Cranking up the Runabout

I’ll be leaving shortly on a little road trip, and will be away for a couple of days.

This is a “planned outage”, not like what happened last weekend, when the stinkin’ phone company forced me to endure three days of idleness.

Mind you, I plan to be fairly idle during my time away, but it’s a planned, structured idleness. Relaxing for a little while, away from all the horror in the news. The weather looks like it’s going to be pretty crappy, but I plan to have a good time anyway.

There will be no news feed until after I get back.

Wish me happy motoring!

8 thoughts on “Cranking up the Runabout

  1. I love “planned, structured idleness”. Like a “working vacation”?

    I also love to see the Duesenberg again. I don’t even drive (not much need in London), but this is a thing of beauty.

  2. “May you enjoy your short holiday to the fullest! I am waiting to hear amazing stories when you are back. Take care and stay safe!”
    Have the happiest journey ever!”

  3. Given your tireless effort over the years to make certain truths known, you deserve, at the least, a month on a tropical island in the company of dusky maidens and an unlimited supply of Dom Pérignon.

    • Ah, the dusky maidens! Actually, I prefer the lily-white maidens with just a bit of sunburn.

  4. Safe travels! Now add women and songs. Wine is omitted to ensure that safe travel.

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