Gagged in Spain

A Spanish army colonel named Pedro Baños has published a confidential list of media outlets that the socialist government of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez intends to censor. Needless to say, Col. Baños’ revelation has caused an uproar in Spain.

Below is an excerpt from the introduction to Col. Baños’ video posted by RAIR Foundation:

Pedro Baños is a Spanish Army colonel and an expert in geopolitics, security, and defense. He has held various strategic positions in the military and is a respected author and commentator on international affairs.

The List of Media Outlets to be Censored

In a recent video, Baños disclosed the names of media outlets that are on the government’s censorship list:

1.   Distrito TV
2.   EDA TV (Estado del Ejército TV)
3.   El Toro TV
4.   La Gaceta de los Negocios
5.   Radio Intereconomía
6.   El Debate
7.   Periodista Digital
8.   Negocios TV
9.   The Objective

Baños stated that he received this information confidentially but felt it was his duty to make it public. “I needed to say it. They handed it to me very confidentially, but I owed it to you,” he said.

Context of the Censorship

The Spanish government, led by Pedro Sánchez, is targeting these media outlets as part of a broader effort to silence conservative voices and anyone who challenges the government’s agenda. Sánchez falsely claims to be combating ‘fake news’ in the media, using the term to dismiss any viewpoints other than his own. Thankfully, his troubling actions are widely seen as an attempt to crush opposition and control the narrative, allowing the government to act without scrutiny or dissent.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:00   I forgot to give you the list they handed to me about the media that they are going to censor.
00:05   This list is very confidential, but you know that I owe it to you, and I need to comment on this.
00:10   The first one: Distrito Television,
00:13   what is called EDA Television, that means “State of Army” Television.
00:19   El Toro Television, La Gaceta de los negocios,
00:23   Radio interecomia, El Debate,
00:26   Periodista Digital, Negocios television,
00:29   and The Objective. This is the list of the media that they handed to me.
00:32   Which are getting ready to be censored, or they are getting ready to censor them, first of all.
00:38   I needed to say that. I needed to speak. I’m telling you, they handed it to me very confidentially,
00:42   but I owe it to you, and I needed to tell you.
00:46   I apologize for not telling you earlier, but I needed to tell you.
00:49   Just that, dear friends. So, see you later and I remind you:
00:53   tomorrow we will talk…

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