The Seehofer-Salvini Summit

As a follow-up to the video from earlier tonight, the following clip reports on discussions between the interior ministers of Italy and Germany, respectively Matteo Salvini and Horst Seehofer.

Messrs. Salvini and Seehofer “agree on most of [their] aims, especially on an effort to control the outer border of Europe”, but what they do not agree on is the disposition of the million+ migrants who have accumulated like storm debris in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, and points north. Northern Europe would send the wretched refuse back to Italy, whence it registered and came, but Mr. Salvini is having none of that.

Neither minister will let such differences get in the way of a good photo-op, however.

Many thanks to Egri Nök for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:00   German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer and his Italian counterpart Matteo Salvini
00:05   want to cooperate more closely on the topic of migration and refugees,
00:09   according to Seehofer after talking with Salvini in Innsbruck:
00:13   We agree on most of our aims, especially on an effort to control the outer border of Europe
00:23   more vigorously, and more effectively in the future, and to reduce migration.
00:29   The talks also discussed sea rescue in the Mediterranean.
00:33   In recent weeks Italy had repeatedly closed its harbors
00:37   to the ships of rescue organizations that had rescued migrants.
00:41   Salvini accuses the rescuers of supporting human trafficking.
00:44   The rescue organizations deny that.

2 thoughts on “The Seehofer-Salvini Summit

  1. Sounds like they really are going to have to return those people to their country of origin. And if they won’t admit to where they come from, ask any of the other African nations who are taking their own back, if they mind a few extra. European countries could even offer to pay a processing and transportation fee to the willing African nations.

    • Re. Italy taking migrants back – Germany’s request to Salvini at this point concerns about 2 or 3 people per day. They are not asking to take back everyone who came via Italy, not even those who registered in Italy. Only those who already claimed asylum in Italy and still come to Germany – about 2 or 3 people per day.

      It doesn’t affect the hundreds that come to Germany each single day unregistered.

      I can’t help but suspect that the attention that is given to a total of 5 people per day, is the ministers putting up a bit of a show for their voters at home. Or maybe they are trying to win time, or both, probably.

      What this will come down to in the end is the question on how, technically, to turn away those boats. I suspect that is what they might be discussing behind closed doors, while they are putting up a show for the voters and the press.

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