is worse).
    Also, leftist governments divided the population (they seem to do so everywhere) in such a way that, should it go on, we would have a civil war here (as it will probably happen in Venezuela, may God help them!). It is time they should go, not to return.
    Thank you, and please forgive any grammar/spelling mistakes!

    • Why do you think Brazil has turned a corner? Other Latin American countries are not doing so. Turley thinks it is the phenomenal growth of the evangelical Christian movement in Brazil – they are out of the reach of the Roman Catholic hierarchy.

      That’s true for the U.S., too. Evangelical Christians are growing and it was they who put Trump over the top. Hillary’s stupidity didn’t hurt, either.

  2. It’s a very interesting idea that the growth of protestant church denominations (Turley refers to “evangelicals”) across all of South America, since the 1980’s is changing the continent towards conservative political ideas. I believe they are related, and they do seem to be taking the wind out of the socialist’s sails.

    • I looked up a few towns in South Nigeria on Google maps and was amazed at the number of protestant denominated churches, none of them Lutheran or Reformed.

      Could their appeal have to do with the fact that a more ” radical” belief is closer to the African mindset with its absence of abstraction as described by Gedaliah Braun?

  3. Populist movements have been around Brazil for at least 60 years. They all degenerated for one reason or other (e.g. Vargas’ classical populism, he had to run the economy within the limits of the financial constraints that existed at the time – the allocation of resources got distorted – and his promises got lost somewhere).

    Supposedly this is good news for Brazil. Supposedly. Meanwhile, the liberals sometimes have a problem making liberal formulas popular. Thus the rise of populism in Europe too but for how long. In Greece the popular picks sold out. They executed their failures brilliantly with the EU bullies. And nothing changed. The ordinary Greek’s life got worse. The European’s life has gotten worse too.

    It remains to be seen what happens in Brazil. Economics and American aggression or non-aggression has a lot to do with it. Will Washington accept a new leader? Washington didn’t accept Venezuela’s Maduro or his successor. They made sure socialism didn’t work there. Not that it does (Swedes started as capitalists) , but they made sure it didn’t in Venezuela.

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